Chapter 703
"It doesn't matter if you try again," Qin Guan said.

"Okay." Qianqian took the Linglong Pagoda and began to input spiritual power. After a while, she opened her eyes and said regretfully, "It still can't be refined."

Qin Guan took the pagoda and said viciously: "Don't think that I can't do anything with you because you are some top-grade magic weapon. You should know my method. It's either me or her, or it will destroy you. You can do it yourself. "

Qin Guan is just trying indiscriminately, or pretending to be a tiger, in case he is really scared because his system has become smaller, anyway, it will be worthwhile to try.

Qianqian looked at Qin Guan with big eyes in astonishment, Qin Lang was so stupid that he threatened a magic weapon.

Qin Guan handed the pagoda to Qianqian again, and said, "Try to refine it again, if it doesn't work, hehe."

Qianqian accepted the pagoda obediently, and input spiritual power again, suddenly, Qianqian exclaimed in shock, "Oh, the pagoda has accepted my spiritual power infusion."

Qin Guan quickly said: "Then try to sacrifice it, if it really becomes your magic weapon, then it will be much easier to overcome the calamity in the future."

Qianqian nodded, and began to practice with her eyes closed.

People, sometimes they are cheap, but so are magic weapons.

Qin Guan stayed by Qianqian's side for two months, when the pagoda in Qianqian's hand suddenly disappeared one day, Qin Guan knew that the refinement was successful.

Qianqian opened her eyes, and said with a happy face: "Mr. Lang, I have already refined the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda. This pagoda is so powerful."

"Oh, tell me about the power of the pagoda." Qin Guan asked curiously.

"This treasure has been passed down from ancient times. It can defend and trap the enemy. It weighs [-] jin. It can also be thrown out to hurt the enemy. It is a powerful magic weapon that integrates offense and defense." She said with a slight smile.

"Okay, okay, now you have the means to protect yourself. Now that you have this treasure, you should have no worries about going through the catastrophe. You can rest for a few days, and then I will help you cross the catastrophe." Qin Guandao.

Qianqian came over to lean against Qin Guan, rested her head on him, and said softly: "If it's the price of consuming your luck and merit, I'd rather not pass the catastrophe."

Qin Guan stroked her hair and said, "Hehe, I'm telling you a little secret."

"What?" Qian Qian looked up curiously.

"In fact, as long as I kill more monsters and demons, I can earn luck merits." Qin Guandao.

Qianqian was surprised, "Really, then my lord should quickly get rid of Mo Wei Dao and earn a lot of merit. Alas, Qianqian is a demon clan and an evil cultivator, so my lord will not kill my slave family too."

Shallow showed a horrified expression.

"Hehehe, I'll kill you little fairy right now." Qin Guan said with a smirk.

"My lord, don't want it. I will listen to you in everything, but please spare my life." Qianqian begged.

"That depends on what you do." Qin Guan lifted his chin slightly with one finger.

With a timid and shy expression on Qianqian's face, she slowly took off her shirt, "My lord, please take pity on my family." Her voice was about to cry.

Little goblin, what a showman, Qin Guan couldn't bear it any longer, and rushed over at once, and in an instant, the sound of chanting poems resounded in the cave.

The sound is transmitted to the cave wall and bounces back, forming an echo stereo in the cave, adding to the fun.

a long time later

Like a text.

Three to five days later,

The two sat opposite each other in the cave, Qianqian and Qin Guan looked at each other, Qin Guan nodded, and Qianqian closed his eyes, and began to arouse Xinmojie.

The tribulation has officially begun.

There was fog all around, and she couldn't see the direction clearly. Looking left and right, there was no sign of Qin Guan at all. She was a little scared, and ran wildly in this space. Suddenly, she found that this place was familiar, and it turned out to be the person who trapped herself and Qin Guan at the beginning. That space crack.

How come here, Qianqian was surprised.

By the way, Qin Lang should be here too.

"Lang Jun, where are you, Lang Jun?"

Qianqian yelled for a long time, but no one answered, she didn't know what to do, by the way, Mr. Lang said that he would come to me, and I will wait for him.

