Plane of Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 260 Let's Surrender

Chapter 260 Let's Surrender


A shell exploded in the distance, shaking the windows of the room trembling.

The faces of everyone in the room were very ugly.

Yelu Longyun, Prime Minister of Zuo, Xiao Yilu, the general who commanded the defense of China and Beijing, and a group of civil servants and military generals all gathered here, and the atmosphere in the room was very depressing.

At this time, someone suddenly said: "Da Xiangguo, seven days have passed, Zhao Jun bombed every day, and now they have made this kind of super-large catapult that can hit the inner city, bombarding it day and night, there are always casualties in the city. A few days later, a few shells landed in the imperial city, and now people in the city are panicking, and the moat outside the city has been filled with more than 30 meters of soil, and it is about to reach the city gate, so what should we do?"

Everyone looked at Yelu Longyun, Prime Minister Zuo.

Yelu Longyun's face, which was originally thin, now has a pointed chin, and his head is slightly lowered as if he is thinking about something.

After a while, Yelu Longyun said in a deep voice, "What are your plans?"

Seeing Prime Minister Zuo speak, someone boldly said at this time: "The city will definitely not be defended, why don't we abandon the city and run away."

Someone retorted: "Zhao Jun is surrounded on all sides, how can we escape, do you think we can get out with the help of our hands?"

"That's better than sitting still and waiting for death." The man retorted.

The atmosphere fell silent again.

In fact, many people have thought of a word in their hearts, but no one dares to say it easily.

At this time, a guy finally couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Major Xiangguo, why don't we surrender, we can make demands with Qin Guan, but we can't be killed."

All eyes turned to the guy who spoke. It turned out to be Hu Jie, the deputy minister of the Privy Council, a senior member of the second rank.

Facing the eyes of everyone looking over, Hu Jie was not at all afraid, and said loudly: "What are you looking at me for, don't say you haven't thought about this issue, you all know that staying is waiting to die, now there are only two ways, or rush out Flee to the grasslands, or surrender."

"But can we kill it? Even if we kill it, there are no supplies, no tents, no food. There are so many of us living and eating. The grassland is covered by heavy snow outside. We can only freeze to death."

"As for the rest, there is only surrender."

Who here is not a human being, how could he not know this truth, even if he breaks out of the encirclement, he will die.

At this time someone said: "I'm afraid those people in the imperial city disagree."

"Your Majesty took away Empress Xiao and a few other princes, and now there are only some unfavorable princes, princesses and concubines left in the imperial city, so what if you don't agree, can you let the 10,000+ people in the city die with you? "Someone replied angrily.

At the end of the discussion, people all turned their attention to Yelu Longyun, Prime Minister Zuo.

Yelu Longyun closed his eyes at this moment, and moved his cheeks from time to time. This decision was also very difficult for him.

Surrendering will bring infamy, and this responsibility must be borne by the highest position. If he does not surrender, Zhao Jun will be able to break through the city gate in four or five days at most. What will happen to them at that time? What if the army enters the city and does not let them go.

The room is very quiet, you can hear the smell of falling needles, and even the breathing of people is kept to a minimum.


A violent explosion sounded not far away, and there were even exclamations from many people.

Someone in the room screamed in fright.

Yelu Longyun sighed in his heart.

That's it, that's it.

Now all the officials in power in Zhongjing City are here, and each of them still has a little bit of confidence. They came here today to force themselves to make a decision.

"Write a letter of surrender and send it to Qin Guan."

After Yelu Longyun finished speaking, he stood up, hunched over and went back to the back room.

Qin Guan was standing in front of a huge trebuchet, looking at the busy soldiers. This huge guy was more than 20 meters high. It was what the craftsman called a "cloud cannon cart". It could fire a 2000-kilogram shell at a time. It can shoot more than [-] meters.

Only two were built in five days, and Qin Guan let them start firing, firing shells into the city non-stop. If anyone was unlucky, if a shell was dropped, their house would be gone.

This bombing put a lot of pressure on Zhongjing City.

No one knows when a cannonball will fall, and the lives of the family will be gone.

The filling work has been done well. It has advanced more than 30 meters, and the passage can be opened in a dozen meters. When the time comes, push the cart to go there. Qin Guan believes that the city gate can be blown open in one or two rounds at most.

However, the Liao prisoners who filled the soil also died and injured a lot, and more than 2 people died in seven days.

"The cloud cannon car is ready."


The thick arm of the Yunpao Chariot swung and threw a huge cannonball out at such a high speed that it turned into a small black spot and fell into the city.


In the distance, an explosion could be heard, followed by a puff of black smoke.

Qin watched with emotion.

At this moment, a fast horse galloped towards this side, and was stopped by the surrounding guards before he could enter. The knight was brought over and bowed to Qin Guan: "Li Mutou, the head of the forward battalion, has seen Commander, Commander, a letter was just dropped from the head of Zhongjing, and they shouted that it was for you, and they wanted you to read it yourself."

Qin nodded his head. A personal guard took the letter and slowly opened it. He didn't read the contents of the letter, but checked it inside and out, and found that there was nothing wrong with it. Then he took the letter in his hand and handed it to Qin. Watching, eyes still looking aside.

There were many ways to murder generals in ancient times, some of which could be described as strange and strange, such as smearing poison on letters, Qin Guan also had to guard against it.

Qin was taken aback when he saw the content of the letter, and then a smile appeared on his face.

This turned out to be a surrender letter.

The letter of surrender stated that Zhongjing City was willing to open the city and surrender, and hoped that Qin Guan would not go on a killing spree, and try to ensure that the interests and personnel of each family would not be lost. India, it should not be fake.

Qin Guan immediately called his own people to discuss. Han Yuqing, Xiong Daxiong Er, Xue Mu, Pan Liang, Li Xuan and others all read the letter of surrender.

Qin Guan asked, "What do you think?"

Xiong Er said: "Young master, the Liao people don't know how to cheat."

Pan Liang said: "We are not afraid of cheating. We can put forward conditions. If they can do it, they will surrender. If they can't, they will be cheating. When the time comes, when the city gate is broken, they will be killed."

At this time, Han Yuqing said: "Master, if the Liao people are willing to surrender, it will save a lot of trouble, but we must also prevent them from cheating. I don't think it is worse than this. Let them stop all attacks, open the city gate, and demand Take down the city gate, and all the officials and soldiers come out to accept the surrender, I don't believe they can play any tricks."

Everyone thinks it works.

Qin Guan immediately ordered: "Reply to Zhongjing and say that I agree with their surrender, but there are a few conditions that they must fulfill."

(End of this chapter)

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