Chapter 805

Qin Guan only stayed at Qingniujing's place for a few days before leaving to continue westward.

This day, he saw mountains stretching together, with a clear river flowing in the middle, Qin Guan calculated the position, looked at the river again, and said, "This should be the Zimu River."

Qin Guan scanned his eyes and saw a house by the river from a distance. Qin Guan walked over and patted the chai gate lightly. A middle-aged woman came out and exclaimed when she saw Qin Guan, "Ah, it's a man." .”

The woman put down the wooden basin in her hand and walked over quickly, opened the firewood gate, looked at Qin Guan and asked, "You are from outside, come and sit at home."

The woman was so enthusiastic that Qin Guan was a little embarrassed.

Entering the room, the woman invited Qin Guan to sit down and poured a cup of tea. Qin Guan found that there were three other people in the back room, all secretly looking at Qin Guan through the bamboo curtain, and whispering from time to time.

Qin Guan asked: "I want to find out if this is the daughter's country, and if the outside is the Zimu River."

The woman said: "That's right, the guest is right, this is the country of daughters, and outside is the Zimu River. Guests should not drink the water in the river at will, or they will give birth to babies."

Qin Guan asked in surprise: "You live by the river, don't you use the water from the river?"

The woman smiled, "The guests don't know, this river water can only give birth to babies when drinking raw water, and the babies are all female babies. If you boil the river water, it's okay to drink it again. It's easy to use it for washing and cooking. It's all right."

Qin Guan suddenly nodded.

While speaking, the woman couldn't stop looking at Qin Guan, as if seeing something she loved, she didn't hide it, which made Qin Guan a little embarrassed.

The woman suddenly said: "Guest, it's getting late, you might as well stay here tonight. There are three daughters in my family, and you can choose one to serve you at night. Of course, if you like all three, even if you let the three of them go to bed together." it is also fine."

Without waiting for Qin Guan to speak, he shouted to the inside, "Boss, second child, third child, hurry up and meet the guests from afar."

The bamboo curtain was lifted, and three girls came out, all looking at Qin Guan with big eyes flickering, the older one was seventeen or eighteen years old, and the younger one looked only thirteen or fourteen years old.

Although the three women were not as beautiful as flowers, they were not ugly, and they exuded a sense of youth. Even the youngest, her small chest was tight.

The eyes of the three girls looking at Qin Guan were full of curiosity and admiration, as if they were going to have sex right now.

Qin Guan retreated immediately.

"Don't bother me, I still have something to do, so I will take my leave." Saying this, he got up and left.

The woman couldn't stop Qin Guan left and right, she could only watch Qin Guan leave regretfully, and when Qin Guan walked away, she breathed a sigh of relief.

It's really warm. It's okay to entertain guests with your daughter if you have nothing to do. This custom is also open enough.

After Qin Guan left, several girls looked disappointed, and the oldest girl said: "I have seen a few men before and thought they were mighty, but this time I saw this one so handsome, I felt trembling all over when I saw him Woolen cloth."

"Hey, it's a pity that people don't want to stay."

Qin Guan came to the river again, looking at the clear water, Qin Guan suddenly had many thoughts in his mind, why the water in the Zimu River can make people pregnant, even monks like Zhu Bajie are not immune, how much water is there? sharp.

If you use it to secretly give the enemy a drink and impregnate the enemy, it is estimated that [-]% of the combat power will be lost in an instant, which is more powerful than poisonous water.

Qin Guan also thought that if the mother-child river water was brought to modern times and given to those who are infertile to drink, it would be very popular, and it might be able to earn merits.

Thinking of this, Qin Guan suddenly regained his energy. No matter what, he put it away first, took out the water hyacinth and threw it into the river, and saw the river water being sucked in, and even formed a vortex in the center of the river.

Seeing the water hyacinth absorbing the mother-child river crazily, Qin Guan laughed loudly, "Take it, take it hard, anyway, there are a lot of them here."

In the end, Qin Guan didn't know how much he had collected, anyway, he found that the river water had dropped several times.

It's just that there is no water god in the Zimu River, if there was one, he would probably have been found and quit Qin Guan a long time ago.

Seeing that it was almost finished, Qin Guan accepted the water hyacinth.

Only the pregnancy water is not enough, there is also an antidote, Qin Guan thought of the birth-fall spring water, and then thought of the Ruyi Zhenxian who guarded the birth-fall spring water.

You can tell by the name that he is a real fairy.

What is a true immortal? Xuanxian is also called a true immortal, so you can tell how strong that guy is. In the original book, Monkey King beat him up lightly, and Qin Guan guessed that he would have no problem fighting him.

According to the original book, the Luotai Spring was located in the Juxian Nunnery on Jieyang Mountain in the south of the daughter's country. Qin Guan flew to the south, searched for half a day, and finally let him see a Taoist temple.

The scale of this Taoist temple is not large, the front hall and backyard are very neat, Qin Guan walked in directly, the Taoist temple was empty, Qin Guan continued to walk in, and finally saw a Taoist priest sitting cross-legged in meditation under a tree in the backyard.

The Taoist raised his eyes to look at Qin Guan, without a trace of surprise, and slowly said: "This fellow Taoist must have come to look for the birth spring water, I don't know if it was a brother or a friend who accidentally drank the water from the mother-child river and became pregnant. .”

"If you want spring water, you need a gift of bonuses, a plate of sheep wine and fruit, and some money. I can give you a bowl."

Qin Guan took a look at his cultivation base, Xuanxian was only at the elementary level, much worse than himself, and asked, "I don't know how much I can buy a bowl of."

"Hehe, not much, a bowl of a thousand taels of gold." True Immortal Ruyi said lightly.

"It's really expensive, I wonder if it can be cheaper." Qin Guan asked.

True Immortal Ruyi's face darkened: "I've always been at this price, whether I like it or not, if you don't have money, please go out."

This guy turned his face really fast.

"Then if I don't plan to give money, I still have to get spring water." Qin Guan said lightly.

True Immortal Ruyi stared, with anger on his face, pointed at Qin Guan and said: "So I came here to make trouble, and I didn't inquire about my origin, dare to act wild here, believe it or not, I will kill you today. "

Qin Guan smiled coldly: "I really don't believe it."

After speaking, he took out the Lei Jue sword.

True Immortal Ruyi jumped up suddenly, with a pair of double hooks in his hand, he pointed at Qin Guan and said, "Okay, okay, I didn't expect the robbery to be on my head, let's see what you have to rely on today." After speaking, the double hooks are right Seeing Qin Guan, he cut it down.

Qin Guan didn't use other spells and supernatural powers, so he used swordsmanship to fight with True Immortal Ruyi. The two fought for dozens of rounds. It may not really be an opponent.

"Look at my wishful flying hook!"

(End of this chapter)

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