Plane of Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 654 Brother Qing, save me!

Chapter 654 Brother Qing, save me!
It was a pair of clear and bright eyes.

As Jun Wumeng said, these eyes can speak, and the two just looked at each other, but Qin Guan read a lot of information from these eyes.

Surprised, explored, even puzzled.

Only there is no fear and sorrow.

Maybe the woman noticed that Qin Guan was observing her with some magical power, so she looked over.

Qin Guan smiled at her, showing a see-through look, with his hands on his chest, looking like he was waiting for a good show.

At this moment, the woman cast an angry look.

Qin Guan raised his eyebrows.

The woman narrowed her eyes and became even more annoyed.

Others were bidding wildly, but they didn't know that the woman who was being auctioned was making eye contact with a little monk in the corner below the stage, and had a great time.

"Is there any price increase? 800 million spirit stones. Is there any price increase?" The shopkeeper shouted three times in a row, but this time there was no one asking for a price. It is a deal, and Lord Shivinu gets this girl."

This price really broke through the sky, and Wanzhen Pavilion also made a lot of money.

Sivinu glanced around and laughed, the shopkeeper opened the cell door and released the woman, and sent it to Sivinu, "Congratulations to Lord Sivinu for obtaining such a top-quality beauty. If this girl is refined, she will be a The ultimate cauldron."

"Hahaha, of course I know, otherwise I would spend so many spirit stones to buy her." After speaking, she stretched out her black claws, grabbed the woman's arm and dragged her forward. The woman looked terrified and sad.

The flower-picking monk secretly said that it was a pity that there was a delicacy missing, and Jun Wumeng felt sorry for not being able to collect this exquisite flower. Hua Dieyi shook her head helplessly when she thought of the end of this girl.

Qin Guan still watched the woman perform, to see how far she wanted to act.

After walking a few steps, the woman suddenly raised her head, looked in Qin Guan's direction, and then cried out sadly, "Brother Qing, save me!"

The whole scene fell silent.

Shivinu held the woman's figure for a moment, the smile on her face disappeared instantly, and turned her head to look fiercely in the direction the woman pointed.

Everyone else looked in the direction the woman was looking at.

The people in front of Qin Guan were shocked at first, and then coaxed them to hide on both sides, leaving Qin Guan standing alone.

Being stared at by countless people, Qin Guan was taken aback.

what's the situation.

"Brother Qing, I know you come from a decent family. I was afraid that the elders would disagree with you and me, so I left quietly. I ran away in anger and ended up today. Brother Qing, I know I was wrong. Brother Qing, help me." When he said this, he expressed infinite sadness, and the mournful tone was heartbreaking.

People looked at Qin Guan with hostility and contempt in their eyes.

Qin Guan cursed in his heart, damn, is this woman sick? Why are you saying these things to yourself.

The next moment, Qin Guan realized that this woman was playing tricks on him, and with just a few words, he became the target of public criticism.

"Famous and decent people are a group of hypocrites with hypocrisy and hypocrisy. They don't have any good things, and they can't even protect their own women. What are they doing alive?" someone said contemptuously.

"Upright disciples dare to come to Beihai, I think they don't want to live anymore, and those who come can't leave." Moxiu shouted loudly.

"kill him!"

At this time, the treasurer of Wanzhen Pavilion looked at Qin Guan, and said with a smile: "I am a loose immortal, if someone catches a living one, I will buy one million spirit stones from Wanzhen Pavilion."

This time people's emotions are even higher.

Sivinu just spent 800 million yuan, and his pocket was basically empty. When he heard that Qin Guan was caught, he would have 100 million yuan, so he immediately shouted: "Don't rob me of anyone, this kid is mine." Qin Guan rushed forward.

Watching a lively scene can suffer indiscriminate disasters.

Qin Guan is so angry.

A big devil rushed towards him, Qin Guan didn't have time to think about other things, a golden light flashed vertically and flew into the air, Sibinu was very annoyed when he saw that a loose fairy escaped easily under his hands, and chased after him with a loud roar past.

Not only Sivinu, but other evil cultivators and demon cultivators also flew into the sky, faintly surrounding Qin Guan.

"Look at my yin and yang ring."

Shivinu wiped his two ears, took off a pair of earrings and threw them towards Qin Guan. The speed was extremely fast. Qin Guan looked around and felt ruthless. This is a den of magic, and he must be killed. Taiyi Wuyanluo bodyguard, regardless of the two golden rings thrown at him, he threw the fairy rope in his hand, followed by Lei Juejian.

The yin-yang ring is a mid-level immortal artifact, with great power, it becomes bigger and bigger in the air, and when it finally comes to the body, it is like two wheels.

But Qin Guan didn't even think about blocking it, and directly resisted, the Yin-Yang ring slammed hard on Qin Guan, and a yellow light suddenly appeared on Qin Guan's body, blocking all the attacks of the Yin-Yang ring.

But Qin Guan didn't feel well either, he flew upside down for more than ten meters, feeling chest tightness, Qin Guan didn't care about these, he waved his big sleeves and directly put the pair of yin and yang rings into his sleeves.

At the same time, the fairy-binding rope also arrived in front of Sivinu. How could Shivinu see Qin Guan, a loose immortal, and grabbed the golden light with his big hand, but he underestimated the power of the fairy-binding rope, As soon as the fairy rope touched Sivinu, it immediately bound him tightly.

Shivinu was terrified, he activated the defensive magic weapon, a white light lit up on his body, and he was about to break free, but Lei Juejian came in an instant, and chopped off Shivinu's head with one sword.

Shivinu died, everyone was shocked, the changes in the field were too fast, no one could have imagined that a one-kalpa Sanxian would kill a three-kalpa Sanxian in one face-to-face.

In the next second, Shivinu's Nascent Soul came out of his body, and he was in a daze for a while before he understood the situation here, and he was about to run away with a scream.

When other demon cultivators saw Shivinu's Nascent Soul, their eyes shot out greedy. This is the Nascent Soul of the Three Tribulations Loose Immortal.

Countless people chased after Shivinu's Nascent Soul, and the fastest ones were Xiexiu Jun Wumeng and Monk Caihua.

While others were paying attention to Nascent Soul, Qin Guan fired a shot at him and took Sivinu's body away. This guy has a defensive magic weapon and a storage bag, how could Qin Guan let it go.

Just when people were chasing Yuanying, there was a loud bang from the sky, and a purple lightning fell, which happened to hit the flying Yuanying. Between heaven and earth.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Qin Guan, seeing the posture of his sword pointing at the sky, they naturally knew that Qin Guan released this lightning technique.

It was really ruthless, directly destroying Shibinu physically and spiritually.

Xiexiu Jun Wumeng's face darkened, and he said angrily: "Boy, you dare to act wildly in my Demon Sect's territory, and you will not be able to come and go today."

After speaking, the five fire fans with phoenix tails in their hands pointed at Qin Guan, and three fire phoenixes flew out from the fan, and the fire phoenixes became bigger and bigger, and rushed towards Qin Guan.

(End of this chapter)

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