Chapter 743
A big tail curled around Qin Guan's back, and the room echoed like weeping and complaining for a long time.

The voices in the room gradually died down, Zisu lay on Qin Guan's chest and couldn't stop panting, Qin Guan stroked his big tail and said, "You can't do it for only two days, but Zixia has persisted for ten days, and Ruoxue has persisted for seven days." of."

Zisu coquettishly said: "My lord, the slave family only has a high-level cultivation of foundation building, the master's cultivation is too high, and there are too many slave families, Zisu's small dantian, how can it withstand such a powerful spiritual infusion from the master, it will naturally be full all at once. "

listen to this.
Why is it dirty?

Well, I think too much.

"Okay, now that you have reached the peak of foundation building, my son has two top-grade spiritual weapons. You can refine them, and they can be used when you cross the tribulation."

After Qin Guan finished speaking, he took out a paw and a colorful robe and put them aside.

The seven-color Xiayi is the standard equipment for all the girls. As for the weapons, they are the same as their previous weapons, so as not to be unfamiliar.

Zisu suddenly said: "My lord, have you thought about how to help Yan'er and Mimi improve their cultivation?"

Qin Guan was also a little hesitant, although he tried to tease Yan'er and Zisu before, but he didn't really eat them, Qin Guan was also considering whether to use other methods.

Zisu looked at Qin Guan and said with a coquettish smile, "My lord, in fact, the two ladies have already been prepared. You must not let your daughter speak up."

What kind of innocence are you pretending to be, and you are not a good person, and you will be accepted sooner or later, so why don't you come to send your daughter off?

"Tomorrow, I'll go find them." Qin Guan said.

Zisu chuckled, stretched out her lilac tongue and licked Qin Guan's chest, "My lord, tomorrow Zisu will wash the two girls for nothing."


The big hand patted the buttocks.

"Ah, the son is bullying the servant again~"

In fact, Yan'er and Mimi had already been prepared in their hearts. The two women sat by the bed and glanced at each other secretly, and they could see each other's nervousness and shyness.

"Squeak~" The door opened.

The bodies of the two women trembled slightly.

Qin Guan walked over and sat between the two women. The two women lowered their heads and did not dare to look at Qin Guan. Qin Guan stretched out his hand, held their hands one by one, and smiled at the two shy flowers: "Young master will help you improve tonight. Cultivation."

Yan'er bowed her head and said nothing, but Mimi pouted and said, "Young Master is the best liar."

"Hahaha, if you see through it, then you won't be called a liar." He lowered his head and kissed each of the two women's faces, causing the two women's faces to flush red immediately.

Swallows are fit, honey is tender.

Swallows are beautiful and sweet.

Yan'er is warm and charming.

Yan'er is a gentle lady with a natural beauty, and Mimi's figure is hot, with a protruding lordosis and a warped back.

Swallows are exquisite and translucent, delicate and charming, with teeth like gourds and rhinoceros, voices of swallows, honey eyes like silk, breasts slightly exposed, graceful, enchanting and charming.

The two women only had the middle stage of foundation establishment. After Qin Guan sorted out their meridians, they filled their meridians in just one day.

He did not leave, and protected the two girls to break through. Two days later, the two girls successfully broke through to the high level of Foundation Establishment. Qin Guan continued his efforts and sent them to the peak of Foundation Establishment.

"One piece of seven-color Xiayi for each person."

"Yan'er is a flying sword, and Mimi is a spear. Both are weapons you use in daily life. You can refine them yourself."

"After the refinement is complete, the young master will protect you through the golden elixir robbery."

"Thank you, Young Master, for the reward." The two girls thanked happily after receiving the magic weapon.

The two women also retreated immediately.

When Qin Guan left the room, he suddenly discovered that the five women were all practicing, and they seemed unable to leave the customs for a short period of time.

To drink as a song, life is lonely.

Qin Guan did not retreat, but left Zixia Island. Now Zixia Island is protected by a large formation, not afraid of being destroyed by others. The retreat is very safe for the girls. Qin Guan Yujian flew towards the west.

A day later, Qin Guan came to a valley.

Looking at the familiar environment, Qin nodded.

Magic cloud dense environment.

That's right, Qin Guan came here this time to collect points. Last time Qin Guan came here, he collected hundreds of thousands of merit points here, but he still didn't pass the level. I don't know if he will this time.

Lowering his cultivation base, he took out the jade tablet, and a light curtain appeared over the valley, and Qin Guan dived into it.

Thinking back to when I first entered the magic cloud dense realm, it was only in the foundation building stage, and I was chased and killed by people running around, and was blocked by the pipa at the entrance. Now decades have passed, and my changes have been turned upside down.

"Sprinkle beans into a soldier!"

Qin Guan waved a handful of copper beans, and the copper beans turned into bean soldiers in mid-air. Qin Guan ordered: "Kill all demons and ghosts."

"Whoosh whoosh~"

The bean soldiers shot in all directions.

Each of these bean soldiers has the peak strength of Jindan, and Qin Guan also extravagantly equipped them with spiritual weapons and magic weapons to further enhance their combat power. Among other things, just the skill of spreading beans into soldiers can make Qin Guan Sweep this world.

"Ding~~ Slay ghosts and get 2 points of merit."

"Ding~~ Slay ghosts and get 1 points of merit."



The system prompts are endless, and the merit value is constantly refreshing the screen. Although each single value is small, it is continuous. Qin Guan likes this feeling very much.

Those demons and ghosts in the cloud and dense realm, in front of the bean soldiers who possessed the peak golden core, did not have any generals at all, and they all moved in seconds.

Maybe when I break through to the Empress Dowager, I can go to the Ten Great Jedi to play with monsters, poisons, and evil spirits. If I am a little more ruthless, I can go to the Demon Cultivator, and I should have a good harvest.

Each bean soldier only has a lifespan of two hours. Once the time passes, it will explode and dissipate. Qin Guan found out that if they were thrown out, it was okay at first, but then the speed of scoring points weakened.

Two hours later, Qin Guan sent out a group of bean soldiers again, ordering the bean soldiers to be one every mile. The team stretched for more than a hundred miles, lined up in a row and moved forward. The effect of carpet demining was much more obvious than before. The soaring speed of the merit value is a bit faster.

In this way, when Qin Guan was about to make copper beans again, he was surprised to find that the refined copper beans had been used up.

Qin Guan checks the system, the merit value has increased by more than 100 million points, which is an absolute bumper harvest, and looking at his own merit value, it has more than 300 million points now, an absolute local tyrant.

"Looks like it's time to go back." Qin Guan said.

After leaving the magic cloud dense realm, Qin watched the gradually closing light curtain, and said in his heart, next time he comes, he must max out this dungeon.


Longitudinal golden light technique.

A golden light shot towards the East China Sea, and the next moment, Qin Guan's figure appeared in front of Zixia Island.

Entering Zixia Island, Qin Guan found that the girls were still retreating.

With nothing else to do, Qin Guan refined another batch of copper beans for later use. Anyway, he robbed a lot of materials.

But after doing all this, Qin Guan found that he had nothing to do. Could it be that he was practicing in seclusion, but the time here was only one year, and it was really a waste to use it for cultivation.

Suddenly, a smirk appeared on Qin Guan's face, he looked at the women's room, and murmured: "Maybe they need my help to sacrifice magic weapons."

(End of this chapter)

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