Chapter 457

"Then, why didn't Xiao Qi bring the old man home directly?" If Xiao Qi could really get along with the old man, she wouldn't mind having one more person living in.Anyway, the current courtyard is very big, she hopes that there will be more people, and people will be popular.

Wang Feng said: "Actually, the young master also told him to let him live at home, but the old gentleman was quite strange. He said that he only liked living in the ruined temple, and he didn't like other places. So he didn't want to live with him. The young master is back."

"Oh?" Now Lin Wan'er was even more curious about the old man. Was there anything in the ruined temple that attracted him?Would you rather live in a ruined temple than come to their house?This person is really strange.

Lin Wan'er didn't ask any more questions, but asked Wang Feng to take a hot bath quickly so as not to catch a cold.

After Wang Feng left, Lin Wan'er said to Yueying: "Yueying, let's go to that ruined temple whenever we have free time. I really want to see what kind of person that old gentleman is."

Because they were waiting for Xiaoqi, everyone hadn't eaten yet.When it was finally time to eat, it was already very late.

The rain outside has finally lightened a lot, and the wind has almost stopped.

"The rain is so strong that I never expected it to rain." Xiao Qi said while eating.

Lin Wan'er picked up a chicken leg for him, "You still said it, but it scared me, and I was afraid that something would happen to you outside."

Xiao Qi chuckled twice, and kindly picked up a piece of pork ribs for Lin Wan'er, "Sister, don't worry, I've grown up, and besides, I still have time, what can happen outside, right?"

Lin Wan'er glared at him, but in the end she just sighed and didn't say anything else.

The rain lasted for a long time, and it was still falling until the next day, and it gradually started to get heavier again.

The rain this summer wasn't too much, but it wasn't too little, but it was already autumn, but there was such a heavy rain, no matter how I looked at it, I felt that there was a weird atmosphere.

Lin Wan'er was inexplicably worried, for fear that the rain would stop falling.

As the saying goes, good spirits don't work bad spirits, and they really don't stop.

For two full days and two nights, the rain has been falling.

Many roads in the capital were flooded, and some low-lying houses also entered the water, and it seemed that they were about to explode.

Fortunately, Lin Wan'er had the foresight and asked her mother-in-law to go out and buy a lot of ingredients on the second day of the rain, otherwise there would be no vegetable sellers outside right now, and they might not even have food to eat.

Today was originally the day when Wulang and Liulang were going to Mr. Lin's place, but because of the bad weather, Lin Wan'er asked someone to tell her that today would not be over.

Goro looked at the weather outside and frowned, "Why do I think it's going to be a flood?"

"Huh?" Lin Wan'er was also a little anxious after hearing Wulang's words, "Really? I think it looks like this. The rain doesn't mean to stop now. I'm afraid it will last for several days. I heard that several families in the morning The house is flooded, if it goes down again, it will be flooded."

Lin Wan'er's side is relatively high, so it's not easy to be flooded, but if it rains for a few more days, their place may not be spared either.

Sure enough, by the evening of the third day, Lin Wan'er's yard was flooded with water, and the water had already reached her ankles.

It seems that this is really going to flood.

(End of this chapter)

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