Chapter 716

The Beast Soul Patriarch unleashed ten thousand beast banners and smashed them at him, but Qin Guan didn't face him head-on. Instead, he used a vertical golden light, swiped into the distance, and disappeared into the black mist.

"Boy, where to escape!"

The grand formation was presided over by the ancestor of the beast soul himself. As long as he was in the formation, no matter where Qin Guan fled, he could feel it, and chased after him with a roar.

brush brush~
Zongdi Jinguang is a god-level spell, which the ancestor of the beast soul can catch up with.

Qin Guan wasn't running around in the formation, he was looking for other formation flags. He leaped several times in a row, and suddenly saw a huge flag more than ten feet long standing in front of him. The black curtain danced with the wind, and it was embroidered with There are countless animal patterns, sitting cross-legged under the flagpole, this Sanxian cultivator of the Beast Soul Sect.

"You're the unluckiest one."

The Beast Soul Sect cultivator was urging the formation when he suddenly felt something different in front of him. He opened his eyes and saw Qin Guan. Pass.

His body paused, his eyes widened, and slowly, the look in his eyes lost his luster, and his head rolled aside.

"Ding, kill a Sanxian Moxiu and get 29315 merit points."

Qin Guan ignored him, stepped forward, and showed the universe in his sleeves to the giant banner. With a swipe, the auxiliary banner was taken away by Qin Guan.

The flags and flags were retracted, and the black smoke around here suddenly became much thinner, and the power of the entire formation also dropped a bit.

The Great Array of Beasts and Souls uses Ten Thousand Souls Banners as the main banner array eyes, and cooperates with 36 auxiliary banners. As long as the main banners are not destroyed, the formation will not be broken. It can't break the formation, but it can also destroy the power of the formation.

The ancestor of the beast soul immediately sensed the loss of a formation flag, and roared angrily: "Little thief, you actually broke my formation, let me catch you and enjoy the taste of thousands of souls devouring your body."

The voice of the ancestor of the beast soul was extremely loud, and the roar spread throughout the entire formation. Qin Guancai didn't have the time to talk to him. His idea was very simple, that is, to use the gourd of the soul of the god and the golden light of the vertical ground to destroy the secondary flags first, and wait for the old beast soul to destroy them. Zu became a polished commander, and this formation was naturally broken.

Qin Guan continued to scurry around, and the ancestor of the beast soul chased after him closely, but when he felt that he was about to catch up, Qin Guan flew to the distance in a flash, surrounded him with the beast soul, this guy released a small gourd, and directly killed himself Take away all the beast souls.

These beast souls were collected by him after thousands of years of painstaking efforts. Each of them contains his painstaking efforts. In addition to raising them for many years, he feels distressed if there is one less.

But this bastard boy, since he joined the battle, he has already lost hundreds of beast souls, which made the ancestor of the beast souls bleed, and hated Qin Guan even more.

"Don't run away if you have the ability, come face to face with the ancestor."

"What kind of righteous family are you? You can only sneak around. Don't you dare to fight against the ancestors?"

The Beast Soul Patriarch couldn't catch up with Qin Guan, so he kept cursing. Suddenly, Qin Guan saw a huge banner and flew over without waiting for the Sanxian who maintained the formation to react. It took only a second or so before he turned around and fled again.

The ancestor of the beast soul felt that another flag was missing, and felt shocked in his heart. He saw that one of his disciples had died tragically, his head rolled to nowhere, and the array flag was nowhere to be found.

"Wow, little thief, you are so mad at the patriarch, I want it" the beast soul patriarch yelled, the sound shook the whole field, even outside the formation could be heard.

The monks of the guild alliance heard the angry curses coming from the formation, and they all looked at each other in blank dismay. What did Elder Qin do to make the beast soul patriarch curse like a shrew.

Someone said: "Elder Qin has been in for a long time, only to hear the ancestor of the beast soul scolding, I guess, I am afraid that we Elder Qin still have the upper hand."

"Impossible, Elder Qin is just a loose immortal, and the ancestor of the beast soul is a veteran earth immortal powerhouse, not as good as the top ten masters of the magic cultivator, but he is also a generation of fierce gods."

"Do you think it's possible for Elder Qin to break through the Great Array of Soul Devouring Beasts?"

"I think it's possible. Otherwise, Elder Qin wouldn't have plunged in. If we didn't have any countermeasures, even if all 3000 people went in, I'm afraid it wouldn't be a good outcome."

The ancestor of the beast soul was still cursing, Qin Guan despised him in his heart, a guy covered in tattoos, he should be like a social person because he doesn't talk too much, this kind of cursing is too aggressive.

Therefore, Qin Guan ignored the abuse of the ancestor of the beast soul, as well as those unnutritive threats.

To be honest, the level of cursing of the ancestor of the beast soul is really not good.



There was another scream in the formation, and a demon cultivator of the Beast Soul Sect was found and killed by Qin Guan, and the formation flag was directly collected the next moment.

This is already the fourth one. These four were all encountered by Qin Guan running around, but Qin Guan did not turn around. Through the positions of these four formation flags, Qin Guan has roughly calculated the placement of these formation flags. location.

It should be calculated based on the combination of the heavenly stems and the earthly branches. Although Qin Guan can't accurately calculate the position of each flag, he already has a general idea, which makes it much easier to find.


Qin Guan killed another one.

Beast Soul Patriarch: "Qin Guan, you shameless little thief, do you dare to stop and fight with Patriarch? You can't be considered a hero based on your body skills."

Qin Guan: "You, a strong Earth Immortal, want to fight my Sanxian cultivator. If you don't want to be ashamed, you might as well mutilate yourself. I'm fighting with you."

The beast soul patriarch really had nothing to do with Qin Guan, he could only curse again, Qin Guan found the law of the formation, had confidence in his mind, and was free to talk to the beast soul.


Another flag was collected.

Beast Soul Ancestor: "Qin Guan, if you act like this, you will embarrass your master."

Qin Guan: "My master knows that I kill demons and demons, and will only be proud of me."

Bickering, the ancestor of the beast soul is really not Qin Guan's opponent.

Killing Moxiu, collecting the formation flags, and collecting beast souls was extremely busy.

Qin Guan was like a monkey grandson who got into Princess Iron Fan's belly, doing whatever he wanted, the beast soul patriarch yelled in anger, but there was nothing he could do about him.

Outsiders saw that the original pitch-black formation became lighter and lighter, which showed a problem, Qin Guan was constantly destroying the formation.

Before and after, under the curse of the ancestor of the beast soul, Qin Guan had collected more than a dozen formation flags, and the ancestor of the beast soul had an extremely ugly face. He knew that if this continued, his large formation of the beast soul devourer would definitely be broken.

His mind turned sharply, thinking about how to get rid of Qin Guan.


Jiuxian still supported the flying sword to tear the formation, and felt the formation was getting weaker and weaker. He knew that Qin Guan must have found a way to break it.

How can I wait for others, Jiuxian turned around and shouted to the three thousand monks behind him: "It's time, let's attack together and break this beast spirit formation."

(End of this chapter)

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