Plane of Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 53 The Elf-Like Girl

Chapter 53 The Elf-Like Girl

Qin Guan now also knows that Tian Huangshi is highly sought after and is of high value, so Qin Guan was not too surprised when Master Wu said so.

"Master Wu, you should tell me the prices of these two pieces of Tian Huangshi." Qin Guan said.

Master Wu hurriedly said: "Okay, the price of Tianhuang stone is relatively transparent now. I estimate the price of your slightly smaller Tianhuang steatite at 2400 million Hong Kong dollars."

"As for this large silver-covered gold piece, although the unit price per gram is slightly lower, due to its large size, I estimate its value at 3500 million."

Hearing this price, Qin Guan's heart was also pounding.

This is only the reserve price, and the auction price will definitely be higher.

He really didn't expect that the most inconspicuous pieces of Tianhuang stones were taken from Zhou Taixiang on a whim, without spending a penny, and they turned out to be the most valuable among the batch of jewels and jades he brought back.

Qin Guan immediately made up his mind that when he returned to the ancient plane, he must send people to Shoushan Mountain, search there first, and get all the Tian Huangshi that could be bought.

Manager Zhang took out a contract with a smile and said to Qin Guan: "Mr. Qin, this is the contract text of our auction. If you have no objection, we can set the reserve price according to the appraiser's price, and then we can prepare for the auction later. auction matters."

"These auction items of yours are all high-quality goods. They just happen to participate in the special jade auction next month. We will definitely increase our publicity at that time. I believe that your auction items will definitely fetch a high price."

Qin Guan looked at the contract, it was the fixed auction contract of the auction company, and there was nothing wrong with the others, but Qin Guan pointed to one of them and said: "I am not very satisfied with the commission ratio your company draws, I hope to reduce the commission ratio. "

The commission rate stated in the contract is 10%. Even if calculated based on the base price of Qin Guan's auctions, more than 800 million yuan will be deducted. The auction transaction price will definitely be higher than this, and Qin Guan will have to pay no less than [-] yuan for the commission alone. Ten thousand.

Manager Zhang began to explain patiently to Qin Guan, "Mr. Qin, the 10% commission is the customary price of the auction house. All major auction companies are at this price, and it is not easy to change it."

"You see, you handed the baby to us. We have a lot of work to do. We have to take care of it, insure it, send it to a professional organization for appraisal and evaluation, issue a certificate, and organize publicity. Go to TV stations, the Internet, and magazines. Advertising on the Internet, our auction company has invested a lot."

"Through our publicity operation, your auction will sell for a higher price, but in fact, it is you who will benefit in the end, right?"

Manager Zhang is eloquent, but Qin Guan is unmoved. It's all money.

Qin Guan said, "If you don't lower the commission, then I can only change to another one. I believe that with my treasures, I won't have to worry about finding an auction company willing to take over, such as Sotheby's and Poly."

Manager Zhang didn't want to move Qin Guan, so he had no choice but to say, "Okay, I'll ask my supervisor for instructions."

Not long after, a senior executive came over. After learning about the situation, he continued to persuade Qin Guan, from the scale of Christie's to the brand, and then talked about the performance of previous years. In short, they said that Christie's was the best. Definitely worth the money.

But Qin Guan firmly insisted that if he didn't lower the commission, he would switch to another company because his items were too attractive. The supervisor had no choice but to reduce the commission to 6%. It's their bottom line.

Sign the contract, and the treasure is sent to the treasure house.

Qin Guan left Christie's with a contract. Manager Zhang delivered it to the door in person, handed over his business card respectfully, and said to Qin Guan: "Our jade auction is scheduled to be held on the 18th of next month, and there are 33 days before now. God, at that time, Mr. Qin can rely on the contract in your hand to get a ticket to visit, and witness people scrambling for your treasure, and the feeling of watching the price rise is also very exciting."

Qin Guandao: "If I have time then, I will come."

Qin Guan stayed at the Victoria Hotel. After dinner, when the lights came on, he walked alone on the seaside road of Victoria Bay. He watched the night view of the bay. Ferries passed by from time to time. In the sky, with the gentle waves, it becomes a fine patch of light.

The scene here is so familiar, more than a year ago, he had come to appreciate it, but at that time, there were two people.

He hugged the elf-like girl, and the two leaned on the railing, talking and laughing, pointing to the building opposite, calling out their names one by one.

Qin Guan fell into deep memories, and sadness rose from the bottom of his heart.
In the fine ripples, a girl's figure seemed to rise up, smiling brightly, looking at Qin Guan.

He murmured, "Yatzhu."

The sea breeze blew past, making Qin Guan feel extremely cold.

It turns out that in Hong Kong in November, the sea breeze is so icy cold, especially for a lonely person.

Qin Guan only spent one night in Hong Kong, and returned to Hangzhou the next day. It can be said that he came and went in a hurry.

He will come over on the day of the auction.

As soon as he returned to Hangzhou, Qin Guan received a call from Lin Tiesheng from Inspur Technology, telling him that the batch of books that Qin Guan took a few days ago had all been converted into text and entered into the APP software database.

Qin Guan can go and take those books back at any time.

Driving to Inspur Technology again, Qin Guan took back the box of ancient books and paid another 20 deposit, waiting to see their results in two months.

When he got home, Qin Guan opened the bookcase out of boredom, and took out a book at random. He didn't care what the book was at all, he just flipped through it, the pages of the book rattled, stopped at one page, and suddenly a line of words came into his mind. eye.

"Cang Cangcang, Bailu is frost. The so-called Yiren are on the water side."

The so-called Iraqi people are on the water side.

These words hit the soul directly, making Qin Guan unable to move his eyes away.

Is my Iraqi also on the side of the water, waiting for me?

Qin Guan looked seriously,

"The reeds are green, and the white dew is frost. The so-called Yiren are on the side of the water. If you follow it backwards, the road is long and obstructed. If you follow it backwards, you will be in the middle of the water.

The reeds are luxuriant, and the white dew is not yet clear. .”

'The reeds grow densely by the water, and the white dew turns into frost in late autumn.The person I miss is on the other side of the river.Go upstream to seek it, the road is rough and long.Go down the river to look for it, as if you are in the middle of the water. '

After reading this poem, Qin Guan actually had a feeling of peace and tranquility in his mind, which made his heart that was depressed because of missing Yuzhu these days feel soothed a lot.

At this moment, Qin Guan suddenly became very interested in the classics in his hand. Although he was not knowledgeable, he knew that it was a poem "Jianjia" in the Book of Songs.

Could it be that this is the power of classics?

(End of this chapter)

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