Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

988 Chapter 52 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

988 Chapter 52 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
"I'm not doing enough? Why do you have to..."


Must be something.

Before she had time to ask, she was dragged into the sea of ​​desire together.


Lian Jue moved his body.

Immediately, the whole body was surrounded by an indescribable pain.

It was like being thrown into some kind of meat grinder and crushed alive.

She reluctantly raised her hand, and just sat up slightly, her legs seemed to be torn, and immediately felt an unspeakable pain.

She lowered her head, and the quilt slid down, revealing large patches of freckles.


"you're awake."

An exceptionally handsome and tall figure walked in, tall and tall, holding a soup bowl in his hand.

He sat by the bed, put the bowl on the coffee table, and put his hand on her forehead for a while, as if to confirm that she didn't have a fever, "Are you still tired?"

Lian Jue: "..."

Some messy fragments came before his eyes, and no matter how thick-skinned Lian Jue was, it was difficult to see him at this moment.

Even though that handsome face seemed to have been filtered under the sun, it was extraordinarily sunny and handsome.

"I'm going to wash up." The girl's tone was a little unnatural.

Qi Ran said softly, "Okay."

What's the matter, you should turn your head, or I'll change into a ghostly dress.

Lian Jue directly covered his head with the quilt.

Quickly picked up the messy pajamas on the floor and put them on before the girl took off the quilt from the man's head.

Originally, he wanted to disappear quickly by stepping on his slippers, but his wish failed. Lian Jue, who had just got off the bed, felt a sharp pain somewhere, and almost knelt down on the spot.

But Lian Jue stopped firmly.

The gold master is not even as strong as his little lover?Getting run over in bed?
How could this situation be allowed to happen!
She will never allow it!
So Lian Jue straightened his waist, stretched his waist seemingly very casually, and then walked into the bathroom calmly and calmly.

A line of sight behind her has been quietly locking her, quiet and focused.

After closing the bathroom door with a bang, the girl finally slid down slowly along the door panel.

She looked at the two bright dark circles hanging on the fair cheeks in the mirror, pinched her own face, and was speechless.

How long did you do last night...

Why do I feel like I've been run over by a big truck all over my body?
But tired is very tired, but I don't feel sticky or greasy.

It seems that he should have cleaned her.

This thought flashed through his mind, and Lian Jue's expression suddenly became even more whiny.

Staring tearfully at the sleep-deprived girl in the mirror, I almost cried like a dog in my heart.

Sure enough, it was a mistake to get drunk!

The point is that this is different from what she thought.

According to her idea, the sponsor must be absolutely domineering and tyrannical about raising a little lover's first night or something, and the control is all in her own hands. One will make the other party slow and the other will make the other party faster. The other party get out...

But last night, she directly broke the piece, and the control is definitely not in her hands, that is, the other party did whatever she wanted.

And even if she woke up and knew what happened, she didn't know anything about the situation at that time.

He was supposed to eat up and wipe out others, but now he is eaten up and wiped out.

Lian Jue had an mmp in his heart.

After washing, the girl went out dejectedly, and Qi Ran brought the bowl of soup, "Sister, have a bowl of soup first."

He didn't know whether it was intentional or not, he blew gently, "You were too tired last night."


"It's okay, I'm not tired." The girl said against her will.

(End of this chapter)

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