Chapter 721 Returning to Modern Times

Qin Guan began to retreat, and he planned not to leave the customs until he reached the peak of the Three Tribulations.

Release the earth gourd to adjust the spiritual energy to the highest level, Qin Guan closed his eyes and entered the cultivation state, and saw that the spiritual energy would go in at a speed visible to the naked eye, as long as it touched Qin Guan's body, it would circulate continuously in the meridians, and finally Transform it into its own spiritual power and store it in the Nascent Soul, and Qin Guan's Nascent Soul is growing up little by little.

Qin Guan entered the state of closed-door practice, but he didn't know that the seemingly calm world of self-cultivation was still turbulent secretly.

Misty sea.

Qin Guan once wandered here, covered in poisonous fog all year round, with countless ghosts and ghosts, just like hell, in a place thousands of miles deep into the sea of ​​mist, there is a big island here.

Although this island is in the center of the sea of ​​mist, it is not as dead. Instead, there are patches of flowers blooming everywhere on the island, red, pink, white, very coquettish.

Those who don't know this flower will definitely be attracted by its beauty, but those who know it will definitely get chills when they see so many flowers of this kind here.

Because this flower is famous, it is called Manjusawa, also known as Datura flower, also known as Bianhua flower and Hell flower.

It is rumored that this flower only grows in hell, and if it is irrigated by ghosts, the more lush and bright it will grow, and here, the entire island is full of this flower, and it is still blooming so lushly, just think about it.

In this sea of ​​flowers, a beautiful man with a perfect face stood in it, wearing a gorgeous robe, holding a Bianhua flower that everyone heard of, and sniffed it under his nose, revealing a bit of evil. Charm.

The perfect man looked at the middle-aged man in red next to him with a cold expression on his face, while the middle-aged man lowered his head tremblingly.

If Qin Guan was here, he would definitely recognize that this middle-aged man in red is the real Huolong.

"I'm very disappointed. I spent a lot of effort on you, but the plan fell short, and my century-old efforts were wasted."

"You were actually defeated by a junior. You are usually smart, but in fact you are extremely stupid. You still want to be the leader of the righteous way. It seems that I was wrong. I don't know what to do with you."

Hearing this, Huolong's complexion changed drastically, and he knelt down with a plop. The majestic Huoling Sect Master, a generation of strong earth immortals, actually knelt down on his knees.

"Master, I know that I didn't do well this time. I failed the trust of the master and delayed the important affairs of the master, but please give me another chance, and I am willing to make up for my mistakes." Huolong said anxiously.

"Make up for your mistakes, how do you plan to make up for it." The evil and charming man said lightly.

"The righteous way is not good, then unify the evil way of cultivating the devil, and you can still complete the master's great cause." Huolong said.

"It's not necessarily impossible to cultivate evil ways, but why do you think you can let them do things for you." The man said unhurriedly.

"Evil cultivators value the most benefits. As long as they have enough benefits, they will naturally be able to lure them. In the past, you wanted to use the righteous path to turn the world around. Now, it would be better to let the demonic cultivators cook the oil with fire and throw themselves into the net." Huolong said.

The evil man smiled and shook his head: "You don't know, my plan requires the participation of orthodox monks, and only they can complete the final sacrifice."

"Then set a trap and let the righteous monks jump in by themselves. As for the trap, the evil cultivator will naturally use the evil way." Fire Dragon said.

The evil man thought for a while, and said: "Forget it, I will give you one more chance. Now I will teach you a method of magic cultivation, so that you can improve your cultivation as soon as possible, so that you can go out and do things, and you won't be sent out to beat you up." killed."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and pointed at the fire dragon, and a golden light shot into the fire dragon's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Just practice on the island. There is plenty of viciousness here. You should be able to achieve great success in 30 to [-] years. When you go out, there are probably not many people in the cultivation world who are your opponents. Self-protection should be no problem." The evil man said. .

The fire dragon was overjoyed, and kowtowed three times respectfully, "The fire dragon will do everything for the master with all its heart."

The man's figure disappeared in a flash, and the smile on Huolong's face gradually became cold.

"If you hadn't taken away a ray of spirit and been ruled by you, why would I kneel down and beg for mercy?"

"You Ming, when my strength reaches its full potential, you will be the first to kill me."

"And Qin Guan, you wait for me. After I go out, I will seek revenge on you."


Time flies, and five years have passed.

On this day, Qin Guan woke up from meditation, opened his eyes and looked at the furnishings in the house, and it took him a while to regain his composure.

Checking his own cultivation again, Qin Guan was overjoyed that he had finally reached the peak of the Three Tribulations and could cross the Tribulations at any time.

To cross the immortal calamity of the earth, to cross the calamity of the heart demon, to cross the calamity of fire, water and wind, and to cross the calamity of thunder, the three calamities are indispensable. Qin Guan is not particularly worried about the calamity of earth, fire, water, wind and thunder. Heart Demon Calamity, Heart Demon Calamity is very strange, you don't know what you will encounter, it is impossible to guard against it.

Regardless of these, Qin Guan checked the situation of his magic weapon. What made him happy was that after several years of nurturing, both 'Taiyi Wuyanluo' and 'Colorful Lotus Lantern' have been upgraded from middle-grade immortal artifacts to high-grade immortal artifacts.

In this way, crossing the catastrophe has added confidence.

"Perhaps, we should go home and have a look." Qin Guan murmured.

He had accumulated two travel opportunities before, and he was reluctant to use them indiscriminately. Now that he was about to cross the tribulation, as long as he crossed the tribulation, he would be in danger. Qin Guan suddenly missed his family, parents, grandparents, and his own women.

Cultivation of Immortals pursues clear thinking. Now that he thinks about it, Qin Guan will not suppress himself, and calls out to the system in his heart, "System, I want to travel back to modern times."

The next moment, Qin Guan appeared in Hyundai's home.

How long has it been since he came back? It seems to be a long time ago. Ten years, 20 years, or 30 years. Everything in the house is so strange, but the furnishings in the house have not changed at all. Even the cup of tea he made when he left is still stinking steaming.

Qin Guan stood up and walked out of the study room. The light in the living room was on. He turned off the light and gently opened the bedroom door. He saw Xu Qinglan sleeping on the bed with her beautiful hair scattered on the pillow.

Qin Guan walked over, took off his clothes and went to bed.

Instinctively, Xu Qinglan moved her body, turned her back to Qin Guan, and slipped her body into Qin Guan's arms. Qin Guan reached out to hug her, Xu Qinglan grabbed Qin Guan's hand, put him on her chest, and muttered: "Husband, It's cold, hug me to sleep."


Qin Guan hummed, hugged Xu Qinglan tightly, exuded a little spiritual power, Xu Qinglan's body instantly warmed up, and she slept more peacefully.

Pressing against Xu Qinglan's back, Qin Guan's breathing gradually became steady.

All this is true.

This is my home, and my girlfriend.

Not long after, Qin Guan also fell into a deep sleep.

In the early morning, a ray of sunlight shone into the room through the window, and the two woke up together. Qin looked at Xu Qinglan and smiled.

Move your hands slowly.

"Husband, don't make trouble, you still have to go to the company." Xu Qinglan called out tenderly.

"I'm fast."

"you're lying."


(End of this chapter)

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