Plane of Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 672 Seven Colored Lotus Lantern

Chapter 672 Colorful Lotus Lantern

In the next few days, Qin Guan obtained two more immortal artifacts, namely an ax and a flying sword, but up to now, Qin Guan has not seen a middle-grade immortal artifact, even if it was damaged.

It seems that I haven't reached the real core position yet.

Suddenly, Qin Guan flew a black shadow in the distance, and when Qin looked over, it disappeared instantly.

Qin Guan frowned and looked around, but found nothing.

Suddenly, he felt a chill behind him again, turned his head to look again, and found another black shadow submerged in the black shadow of evil spirit.

Hmph, pretend to be a ghost, look at my sky.

Qin Guan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked around. At a distance of more than [-] meters in front of the left, Qin Guan finally saw a black shadow. The black shadow visibly froze, and then roared at Qin Guan, his face was full of ferocity.


The black shadow rushed towards Qin Guan, and the evil spirit stirred up around him formed a vortex.

"Lei Jue Sword!"

Qin Guan shot Lei Juejian, but in the next second, Lei Juejian passed through the black shadow, only pierced a hole, but failed to stop him at all. Guan Leng snorted, thinking that I would have no way to deal with you, the next moment, a small black gourd appeared in Qin Guan's hand.

"Give it to me!" Qin Guan ordered.

Immediately, the soul gourd released a strong suction force, covering the black shadow. The black shadow who had been barking its teeth and waving its claws and roaring continuously, suddenly seemed to have encountered something terrible, and a painful expression appeared on its face.

He wanted to escape, but he couldn't break free from the comfort of the spirit gourd.

With a whoosh, the black shadow was absorbed by the spirit gourd, and with a bang, a long banner with a black mantle and black pole fell from mid-air. Qin Guan took a closer look and saw that it was a ghost banner with a magic weapon. Take it away, and let the ghost flag suddenly become a waste product.

But Qin Guan is very happy, because this is a middle-grade magic weapon, yes, it is a middle-grade magic weapon, and this is the first middle-grade fairy weapon that Qin Guan has seen since entering here.

The first one appears, will the second one be far behind?

Summoning Lei Juejian to come over, Qin Guan pointed at the Yinhun Banner and said, "Your snacks are here." Lei Juejian was very excited, and a silver light flashed over him, and the Yinhun Banner disappeared.

"Ding, Lei Juejian devours middle-grade magic weapons, and the growth rate reaches 16.9%."

It's really not easy. In a few years, Dulong found it for himself at Xiexiu's side, and Yu Li found it for himself at the guild. Dao is only upgraded to one-sixth now.

Qin Guan was immediately full of confidence, and continued to stride forward. His goal was to find more magic weapons and raise Lei Juejian to the level of a high-level fairy weapon.

move on.

After searching for another two days, a skeleton skeleton appeared in the field of vision, followed by the second and third. Qin Guan also found abandoned magic weapons and pieces of magic weapons discarded everywhere. Qin Guan's heart moved. Could it be that he found the relic battlefield by himself.

Qin Guan was surprised and delighted.

To his surprise, this place is really a battlefield relic, full of bones and abandoned magic weapons.

Happily, he saw a few middle-grade immortal artifacts just by simply looking over them. He wondered how much he could gain after transferring the relics.

Now Lei Juejian is expected to upgrade.

Just when Qin Guan was about to collect these fairy artifacts, a warning sign suddenly appeared, and he raised his head and looked into the distance. To Qin Guan's surprise, there was a faint light coming from the darkness.

Light, this is so rare for the dark relic space.However, Qin Guan became more vigilant, ready to face possible dangers at any time.

The dim light became brighter and brighter, Qin Guan narrowed his eyes, because he saw a woman, a woman holding a lantern, the woman said white clothes, and walked towards Qin Guan step by step, her steps were not fast. Slow, as if every step is the same distance, the lantern in this woman's hand is in the shape of a golden lotus, and it looks extraordinary at first glance.

The woman stopped 20 meters before Qin Guan, looked at Qin Guan with a pair of red phoenix eyes, and said, "They have been lying here quietly for tens of thousands of years, and this place has become their burial place, please don't disturb them."

She actually spoke, which surprised Qin Guan.

None of the evil spirits Qin Guan had seen in the past could speak. Obviously, the woman in front of him was not simple.

Although this woman just simply stopped there, it made Qin Guan feel that he was definitely not her opponent, but judging by the woman's appearance, she didn't seem to make a move. This was the first time Qin Guan saw her. An evil spirit that does not take the initiative to attack.

Since there is no danger, Qin Guan does not intend to leave now, looking at the woman and asked. "No advice, are you?"

The woman looked at Qin Guan: "My name is Cailian, and I am transformed by this colorful lotus lantern. I warn you again, don't touch their bones at will."

You can't move the bones at will, so can you move other things?

Qin Guan's eyes rolled, and he could only outsmart him if he couldn't beat him.

Qin Guan thought about it, and asked: "Humans pay attention to burrowing into the ground for safety. This fairy, why don't we bury them, which can be regarded as giving them a final destination. How about you?"

The woman thought for a while and said, "I don't know these things. My master is a human being, and you are also a human being. Maybe what you said is right."

Qin Guan was overjoyed, as long as he could talk, he would have a chance.

Just like that, Qin Guanhao and an evil spirit communicated with each other, and finally Cailian agreed to bury them, but there are many evil cultivators here, Qin Guan asked what to do, Cailian said, "They are all enemies of the master, in spite of."

Qin Guan found a flat and open place nearby, made graves one by one, and took stones from afar to carve them into tombstones. It was Cailian who told him that the orthodox monks here were all from the same sect.

Cailian led Qin Guan to a skeleton and said, "This is my master's skeleton, you can put him in the ground for peace."

At this moment, Qin Guan's eyes were looking at the damaged magic weapon on the ground, and there was a flash of light in his eyes. There was a piece of broken golden armor scattered beside him. Qin Guan was sure that this was definitely a middle-grade fairy weapon.

Cailian seemed to know the skeletons of all righteous people here. After Qin Guan took these skeletons to the cemetery, Cailian stood there, motionless, wondering if she was remembering something.

Qin Guan asked: "How to deal with the remaining bones and magic weapons."

Cailian replied: "I don't want those, you can figure it out." Then she ignored Qin Guan.

Qin Guan was ecstatic in his heart, the rest is the treasure, and now it's all his own.

Qin Guan released Lei Juejian directly, and ordered: "There are a lot of edibles in here, I won't give you a handful, you can go eat it yourself."

After hearing Qin Guan's words, Lei Juejian rushed out cheerfully, and was the first to face the broken golden armored artifact, even the fragments that fell on the ground would not be spared.

"Ding, Lei Juejian's growth rate has reached."

(End of this chapter)

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