Xueba counterattack, super sweet!

Chapter 767 Self-knowledge is absolutely impossible

Chapter 767 Self-knowledge is absolutely impossible

Hearing this, Li Yanxiao's complexion became even more serious, and he said bluntly: "You married me to let the Bo Group gain a firm foothold in the imperial capital?"

"Of course not, how could you have such an idea?" Bo Xiyao felt guilty and quickly denied it.

Li Yanxiao twitched his lips, "It couldn't be better, I just think so because I don't work in the Bo Group, and I don't have shares in the Bo Group. Although I want to be engaged to you, an engagement is an engagement. Business It's business, and I would never associate my private life with business."

"I understand. That's what I asked. If you don't want to go, you don't have to. Such a big reaction will really scare me." Bao Xiyao said softly.

Li Yanxiao continued to say unceremoniously: "Some things should be clarified earlier, it is good that the Bo Group can develop well, but if it does not adapt to the domestic market and cannot gain a foothold in the imperial capital, don't expect the ES Group to support it. I'll help you clean up the mess. You have self-knowledge, and how capable you are of doing great things."

After finishing speaking, Li Yanxiao suddenly closed his eyes, so that Bo Xiyao could not speak a word.

Bo Xiyao had a lot of words in her throat, but she didn't have a chance to say them.

Not long after the car drove out of the hospital, Li Yanxiao didn't open his eyes, he just opened his mouth and said indifferently, "I'm going to ES Group to deal with business, whether you're going to Genting Huafu or Bo Group, you won't be on the way, so, Get out of the car."

After finishing speaking, he said to Zhang Chen who was driving: "Uncle Zhang, stop the car."

Zhang Chen didn't like Bo Xiyao, so he naturally found the right time to pull over the car.

Bo Xiyao bit her lower lip, as long as she reluctantly opened the door and got out of the car.

Li Yanxiao stretched out his long arms and closed the car door heavily.

The loud noise echoed in his ears, embarrassing Bo Xiyao, the fake smile on his face was almost unstoppable.

Zhang Chen let go of the handbrake, let go of the clutch, started the car, and the black Bentley drove away.

"go to company?"

Zhang Chen asked again.

After driving Li Yanxiao for these years, Zhang Chen thinks he knows a little bit about him.

He doesn't look like he is going to the company to handle official business now. He is probably going to see his wife. If he sees the truth, Zhang Chen deliberately asked Li Yanxiao, wanting to hear him say it himself.

"Knowingly asking."

Li Yanxiao didn't even lift his eyelids, and Bo Xiyao rolled out of the car, and his complexion is much better now.

Zhang Chen didn't understand, since he hated Bo Xiyao so much, why did he want to get engaged to her?

"Sir, don't blame me for talking too much. With your identity and status, since you don't like Miss Bo, why are you engaged to her?"

"It's impossible to get engaged to her, not even in this lifetime." Li Yanxiao curled his lips, and there was a hint of joy in his voice.

The happier Bo Xiyao is now, the more disappointed and the greater the blow.

Smart is mistaken by smart.

Playing tricks, that's what he disdains now.

The Bo family wanted to die, and he didn't mind giving them a ride.

Zhang Chen drove to Repulse Bay.

The car was parked just downstairs of the building where Jiang Qin was. Li Yanxiao sat in the car and didn't get out of the car immediately to look for Jiang Qin.

Zhang Chen sat in the driver's seat and glanced at him from the rearview mirror from time to time.

"Sir, why don't you go up?"

Li Yanxiao said: "The news of the engagement has been spreading all over the place, what are you doing up there, listening to her congratulate me, are you mad at me?"

(End of this chapter)

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