Plane of Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 687 The sneaky feeling is more flavorful

Chapter 687 The sneaky feeling is more flavorful

The wind stopped and the rain stopped, and the two hugged each other, lying on a blanket on the ground.

After being gentle for a while, Bai Qianqian still refused to accept it, and she lost herself with two questions. She felt that her IQ was hurt, and asked Qin Guan to ask another question.

Qin Guan just played with her.

"What kind of sword is the transparent sword?"

Qianqian thought for a long time, but couldn't figure it out, so she shook her head.

Qin Guan chuckled, "I can't see it."

"Do you know the story of Chang'e and her descendants?"


"Then why is Chang'e rushing to the moon?"

After thinking for a long time, Qianqian shook her head again.

"Hou Yi shoots nine suns, even a female fairy can't bear it."

After hearing this answer, Bai Qianqian bit Qin Guan angrily, and Qin Guan expressed that he felt good.

Qianqian was completely conquered,
As Eileen Chang said, what is the shortcut to a woman's heart.

Bai Qianqian was intoxicated by it, and the feeling of fear of loneliness that came to this space before was swept away, and now her whole body was filled by Qin Guan.

She even thought, in fact, it would be good to stay here for the rest of her life, and don't think about passing the love test or cultivating to the fairyland.

Qin Guan caressed Qianqian's beautiful hair, it was very smooth, just like the advertisement said, it was as smooth as a waterfall, Qin Guan's movement, Qianqian also liked it very much, when Qin Guan touched his head to kill, Qianqian's eyes Always half-squinted, with a look of enjoyment.

Qin Guan thought, maybe it's the instinct of a fox.

"By the way, why does your Nascent Soul have three tails? Aren't you a Snow Fox?" Qin Guan suddenly asked curiously.

Speaking of Yuanying, Bai Qianqian looked up at Qin Guan and asked, "You don't think I'm a monster, do you?"

Qin Guan scratched her little nose, "What are you talking about, I don't have racial prejudices, how could I despise you, don't think about it wildly, besides, Qianqian is a peerless and enchanting one-of-a-kind, who would despise you."

Qianqian said: "Actually, I still have the Sky Fox blood in my blood, but it is very weak. Now I only have three tails. I don't know if I have a chance to become a real Sky Fox clan in this life and reach Nine Tails."

Honeymoon is sweet.

The two are tired of being together, drinking, chatting and driving.

A month later, Qin Guan took out a book and handed it to Qianqian, the jade book with gold characters, it was the secret book of Yuanying double cultivation method.

Qian Qian took a look, and immediately refused to obey, "I said that you insisted on seeing my Nascent Soul that day, so it turned out that you were holding back to do bad things."

Qin Guan chuckled, and said: "There is no one in ten thousand who is compatible with the Nascent Soul. I am pleasantly surprised that you and I can be compatible. This is also our good fortune. The two of us can definitely shorten the time by half by practicing the Nascent Soul Double Cultivation Method. "

After hearing such a great benefit, I immediately began to study it carefully.

In fact, this Nascent Soul Dual Cultivation Method is not very responsible. As long as you master the key, it is easy to get started. The two of you have already had contact with Nascent Soul before. A sense of comfort that was ten times stronger than before spread throughout the body, completely addicting.

The two started formal double cultivation.

Qin Guan found that his double cultivation with Qianqian was a bit faster than the double cultivation with Yu Li. He didn't know the inside story and guessed that it was because of Qianqian's physique. There are complementary places.

If you don’t know, you don’t want to. It’s not better if it’s good.

There seems to be no flow of time in the space, and it is extremely quiet, but it is also the most suitable for cultivation. It is a state that is often difficult to pursue without distractions.

I don't know how long it took.
seems very long,

It seemed only for a moment.

Yuanying returned to the body, and the two woke up from their cultivation. Qin Guan and Qianqian looked at each other, and their eyes were full of love, especially Qianqian, who was even more infatuated.

"Brother Qin, I have gained a lot from this practice, and now I have reached the peak of the Three Tribulations, and I can overcome the Tribulations at any time." Qianqian said softly.

Qin Guan smiled: "I have also gained a lot. I have reached the peak of the second catastrophe, and I can overcome the catastrophe at any time."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

In fact, Qin Guan didn't tell the whole story, not only his cultivation base increased, but he also gained other things. After such a long period of warming, the earth gourd has completely returned to normal, and Taiyi Wuyanluo has also become a middle-grade fairy weapon.

Qin Guan set up a table of food and wine, sat opposite each other and drank.

Qianqian looked at Qin Guan, suddenly showing a trace of loneliness, and said: "I don't want to leave here anymore, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you and me to meet again after we go out."

Qin Guan also thought about this question, touched Qianqian's smooth face and said, "Who says we can't meet each other."

"I am the holy girl of the evil Acacia sect, and you are the second brother of Shushan. If others know that we are together, it will definitely cause an uproar." Qianqian said.

Qin Guandao: "There are many rules in the world, which may restrict you and me, but the rules are never static. As long as you are strong enough to change the rules, there will be no restrictions on you and me."

"What we have to do is to improve our strength, and when we can change the rules, we can naturally be together."

Qianqian said: "But before that, we won't be able to meet each other."

Qin Guan chuckled, "Who says we can't meet, we can meet secretly, don't you think this sneaky feeling is more interesting?"

Bai Qianqian's eyes lit up.

The two began to prepare for crossing the catastrophe. This is their chance to take out the crack space, and it is also full of dangers. Perhaps if there is a slight discrepancy, the two will fall into a situation of eternal doom, so they need to be more careful.

Qin Guan counted his belongings in detail.

In terms of spells and supernatural powers, celestial eyesight, heaven and earth in the sleeves, golden light on the earth, heaven and earth, god-level breath-holding technique, and spreading beans into soldiers, etc., have been strengthened with the improvement of cultivation base. There is a big improvement.

In terms of magic weapons, Lei Juejian, Taiyi Wuyan Luo, and Colorful Lotus Lantern are all middle-grade fairy artifacts, plus mysterious lotus seeds, and five gourds.

There are also 150 million merit points.

All these gave Qin Guan great confidence.

However, Qin Guan was a little worried about Qianqian's safety. He didn't know what would happen when he crossed the catastrophe. Qianqian's cultivation was good, but he didn't have many magic weapons. An acacia bell and a silk of tenderness may not be bad compared to other monks, but Qin Guan felt very shabby.

Qin Guan took out the colorful lotus lantern and summoned the lotus with his spiritual thoughts. After a while, a phantom appeared, and he was stunned to see it.

She really has never seen a magic weapon that can transform into a weapon spirit.

Qin Guan pointed at Qianqian and said to Cailian: "Miss Cailian, I am going to cross the catastrophe. This space is very dangerous. I hope you can protect Qianqian."

Cailian looked at Qianqian, didn't speak, just nodded and then disappeared.

Qin Guan handed the colorful lotus lantern into Qianqian's hands, and said: "This is a middle-grade defensive magic weapon. It used to be a top-grade magic weapon, which is considered the top existence in the cultivation world. You hold it, and you will have more protection. "

(End of this chapter)

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