Plane of Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 682 I Didn't Expect You To Be Such A Qin Guan

Chapter 682 I Didn't Expect You To Be Such A Qin Guan
The space was closed and quiet, as if there was no time to flow. It took an unknown how long before Qin Guan woke up from the meditation, and his injuries had healed.

He opened his eyes and glanced at Bai Qianqian in the distance. She was still recovering from her injuries. This little demon girl's injuries were similar to Qin Guan's, but she didn't have Qin Guan's spiritual liquid, so her recovery was much slower.

After thinking about it, Qin Guan took out a jade bowl and poured a bowl of psychic liquid. The jade bowl flew to Bai Qianqian and landed. Qin Guan said softly, "I have psychic liquid here, which is very good for healing."

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes and checked the earth gourd. The earth gourd was seriously worn out. He was really afraid that the treasure would be seriously damaged.

Bai Qianqian's eyes opened a gap, and she glanced at Qin Guan secretly, but found that Qin Guan hadn't looked over, then looked at the jade bowl in front of her. I want you to be kind, but for you, this girl would have ended up like this."

Bai Qianqian glanced at Qin Guan again, with hatred in her eyes, but she still picked up the jade bowl and drank the spiritual liquid in one gulp.

After entering the spiritual liquid, it turned into spiritual power and began to nourish the body. Bai Qianqian's eyes lit up, it was indeed a good thing, and she immediately adjusted her breath again to recover.

Qin Guan inspected the earth gourd carefully, and found that the earth gourd was not damaged, so he was relieved, but the current situation, it seems that it will not be needed in a short time, and it is estimated that there will be no earth gourd for a year or so. The loss is difficult to recover.

Next, Qin Guan began to think about how to escape from here.

Back to the main world?

Yes, but what about going back, after a year, he will come back here and face this small confined space again.

This place is now like a cage, trapping Qin Guan.

If you want to break free, you can, but you need a lot of strength.

Qin Guan reckoned that at least he must have the strength of an Earth Immortal, and when the earth gourd recovers, he will have a chance to break through the barrier and escape from here.

Although this is just a guess, it has a high probability of success.

Then the next question is to speed up the practice and improve one's cultivation.

But now I only have the cultivation base of the Loose Immortal for the second tribulation, and I have to go through the third tribulation, and the next level is to reach the earth fairyland.

Suddenly, Qin Guan thought of another thing, the extremely powerful force broke the crystal wall, perhaps, the heavenly tribulation can do it, if he crosses the calamity in this space, the sky thunder may be able to smash the crystal wall, when the time comes Can't I escape from birth?

Thinking of this, Qin Guan's mood immediately became much happier.

Qin Guan was in a good mood, and a smile appeared on his face naturally, at this moment a voice sounded, "We are trapped here, are you happy?"

There are only the two of them here, Qin Guan turned his head and glanced at Bai Qianqian with a cold face, and even a little bit of hatred in his big eyes, he felt flirtatious, and said: "Can you be trapped in the house with the saintess of the Hehuan sect?" A place, it is luck to think about it, it will not be too boring."

After finishing speaking, there was a smirk on his face.

Bai Qianqian thought of something bad, she shook her body slightly, but persuaded her softly, "Qin Guan, you are a disciple of a famous sect, so don't do anything that would damage the dignity of the sect."

Yelling, but also preaching to himself.

"Anyway, we're trapped here, and I'm afraid we won't be able to get out for the rest of our lives. No one knows that we are all loose immortals with a long life. We are alone in the same room. Wouldn't it be a waste of life if we don't do something? In a few days, if you make a little doll, it can add some vitality to this lonely place." Qin Guan said solemnly.

Bai Qianqian's complexion changed drastically, her breathing became a little short, she stared at Qin Guan with wide eyes and said, "You, you, I didn't expect you to be such Qin Guan."

"What do you think I am?" Qin Guan said with a smile.


Bai Qianqian was speechless for a while, speaking of it, she was not familiar with Qin Guan, who knew what kind of person he was.

"You can't beat me, and you can't run away. Why don't you obey me obediently, and we can pass some boring days." Qin Guan continued to tease her.

Bai Qianqian stared at Qin Guan with wide eyes, and said: "That day on the island, I acted like a modest gentleman, and then I acted so righteously, it turned out to be a disguise."

"Life is a long journey, and acting skills are indispensable." Qin Guandao.

Bai Qianqian was speechless again.

Usually she is eloquent, but when facing Qin Guan, she often feels frustrated, so she simply closes her eyes, ignores Qin Guan, and acts like a lady who doesn't want to talk to you.

Qin looked at her small appearance, amused in his heart, and said, "You are a monster, how did you become the saint of the Hehuan sect?"

Bai Qianqian ignored you, and even gave you a blank stare.

The eyes are as beautiful as Bai Qianqian, even if you roll your eyes.

"Believe it or not, I'm going there now." Qin Guan said in a low voice.

Bai Qianqian shuddered again, took a deep breath, and said unwillingly, "I was originally a snow fox in the Great Snow Region. After I cultivated to the stage of transformation, my master came to me one day and valued it. My qualifications, asked me if I would like to be her disciple, and took me to the Dao of Longevity. In my eyes, the master is like a mountain, so tall, and it is not easy for the monster race to practice. With such a powerful backer, I naturally agreed. "

"After joining the sect, the master gave me the ancient fairy artifact 'Xuantian Mirror' to cover my breath, so no one knew that I was a monster. My cultivation speed was extremely fast, and it took me only a hundred years to reach the third level. Sanxian, the master made me a saint, and then let me come out to practice by myself."

Qin Guan looked at Bai Qianqian and said, "It's time to pass the love test."

"I know you're still asking." Bai Qianqian gave Qin Guan another look.

"That day you ran to the island to seduce me, did you want me to be your love affair?" Qin Guan asked suddenly.

Bai Qianqian was annoyed on her face, "Whoever seduced you, you are being too affectionate. Besides, I am just going to investigate, and you may not be able to meet my requirements."

Qin Guan shook his head and said: "It's better not to conform to it. It's too miserable to be tortured physically and mentally by the women of your Hehuan sect. Why do you say you want to come up with such a horrific exercise? come."

Bai Qianqian gave Qin Guan a sideways glance, and said in a sneering tone: "I have known since childhood that cultivation is difficult, and it is rare to have a path, and it doesn't matter what kind of righteous path he is."

"It's not like you righteous disciples who enjoy the benefits of the sect, talk about benevolence and morality all day long, but swear by the slogan of killing demons and demons, and massacre our demon clan everywhere, isn't it for magic materials and spirit stones?"


When talking to Bai Qianqian, Qin Guan actually agrees with it. Zhengdao's so-called benevolence, righteousness and morality are also an external packaging, but they are more recognized.

Qin Guan nodded and said: "Since all ages have been selfish, the hypocrisy of the righteous way and the evil of the evil way are actually a way of life."

Bai Qianqian looked at Qin Guan in surprise, she didn't expect Qin Guan to say such words.

(End of this chapter)

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