Chapter 262
"The left minister of the Liao Kingdom, Yelu Longyun, has met Lord Qin."

Although Yelu Longyun came to surrender, he was not overly humble, and just said a very ordinary sentence.

Qin Guan immediately bowed his hands and returned the salute.

Qin Guan said with a smile: "I have long heard that Yelu Longyun is a prime minister of a generation. He has been in power for fifteen years and is the most powerful right-hand man of the Liao Emperor. It is really lucky to see him today."

Qin Guan did not show the arrogance of the winner, but greeted him peacefully, like an old friend.

In fact, it is just a procedure now, it has been discussed in the letter, Qin Guan immediately ordered the army to enter the city, only then did he know that the princes on the other side of the imperial city did not choose to surrender, but closed the imperial city and locked themselves inside.

Qin Guan immediately ordered Xiong Da to attack the imperial city.

Although the imperial city is not small, it is only an inner city wall after all, and its defense will not be stronger than that of Zhongjing City. It only took one round of attack to break through the city gate. After the North Route Army entered the city gate, they encountered fierce resistance, but Under the suppression of the army, it quickly subsided.

Yelu Longyun led a group of ministers and witnessed this short but fierce siege battle. Qin Guan glanced at those pale-faced Liao ministers, with a smile on his lips, just taking this opportunity to shock them.

Xiong Da came to report: "Marshal, a total of more than 78 enemies were wiped out, [-] princes, princesses, and concubines of the Liao Emperor were captured, and nearly [-] guards, maids, and eunuchs were captured."

"What's our loss?" Qin Guan asked.

"Our side has 32 casualties." Xiong said.

Qin Guan's face darkened, his tone became cold, and he said: "I said before that after entering the city, one soldier of my North Route Army was killed or injured, and I will take a hundred Liao people to be buried with him."

Qin Guan ordered Xiong Da: "All the princes who participated in this battle, kill, and the soldiers who participated in this battle, kill, all eunuchs in the palace, kill, if the number is less than 3000 or two hundred, they will be selected in Zhongjing City."

Qin Guan's words blew through the hearts of those Liao officials like a cold wind, and everyone was terrified.

It turned out that Qin Guan, who had a calm tone and a gentle smile on his face just now, was just his appearance, and now he suddenly showed his fangs, which is really frightening.

At this moment, a group of Northern Route Army soldiers came out from the imperial city, and people found that among these people were the two adult sons of Liao Emperor Yelu Hongji. Yelu Longyun's expression changed, and he hurried forward and said : "Lord Qin, these are His Majesty's princes, please forgive them."

Qin Guan said with a cold face: "I, Qin Guan, must do what I say. If I say one person can change a hundred people, I must do it. What's more, they are the people in charge, and it is impossible to let them go."

At this moment, a person in the team suddenly rushed towards Qin Guan, and was held down by soldiers from the North Route Army just after running two steps. With hatred eyes, he shouted loudly: "I know you are that Qin Guan, if you dare to kill us, my father will not let you go, he will come back with an army in a few days, and crush you, crush you. "

"Who is he?" Qin Guan asked.

"He is the sixth prince." Yelu Longyun replied.

Qin Guan smiled faintly at the sixth prince and said, "Even if I don't kill you, the Emperor of Liao Kingdom still hates me to the bone. He probably wants to crush me even more than you do. Hehe, it's a pity that he ran away with his Imperial Forest Army. But I have occupied the capital of Daliao."

On the square in front of the imperial city, two princes who organized the resistance were hanged, all the guards and eunuchs of the imperial city were beheaded, and more than 2000 Liao soldiers were selected by lottery.

For a moment, the entire Zhongjing City was filled with the smell of blood.

Seeing this scene, many people will have a chill in their hearts.

Qin Guan doesn't kill people for no reason, but he never rejects killing. Occupying Zhongjing City, he really needs this killing to deter everyone, so that they won't have any messy thoughts and avoid future troubles.

As for the remaining concubines, princes, and princesses of the Liao Emperor, they were all imprisoned in a separate courtyard in the imperial city.

Qin Guan walked into this imperial city with a style very different from that of the Central Plains, looking at the surrounding buildings and scenery, sculptures and those shrewd murals, who said that the Liao Kingdom has no culture, some of their buildings and murals can also be described as exquisite describe.

"Hello, Commander." A few North Route Army soldiers at the door stood upright and said hello.

"En." Qin Guan nodded to them.

Every time he walked through a door, there were soldiers from the North Route Army guarding him. After seeing Qin Guan, he stood up straight and saluted, and looked at Qin Guan with incomparable reverence.

Following this General Qin, they actually reached the capital of the Liao Kingdom and captured the Liao Kingdom's imperial palace. This was something no one could have imagined when they set out.

Although they were just ordinary soldiers in the North Route Army, they couldn't contain their pride from the bottom of their hearts.

Each of them worships Qin Guan, the deepest worship.

Under Xiong Da's guidance, Qin Guan came to a place. Xiong Da pointed to two large bronze doors and said, "Young master, this is the royal treasury of the Liao Kingdom."

Qin Guan smiled.

The royal treasury, I don't know what good things are there.

The bronze door opened, and Qin Guan walked in. After seeing it, Qin Guan only had one comment, and that was "vulgar".

"It's all precious stones, gold and silver, etc. It's really vulgar, but I like it, hahaha."

Qin Guan stood in the treasure house and laughed loudly.

There are a few boxes of gemstones here, which are directly put into the space, there is a shelf of jade wares, and even the wooden shelves are put into the space directly, and the gold cakes are all packed in leather bags. Qin Guan just picked some of his favorite income spaces, because his space was almost full again.

After leaving the treasury, Qin Guan ordered Xiong Da: "Send someone to pack all the treasures in the treasury, as well as the valuable things in the palace, and transport them to Yuzhou City."

Xiong laughed loudly and said, "I see, young master, I will search very cleanly."

Qin Guan ordered that all the residents of Zhongjing City move to the east of the city, including those nobles and official families, and set up a separation zone to facilitate management.

In the evening, each family will bring the property that needs to be handed over in a cart. Xiong Da reported that there are a total of 120 ox carts for these goods.

Including the belongings of the palace, there are a total of 220 ox carts.

Qin Guan ordered them to send them to Yuzhou City overnight.

It can be said that this time, Qin Guan searched the entire capital of the Liao Kingdom for property, not less than hundreds of millions of coins.

As night fell, the entire Zhongjing City fell into dead silence. Without the sound of explosions in the past few days, those Liao people were even more frightened, not knowing what would happen next.

And the news that Zhongjing City was breached, and Yelu Longyun, Prime Minister of Zuo, brought all the officials to surrender the city, had already reached the ears of Emperor Yelu Hongji of Liao Kingdom in Shangjing.

(End of this chapter)

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