Chapter 423 The Blackened Yeming Emperor
"Where are people?" A group of men in black gathered in the small forest, and the leader of the men in black questioned the group of men in black in a gloomy voice.

"Let her run away..." A man in black boldly stood up and said, the next moment, his head fell to the ground, his eyes were still wide open.

The leader of the men in black didn't even look at the corpse lying in a pool of blood, and roared angrily at the other men in black, "You can't even keep up with a teenage girl, what use are you?!"

"'s because her footwork is too weird. We...we didn't catch up a few steps before she disappeared."

"Excuse! You all go down to receive the punishment!"


"Don't hurry up!"

Immediately, their figures scattered around, each doing what it wanted to do.

In the small forest, only the figure of the leader remained, and after a while, he rushed out of the forest alone.


Just a few seconds after leaving the forest, he died unexpectedly.

In the pitch black night, a snow-white figure, like a nocturnal Meihu, walked towards his corpse gracefully and gracefully, with a rather disappointed tone, "I waited for a long time, and only you came out." one."

Leng Xixue thought that there would be a big fight tonight, after all, she hasn't relaxed for a long time.

But she will not continue to waste time on this, with lotuses growing under her feet, and the ghostly figure walks tens of meters away in an instant.

But in the Lengxue Pavilion, it is not so flat, there are bursts of low air pressure emitting from it.

The longer the time passed, the faster the cold air in Lengxue Pavilion would dissipate, just because of one person.

Emperor Ye Ming was sitting in Leng Xixue's room, with a large table of sumptuous dinner prepared on the table, but the person he wanted to wait for had not returned.

He has his own low air pressure, so that the delicacies closest to him are now frozen food, and the leaves of the tall and straight trees outside are condensing layers of ice.

Feng Lingqin shivered as she hugged the pillar outside the door.

Boom~Master, why don't you come back!We can't take it anymore!
If I had known it earlier, it would have brought the ice apparition fish along with me, at least... the ice apparition fish can resist the cold!

"It's already dark, where is your master?" Emperor Ye Ming's gaze could shoot Feng Lingqin's small body into a sieve in minutes.

Upon hearing these words, Feng Lingqin instantly petrified and shattered in place.

Don't ask me don't ask me, I don't know anything!
Just as Leng Xixue entered the gate of Lengxue Pavilion like a gust of wind, Qing Wuya, who kept wandering inside the gate, seemed to see a life-saving straw, and rushed up immediately, blocking her way.

"Miss Xue, you are back! The Devil Emperor..."

"What's wrong with Emperor Ye Ming?" Leng Xixue was puzzled, it was only at this moment that she realized when the temperature had dropped, and even she, who was not afraid of the cold, felt a bit of coldness.

The moment she spoke, Ye Mingdi, who was sitting in her room, moved his ears slightly, and in the next second, his figure disappeared in place.

Feng Lingqin, who secretly looked at Emperor Yeming's situation with her small eyes, did not see him at a glance.


What about people?

Qing Wuya had a bitter face and said nothing, the Devil Emperor almost ate them all, can he say it?

"Xue'er, where did you go to play?" Emperor Ye Ming appeared, dressed in a black robe, surrounded by black mist.

His voice makes people live in eighteen layers of hell and experience all kinds of pain and torture.

(End of this chapter)

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