Chapter 279
Yang Churuo was startled, but he didn't expect that Gong Yuxiu would ask this question. Seeing that her expression didn't look like a joke, Yang Churuo said a little funny, "How is it possible, I am the emperor's woman, and I will only be the emperor's man in my life. , Where did you think of it? The reason why I treat him well is because there is a feeling of deja vu in him, which makes me want to get close to him. "

Gong Yuxiu let out a long breath of foul air.

That's it, that's good, she thought that Sister Su fell in love with him.

Gong Yuxiu suddenly became enlightened, and her smile increased a bit, and then she noticed, "Hey, where is the emperor, didn't he come back with you just now?"

"As soon as I came back, I went to court." Yang Churuo said lightly.

"Oh... I haven't seen Sister Qiao for a long time. I wonder how she is doing now?" Gong Yuxiu shook her neck and sat on the side by herself. Yes, still Bai Yang's handsome figure.

"The imperial decree has arrived..." The eunuch's elongated announcement came from a distance.

Gong Yuxiu threw down the grapes, took Yang Churuo's little hand, and said happily, "Sister Su, the emperor loves you so much outside the palace, this imperial decree must be rewarding you, maybe you can seal it like Sister Qiao, What a beauty."

Yang Churuo frowned.

She also couldn't figure out what the content of this edict was.When Chu Yuchen dragged her back to the palace, his face seemed extremely ugly, probably nothing good happened.

All she knew was that the emperor was assassinated when he was out of the palace. This matter was spread all over the palace and outside the palace. Let's find fault.

Gong Yuxiu pulled Yang Churuo to kneel down, and Hong Ling and all the servants behind him knelt down on the ground, waiting quietly for the edict to come.

Gong Yuxiu saw the happy face of the person proclaiming the decree, and further confirmed her guess. She tugged on Yang Churuo's sleeve and said frightenedly, "Look, this decree is definitely an imperial decree to promote the imperial concubine. Sister Su, you sent it. Everyone in the harem will envy you to death, and if you become the most favored in the sixth palace in the future, don't forget to promote your younger sister."

Gong Yuxiu was grinning, she was very happy and happy for Yang Churuo, but when she heard the imperial decree, she was stunned, dumbfounded, stunned, startled, and her smile froze...

"By God's blessing, the emperor said, Gong Ronghua is a straightforward and straightforward person. During the period when he was out of the palace, he served thoughtfully. I am very happy. I am very humble and promoted to be a palace beauty. I bestow Yuehua Palace with an imperial decree."

Beauty...Beauty...Gong...Gong Ronghua...

That... isn't that her?

"Gongmeiren, congratulations, the emperor really dotes on you, not only took you out of the palace, but also promoted you several levels once you came back, which shows how much the emperor loves you."

Gong Yuxiu raised her head in astonishment, she couldn't hear the flattering words that her father-in-law said, she pointed at the imperial decree, she couldn't believe it, "Elder-in-law, did you read it wrong, you are promoting Su Guiren to Sumerian?"

The father-in-law was taken aback, thinking that Gong Yuxiu was talking ironically, and grinning flatteringly, "No, no, it's about improving the appearance of the palace and becoming the beauty of the palace. Congratulations to the beauty of the palace."

Gong Yuxiu shook her head, still unable to believe it, and said in a low voice, "Elder-in-law, please stop making trouble, this joke is not funny at all."

"The slave is not making trouble. That's what it says in the imperial decree. If you don't believe me, you can see for yourself." The father-in-law originally wanted to get a few words of praise from Gong Meiren so that he could remember him and support him in the future. It doesn't mean that.

Gong Yuxiu snatched the imperial decree suddenly, looked up and down, left and right, but no matter how she looked, there was no word Su.It has her name.

(End of this chapter)

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