Plane of Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 692 Dividing the spoils

Chapter 692 Dividing the spoils
Qin Guan led the two of them to leave, and walked out of the gate of Qianshan Artifact Refining Pavilion in a leisurely manner. Qin Guan also asked Du Long to close the gate kindly, put up a sign saying that it was temporarily closed, and the three of them walked away.

In an instant, it disappeared into the crowd and disappeared.

People discovered that the Qianshan Artifact Refining Pavilion had been robbed. It was several hours later that a clerk came back only to find out that there was a tragedy in the shop. Seeing that the fairy king and the shopkeeper were all killed, they were so frightened that they rushed to report to the manager of Momenfang City. people.

The entire island of Momenfang City was immediately under martial law, but at this time Qin Guan and the three had already run thousands of miles away.

People talked about the massacre at Qianshan Artifact Refining Pavilion.

"Qianshan Artifact Refining Pavilion is the biggest magic weapon store in Fangshi, and there are three tribulations Sanxian Shuqiu sitting in it, so someone really dares to do it."

"Not only the robbery, but even the mouse fur died. I heard that there was no fight at all, and it was cleaned up after just a few efforts."

"The Artifact Refining Pavilion has been ransacked, and Mu Qianshan has lost a lot. More than a dozen immortal artifacts, hundreds of spiritual artifacts, a lot of money."

"Dare to rob in Fangshi, this is too courageous, don't be afraid to disturb the power of Wan Chongdian, and kill them."

"Maybe, he's still a strong Earth Immortal."


"It's not necessarily impossible. Shuqiu is not mediocre. He didn't even use the means of resistance. The guards in Fangshi didn't find out. He was picked up by someone. Who do you think it is?"

"If it's really a strong Earth Immortal, then there will be fun to watch. Hehe, let's see what happens in Momenfang City."

"What can you do? You think that after paying the protection fee, someone will really protect you. Go ahead and dream. In the end, it will definitely end in nothing."


Indeed, as people guessed, two days later, Momenfang City issued a reward notice that anyone who provided clues about the robbery of the Qianshan Artifact Refining Pavilion could get [-] spirit stones, and those who directly caught the murderer could get millions of spirit stones .

Then there is no more then.

Evil cultivators are not stupid, can it be ordinary people who can easily clean up the rat fur? If they want to make this money, they are afraid that they want to make it with their lives. This matter will be forgotten after a few days.

Thousands of miles away from the North Sea,

In a certain cave on a deserted island, Qin Guan, Qianqian, and Dulong sat around. There were countless magic weapons discarded in the cave. If anyone came in, they would definitely be shocked by this scene.

Really rich.

The robbery was very exciting, Qianqian still had an excited look on her face.

Qin Guan picked up the Du'er Immortal Clothes and said to Qianqian: "I think this dress is the most suitable for you. This is your reward this time."

Qianqian took the Duo'er fairy clothes happily, kissed Qin Guan on the cheek, and then ran to the side to admire her clothes.

Qin Guan pointed to the things on the ground and said to the poisonous dragon: "Choose one at random."

If you want your subordinates to be loyal, the rewards must be in place. Those who are not good at being bosses will only make the people below them slowly lose their morals.

Du Long thought for a while and said: "I have Wulong Immortal Sword and Green Leaf Seal. If it's not the top magic weapon, I don't need to practice one, but Bi Niang really lacks a handy weapon, so I will choose one for her."

Hearing Bi Niang's name, Qin Guan thought of the intelligence network established by Du Long and Bi Niang again, and said: "Well, you don't have to pick any more, I will keep these ghost weapons, and you will take all the rest. "

Du Long looked at Qin Guan in surprise.

Qin Guan continued: "Biniang has made great contributions to establishing the intelligence network. I have not said anything about accepting her. The magic weapon here is up to the two of you to choose. As for the rest, whether you sell it for funding or directly reward your subordinates is up to you. call the shots."

Hearing what Qin Guan said, Du Long instantly felt full of heart. It is definitely a kind of luck to follow such a boss.

No nonsense at the moment, just accept these magic weapons.

As for the ghost artifacts that Qin Guan left behind, they were actually prepared for the four demon servants in the Soul Gourd. They are all ghost cultivators and are currently advancing to the Sanxian Realm. When they come out, they must be given a meeting gift That's good.

This robbing of the Qianshan Artifact Refining Pavilion turned out to be a windfall, but how could the few of them be satisfied, Qianqian said excitedly: "Where shall we rob next?"

This little demon girl is also addicted.

In fact, sometimes, doing bad things is very exciting. It stimulates the secretion of adrenaline, coupled with generous rewards, it will make people want to stop.

"Next, go to Ghost King City." Qin Guan said.

He wants to rob Huolong's shop all in order to avenge the ambush plotted by Huolong.

The Ghost King City is on the mainland, and the three of them flew all the way for five days before arriving on the mainland. They stopped in a mountain range to recuperate. Qianqian took the opportunity to refine the Du'er Immortal Clothes. Half a month later, the three arrived in Fang City, the Ghost King City.

Entering the Ghost King City, the temperature suddenly dropped by a few degrees, and a sense of gloom penetrated into the body, which made people very uncomfortable. There were faint dark clouds in the sky, which blocked the sun, and the reception and the house were all blue-gray, which was completely cold.

Unlike the hustle and bustle of Momenfang City, this place seems very quiet.

There are no shops hawking on the interface, and monks pass by from time to time on the street, but most of them are wearing cloaks, and their bodies are full of yin, and they can be seen at a glance as monks who practice magic arts. Qin Guan also saw someone with a zombie swagger.

Qin Guan and Qianqian looked at each other, they didn't like the atmosphere here, they felt like a ghost town.

Walking around in Fangshi, several people saw the plaque of Qianshan Artifact Refining Pavilion. They pretended to be ordinary guests and went in. After walking around for a while, the three of them came out, and then opened a room in an inn not far away. People stay.

"Brother Qin, how do we do it?" Qianqian asked.

Qin Guan thought for a while and said: "We are not familiar with this place. How is the defense of Qianshan Artifact Refining Pavilion? Can it be as crisp and neat as Momenfang City? How strong is the defense force of Guiwangfang City? , Will the guardian here make a timely move, and how should we run, these situations must be analyzed clearly before taking action."

"Qianqian, you stay at the inn, Dulong, you go out and start collecting information about Guiwangfang City, the more detailed the better."

"I'll go to Qianshan Artifact Refining Pavilion to check the situation. We'll gather here after dark and make a battle plan."

The two nodded.

Qin Guan changed his clothes, put on a black cloak, and began to walk around the street. This place is indeed the way of demonic cultivation. All kinds of spiritual grass and spiritual materials are almost exclusively for demonic cultivators. A shop that sells monster materials and Gu worms.

There are even more sinister ones.

For example, the shop in front of Qin Guan is dedicated to selling corpses, ranging from the corpses of monks in the Qi refining stage, to the corpses of Jindan stage and Sanxianjing, and everything that one expects to find. A body of Sanxianjing can be sold for hundreds of thousands of spirit stones.

Although Qin Guan also killed people, and he was merciless, Moxiu's behavior still annoyed him.

(End of this chapter)

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