chapter 712
In order for the group to pass a certain decision, communication and persuasion are required. As Qin Guan said, the guild is not his own, and attacking the Beast Soul Sect is not a trivial matter. Everyone's support must be won.

"My lady, what do you think of my thoughts?" Qin Guan asked Yu Li.

Yu Li put down the crusade, looked at Qin Guan and said, "You are in charge, of course I support you. Although it is very difficult to do so in such a big way, the effect is also very obvious."

Qin Guan stepped forward to hold Yu Li in his arms and kissed, "My lady is still caring."

Yu Li's face turned red with embarrassment from Qin Guan.

"Miss, I have an important task for you. I am going to hold a discussion meeting tomorrow. I need you to speak to a few guild elders in advance to explain my intentions and let them prepare mentally in advance. Of course, if you can convince some people It would be even better." Qin Guan said.

Informing the other elders in advance is a respect for them, and Yu Li is the most suitable candidate.

"Okay, I'll go now." Yu Li said.

What a caring daughter-in-law.

"I'll go to Jiuxian Master's uncle and talk to him." Qin Guan said.

The division of labor between the two was clear, Qin Guan came to the other courtyard in the back mountain of the guild, "Uncle Master, Qin Guan asks to see you." Qin Guan called outside the door.

"Please see me, come in." The hoarse voice of Jiu Xian came from the courtyard.

Under a hibiscus tree in the courtyard, there is a big stone, which is turquoise, and it is top-quality jade. There is a futon on the jade stone. Jiu Xian sits cross-legged on the futon, looking at Qin Guan who came in, his eyes are full of surprise.

"I haven't seen you for a few years, I didn't expect to be promoted to the Three Tribulations Loose Immortal cultivation level after you came back. It really surprised me." The old man Jiuxian said.

"Hehe, there are some encounters again." Qin Guan said.

Jiuxian took another deep look at Qin Guan, "Your development is truly incomprehensible, your aptitude is not good, but you have a lot of merit, um, why are you looking for me today?"

"I brought wine to you, old man." Qin Guan said, taking out a jade bottle from the space.

Jiuxian suddenly became interested, and with a gesture, the jade bottle in Qin Guan's hand flew into Jiuxian's hand, opened the lid and smelled it, "Mm, it smells fragrant."

He raised his hand and took two sips,


"Really good wine."

The Jiuxian old man let out a cry of joy.

Looking at Qin Guan, he asked: "What kind of wine is this? Among the wines I drink, it can be ranked in the top ten."

Qin Guan was also surprised, this 'Ye Xingchen' was definitely the best wine he had ever had, but it was only ranked in the top ten with the old man.

But think about it, Jiuxian loves wine all his life and has read countless wines. It is not surprising that he has drunk better wine than 'Ye Xingchen'.

"Uncle Master, the name of this wine is 'Ye Xingchen', which is secretly made by the Acacia Sect. The Acacia Sect does not sell this wine, and only high-level people can drink it." Qin Guandao.

"Acacia Sect?" The old man looked at Qin Guan in surprise, "How did you get the wine from the Acacia Sect?" the old man asked.

This jade bottle is also a magic weapon for storage, but it is just an ordinary magic weapon, it can hold dozens of jugs of wine, and these wines were given to Qin Guan by Qianqian.

"The origin of the wine, I will talk to my uncle in detail when I have time, but I have an important matter to find my uncle today. When I was going out a while ago, I happened to meet someone who used Shushan to call for Jianguang. I went to the rescue and found that it was Fang. Uncle Hao,."

Qin Guan skipped over the origin of the wine, and told about the Beast Soul Sect's attack on Fang Hao and the three of them. When Jiuxian heard that the Beast Soul Sect set up a formation to attack the Shushan disciples, his face showed anger.

"Master originally thought about summoning the Shushan monks to teach the Beast Soul Sect a lesson, but recently the master has been very busy. I took over this matter. I am going to use the power of the Battle Guild to destroy the Beast Soul Sect, and at the same time start the battle guild. name." Qin Guan said.

Jiu Xian looked at Qin Guan in surprise: "Destroy the Beast Soul Sect, you have a serious tone. Although the Beast Soul Sect is not one of the six sects of evil cultivators, its strength is also very strong. The old Beast Soul is also a strong Earth Immortal. How can it be so easy to destroy."

Qin Guan chuckled, "So the grandson came here because he wanted to ask my uncle to come out of the mountain and fight for me."

Jiuxian pointed at Qin Guan and scolded: "I said why did you come here to deliver wine to me? It turns out that you want me, an old bone, to work hard for you. They say that you have a calm and honest personality, but I think you are very slippery."

"I'm also here to avenge Shushan." Qin Guan spread his hands and said.

"Okay, I know about it. You can just notify me on the day of departure. I haven't seen you for hundreds of years. Just go and see if the old beast soul has improved." Jiuxian said, and took another sip of Ye Xingchen.

The next day, the guild ceremony hall.

The seven elders of the guild gathered together, including Qin Guan, Yu Li, Jiuxian, Master Xiaofeng of Kunlun, Zen Master Huaming of the Fahua Buddhist School, Master Cai Yang of the Tianfu School, and Fairy Ruxin of the Danqing School.

Jiuxian still looked drunk, sitting on the futon and dozed off, while the others looked at the crusade proclamation handed out by Qin Guan and meditated.

After a while, Qin Guan asked: "I don't know if the elders have any opinions."

"Master Qin Guan is sure." Master Kunlun Xiaofeng asked first.

In fact, Yu Li had already met the elders yesterday, and told the whole thing, they already had an idea in their hearts.

"Seventy percent!"

Qin Guan said directly.

"I'm [-]% sure that I can win the Beast Soul Sect, and at least give the Beast Soul Sect a heavy blow." Qin Guan said confidently.

If you want to convince others, the first thing you need to do is to convince yourself. When others ask you, you must speak confidently and don't hesitate. That will only make others distrust you.

When learning to speak, the first thing the teacher said was to let go of yourself and learn to be shameless.

In terms of shamelessness, I believe that none of you here can compare to Qin Guan. Qin Guan's talkative talk is not in vain.

"I agree with the crusade against the Beast Soul Sect, but why don't we use a better method and send people to attack directly, wouldn't it be better to catch them by surprise?" Cai Yang of the Tianfu Sect asked.

"Fame, I want to use this battle to raise the reputation of my guild in one fell swoop."

"Now the guild has developed to a bottleneck. In the eyes of outsiders, although the guild is not small, it gives people the impression that it is more like a trading organization. We need to show our true strength and get the recognition of others."

"Fighting is the most direct and effective method."

"The Beast Soul Sect is our propaganda tool, so this time, we can only succeed but not fail, and we must make a big splash, so elders, I need your support."

"Recruiting temporary combatants is one aspect. I hope that the elders will notify their sects and send people to participate in this operation."

"Fist, only when the five fingers are clenched tightly and together, can they be powerful. This time, it's not just about the guild, it also involves casual cultivators, and it involves the entire cultivation world's views on the future of our respective sects."

Qin Guan threw out another cauldron.

(End of this chapter)

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