Plane of Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 707 Upheaval of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 707 Upheaval of Heaven and Earth
"Because I calculated that in the future, there will be an earth-shaking change in the cultivation world."

Mrs. Jin Ling came up and uttered a very shocking sentence.

Qin Guan thought to himself, why is it so similar to the news headline of the UC Shock Department.

"What happened?" Qin Guan asked curiously.

Mrs. Jinling shook her head, "I can't figure out the specific details, I only know that it will bring about great changes in the entire cultivation world. Maybe the righteous way will unify the cultivation world, or it may be that the evil way will eliminate the righteous way and become orthodox in the cultivation world."

Hearing this sentence, Qin Guan's heart also trembled.

Mrs. Jinling continued: "Actually, I am not the only one who knows about this matter. The heads of all the sects in the cultivation world may have more or less figured out the clues, and they are actively preparing for this big change."

"Before when I counted my Acacia Sect, the future was always dark, which may indicate that my Acacia Sect will no longer exist. This made me very anxious. I have been looking for a way but I can't find it. But after Qianqian came back, I counted When I counted you, she didn't count anything, but she saw a glimmer of light in our Hehuan sect." Mrs. Jinling said.

"A glimmer of light, what do you mean?"

"When I counted the future of the Acacia Sect before, there was only darkness, but when you appeared, and I counted the future of the Acacia Sect, there was a glimmer of light. This ray of light is hope. I am afraid that if I want to survive the Acacia Sect, I will pin my hope on you. " Madam Jinling looked at Qin Guan and said.

Qin Guan's eyes widened: "I am the hope of your Hehuan Sect, it's a bit."

Qin Guan was a little speechless, but felt that it was too ridiculous.

"Hehe, my Plum Blossom Heart Yi calculated this result. Maybe you don't believe it, but I'm also very surprised. I don't know why you, an orthodox monk, became the hope of my Acacia Sect. But you created a guild and changed the whole cultivation world. Maybe this is the different place.”

"So you want to entrust the entire Hehuan Sect to me, isn't that a bit too hasty?" Qin Guan asked with a frown.

"Sloppy, maybe, but this is my decision. The future is chaotic, good or bad, you need to make a choice. Sometimes, it depends on God's will." Mrs. Jinling said.

Fortune-telling determines the future. It seems that this person was poisoned by feudal superstition.

Mrs. Jinling looked at Qianqian, and said softly: "Qianqian, let's go back to the sect with master, maybe before the big change in the cultivation world, the master will choose to cross the catastrophe, but the entire Hehuan sect will be entrusted to you. "

How could Qianqian give up the grace of nurturing and teaching for a hundred years, get off Qin Guan, and walk in front of Mrs. Jinling.

Mrs. Jinling touched Qianqian's small face and said: "The school needs you, your sisters need you, and the master also needs you to go back."

She nodded with tears in her eyes.

Qianqian turned to look at Qin Guan, Qin Guan nodded to her, and said: "You go back with your master, remember to prepare the dowry, when I can conquer the world with my strength, I will marry you gracefully, what if there is less dowry? OK."

Qianqian was still in a difficult situation at first, but after Qin Guan said a word, Qianqian burst out laughing, laughing through tears.

Ruyan flew over like a forest and plunged into Qin Guan's arms, "I really don't want to be separated from Qin Lang."

Qin Guan whispered in her ear: "The Hehuan Sect is not far away, it's only ten days and half a month's journey away. When I miss you, I'll sneak over to find you. It's very exciting to think about it."

Qianqian glanced at him charmingly, and whispered, "Then I'll wait for you."

Mrs. Jinling looked at all this from a distance, and with her cultivation, she could naturally hear what Qin Guan said, and she had to admire that this kid really knows how to coax women, no matter what, he can say flowers out of his mouth. Come.

But women can't stand such a man.

Honest man, it's a disadvantage.

Mrs. Jinling took Qianqian away, and after a while, Qin Guan felt that it was a waste of time to fetch water from the bamboo basket, helping Qianqian to cross the catastrophe, and finally being pulled back to Huanzong by her master.

Will the old woman count on herself from the beginning?

The most terrifying thing about these earth immortal powerhouses is not their strength, but their calculations.

Qin Guan thought of what Mrs. Jin Ling said to him again, and his brows became more and more wrinkled. The big change, what kind of big change it is.

Mrs. Jinling is preparing to cross the catastrophe in a hundred years, that is to say, a big change will happen in about a hundred years.

Qin Guan scoffed at Mrs. Jinling's obvious behavior of dumping the blame, but Qianqian couldn't refuse.

"It seems that it's time to go back to Mount Shu and ask the master." Qin Guan murmured.

After tidying up, Qin Guan Yujian flew towards Shushan Mountain. The Longshan Mountains are tens of thousands of miles away from Shushan Mountain. Qin Guan was not in a hurry, thinking about things while flying.

Mrs. Jinling knows about the great changes in the world, so the master must also know that Mrs. Jinling said these words to herself, she may not mean to let herself pass on the message. The Hehuan Sect will not be tied to the chariot of evil ways. Words contain deep meaning.

By the way, there is another thing about Qianqian. What I thought before was too simple. If she really becomes the future successor of the Hehuan Sect, she will no longer be as simple as her simple pet. I also need to tell the master about this. In order to avoid misunderstanding, I hope the master will not object.

After flying for two days, Qin Guan stopped to rest on a high peak, lying on the canopy of a tree, with his hands behind his head, the breeze blew, and the canopy swayed slightly, Qin Guan also swayed slightly, like a crib Similarly, the stars in the sky are shining brightly, shining brightly one by one.

"It's so comfortable!" Qin Guan murmured to himself.

If only it could be this peaceful all the time.

At this moment, Qin Guan was in a good mood.

Suddenly, a golden sword light shot straight into the sky. Seeing this sword light, Qin Guan flew up and stared into the distance, "Shushan calls for help from the sword light!"

The Shushan sect members go out to practice, if they encounter a crisis situation, they will release a sword light to call the nearby fellow sects for help.

Qin Guan didn't think much about it, and shot at it with vertical golden light.

In a valley, eight ghost banners were erected around the field, and the patterns of ferocious beasts were drawn on the brown curtains. The eight banners formed a huge black light curtain, trapping three people in it.

In the light curtain, the three of them held their swords and kept fighting with eight ferocious beasts. The souls of the eight beasts were extraordinary, and the three of them could only support it with all their strength. The scene was extremely dangerous.

Stabbing, one of the sword cultivators' clothes was torn apart by a claw, and a bloody piece of his chest was grabbed.

Another ominous beast next to it rushed towards the injured person who was lying on the ground, and was about to be bitten. The person next to him quickly shot a flying sword and shot through the ominous beast. The howling of the ominous beast immediately dissipated, temporarily relieving the pain of the injury. People are in a dangerous situation, but there are fierce beasts beside the person who can shoot the flying sword, and the sharp claws catch him. This person dodges in a panic, and his arm is scratched with bloodstains.

In the field, the fierce beast that was pierced by a sword and dissipated was condensed and formed in another place in the next second, and turned into a fierce beast again to rush over and join the battle group again.

In the Hachiman ghost formation, the souls of eight fierce beasts are endlessly alive, and they cannot be killed even if they are killed.

(End of this chapter)

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