Just like that, I don't know how long,
Qianqian has been waiting for a year, ten years, or a hundred years.

Time has smoothed Qianqian's heart and made her suspicious. Could it be that Qin Lang didn't enter the heart demon tribulation with me at all, he has been lying to me.


Qianqian cried so heartbroken that she cried for a long time before she stopped.

No, I don't want to stay here, I want to go out, by the way, I have the Linglong Tower, and I can pass through the space crack by myself.

Qianqian summoned the Linglong Pagoda, covered her whole body and slammed into the space barrier, with a swipe, she actually passed through the barrier and went outside.

Searching in the secret realm, there is no sign of Qin Lang, Daxueyu's own nest, Qin Guan is not here, Qianqian returns to Hehuanzong, after seeing the master, Mrs. Jinling smiled at him, "Silly boy, I finally know how ruthless a man is."

"I'm telling you, in this world, only women are the most infatuated. Men are mostly fickle lovers who keep saying they love you. Who is not three wives and four concubines? Before Qin Guan provoked you, didn't he also have Yaochi Yuli, so I said , Don’t trust men, trusting men will only hurt yourself.”

At this moment, Qianqian couldn't tell whether she was in an illusion or in reality.

"Master, what should I do?" Qianqian asked.

"Go, kill him, pass your love test, and after you reach a higher level of cultivation, you will find that it is already another world, and all the previous things are just a fleeting moment." Mrs. Jin Ling said.

"No, I'm going to ask him, I don't believe it if I don't listen to him." Said with red eyes.

"Then you can ask. If the master doesn't stop it, it's your own affair after all." After Madam Jinling finished speaking, she walked out of the hall.

Qianqian held her head and squatted down slowly, not knowing what to do. At this moment, she was so helpless, so lonely, and so sad.

Yaochi Palace,
Qin Guan was walking hand in hand with Yu Li in the lotus pond, watching Biye Fenhe chatting about the recent situation of the guild, when suddenly, a fluttering figure in white clothes appeared in midair, it was Qianqian.

Qin Guan's complexion changed, his brows frowned slightly, and Yu Li's expression was also unhappy. He glanced at Qin Guan and said, "This is a love debt left by my husband, let's settle it myself." After speaking, he flung his sleeves and left.

"What are you doing here?" Qin Guan asked.

The shallow smile froze.

"I have something to ask you." Qianqian whispered.

Qin Guan's brows tightened, "Didn't I say that the relationship between you and me should be kept secret? I am the right way and you are an evil cultivator. I am now the great elder of the guild. Countless people are watching. If others know that I have someone like you Woman, how do others see me, and how should I stand on the right path."

"Okay, hurry up and leave before anyone else sees you. I'll look for you when I have time." Qin Guan waved his sleeve impatiently.

Shallow heart throbbing.

"I want you to tell me clearly who I am to you. Is it true that you just treat me as a plaything as the master said, and you can come and go when you call me." Qianqian asked with tears.

Qin Guan's face became more angry, "You used to be polite, but now you have become so unreasonable. The appearance of hysteria is really disgusting. If you talk about playthings, hehe, whatever, let's make it clear today, you It's just a plaything, seeing you are young and beautiful, I'm just playing with you, now I'm tired of it, you have become a stumbling block on my way forward, so stay away from me in the future, and we will end here."

Qianqian's face turned pale all of a sudden, her harsh words hurt Liu Yuehan, Qin Guan's words pierced into Qianqian's heart like knives, making her feel so painful that she couldn't bear to live.

It turned out that it was all fake before.

It turned out that I was always wrong.

It turns out that there is really no love in the world.

Qianqian's eyes slowly turned red, and she was about to be possessed by demons. At this moment, a roar suddenly came, "Bastard, you little devil dared to pretend to be Lao Tzu, and you almost succeeded."

With one swipe, the entire screen is torn apart,

The Yaochi Palace disappeared, the lotus pond of Biyefenhe disappeared, and the blue sky disappeared. The scene suddenly changed to Momenfang City. Qianqian found herself locked in a cage, and there were two people confronting each other on the street.

only two people,
Two identical Qin Guan.

(End of this chapter)

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