Chapter 809
Qin Guan followed the Rakshasa girl into the cave and looked around. The Plantain Cave was well organized, and it could be seen that the Rakshasa girl put her heart into it.

Rakshasa asked Qin Guan to sit down, and the servant brought twice as much tea and retreated. Qin Guan smiled and asked, "Is brother-in-law not at home?"

When Luocha girl heard Qin Guan mentioning the Bull Demon King, her face turned cold, and she snorted and said: "The old cow is a homeless person, he hangs out with his brothers all day, either at this banquet or that banquet, every year I won't be home for more than half a year."

"It is said that friends are all over the world, but what's the use? They are all a group of wine and meat friends, full of loyalty, but when they are used, they have a few sincerity. Forget it, let's not talk about him. Why don't you tell me about your reincarnation in the lower world? .”

Qin Guan was thinking of the bull demon king's vixen mistress, and he was afraid that the bull demon king would go out, not just to drink and party with friends, but to see his senior sisters.

Qin Guan began to talk about his experience of cultivation in the lower realms. Of course, [-]% of them were true and [-]% of them were false. Qin Guan was very good at making up random stories.

"Oh, I was too busy talking, so I forgot to entertain my junior brother. I'll ask my servants to arrange food and drinks, and have a drink with my junior brother." Rakshasa said.

This Rakshasa woman was also very straightforward, without any pretensions, she turned around and went out of the inner hall to arrange meals. After arranging for the servants to prepare the meals, she came to the bedroom alone, but sat down on the bed.

I didn't know what I was thinking, but I was stunned.

The expression on Rakshasa's face changed, she hesitated for a while, and showed shyness for a while. In the end, she gritted her teeth and seemed to have made a decision. With a wave of her plain hand, there was an extra jug of wine on the table. Then with a swipe of her finger on the palm, a hole appeared instantly, a few drops of blood dripped into the wine, and the wine instantly turned red. The red wine became clear again.

The Raksha girl brought the drinks to the inner hall, and the food was ready. The Raksha girl said with a smile: "Junior brother, I have a jar of heavenly nectar and jade liquid here, which is specially reserved. This time, the younger brother came here, so I will use it to serve you." Serve the younger brother with wine."

Qiongye Yuye is officially brewed by Tianting, the output is not high, and the low-grade gods and immortals are not eligible to enjoy it. Meijun Qinguan has drank it before, but only a few times two or three times. The taste of Qiongye Yuye is extremely wonderful , and can enhance cultivation, this kind of wine is used in royal banquets like the Peach Festival, and others can't easily drink it.

"Then I would like to thank Senior Sister, it's just a good time to eat." Qin Guan said happily.

The Raksha girl poured Qin Guan a bowl of wine. The water was clear and the aroma of the wine was rich and tangy. A bowl of wine."

"Okay, done." Qin Guan said readily.

The two drank a bowl of wine in one gulp, Qin Guan only felt that after entering the mouth of the fine nectar and jade liquid, it turned into a strong immortal energy, and began to swim around the body, as if the whole body was washed by the heat, extremely refreshing .

"Good wine!" Qin Guan couldn't help but praise.

"It's really good wine. It's just that Senior Sister Dao is here, and Junior Brother has such a good taste." Qin Guan said.

The Rakshasa woman smiled like a flower, "Since the wine is good, let's drink a few more bowls." She said and poured another bowl for Qin Guan.

Just like that, the two chatted and exchanged cups, not long after, Qin Guan felt a little dizzy, shook his head, and thought to himself: "This jade nectar is really powerful. , but seems to be drunk."

But think about it, if you are not intoxicated, is it still called wine?

Those great gods in the Heavenly Court, who are more advanced than Qin Guan, are countless. After drinking this wine, they are still drunk. After drinking, Zhu Bajie got dizzy and flirted with Fairy Nishang. After drinking, Monkey King still played crazy.

The Raksha girl poured another bowl for Qin Guan, Qin Guan shook his hand, and said with some slurred words: "Senior sister, I can't drink any more, I'm afraid I'm going to get drunk if I drink any more."

The Raksha girl also turned pink at the moment, and said with a smile: "So what if you are drunk, this is the cave of the senior sister, and there is a place for you to rest, what are you afraid of, come, we will not return today if we are not drunk."

When Qin Guan heard this, he immediately felt relieved, and touched the bowl with Rakshasa again, and drank the wine in the bowl in one gulp.

At some point, Qin Guan was really drunk.

Rakshasa's face was also turning red at this moment, but she still remained awake. She sat on the chair and looked at Qin Guan, her breathing became short of breath. She gritted her teeth, stood up and helped Qin Guan up, and walked into the inner bedroom .

After entering the house, he played a ban.

Putting Qin Guan on the bed, Qin Guan was already unconscious at this moment, sleeping soundly, Rakshasa sat on the side of the bed, stretched out her hand, passed it over little by little, and slowly stroked Qin Guan's face.

"Junior brother, when the master accepted me as a registered student, you were the one who took me to Da Chitian and took great care of me. You talked and laughed in a gentle and gentle way, but you know that at that time I started to admire you."

"It's a pity that my family has already arranged a marriage for me at that time, and you, you are a passionate seed, wandering between Yuzhu and Qinglan, I'm afraid you won't see the shadow of your senior sister."

"I stayed in the Great Chitian for a short time, and my name is much worse than yours. The master just rewarded me with a set of exercises and a magic treasure plantain fan, and I will never ignore it again. When I get married in the lower realm, Just keep this thought in my heart and never tell anyone.”

"When I met my junior brother today, for some reason, my thoughts boiled up again, and I couldn't suppress it."

Speaking of this, the Rakshasa woman looked at Qin Guan's face with a pair of bewildered eyes, which were full of tenderness and obsession.

Slowly, she lowered her body and moved her lips closer.

In his sleep, Qin Guan's mouth was a little dry, and suddenly he felt a sweetness coming to his mouth, and he sucked it unconsciously. Then, his body became hotter and hotter, and he hugged the person in his arms in a daze, and rolled over and pressed him
The charming sound in the cave continued, and it took a long time before it stopped.

The next day,

When Qin Guan woke up, he always felt that something happened last night, but he couldn't remember it clearly. After thinking about it carefully, he couldn't remember anything.

"This fine nectar and jade liquid is really powerful, I drank it to pieces." Qin Guan murmured.

Qin Guan stood up, and a maid brought clean water. After washing, Qin Guan asked, "Where is Princess Iron Fan?"

"The princess was looking at the scenery on the top of the mountain, and said that if the fairy asked her, she could go there." The maid replied.

Qin Guan came out of the Bajiao Cave and came to the top of Cuiyun Mountain. Rakshasa was standing on the top of the mountain and looking into the distance, as if she was thinking about something.


Qin Guan called out.

Rakshasa girl turned her head suddenly, looked at Qin Guan but squeezed out a smile, "Junior brother is awake."

"Wake up, thank you senior sister for your hospitality yesterday. Junior brother has other things to do, so I won't stay here any longer. I will come to visit senior sister some other day." Qin Guan said.

(End of this chapter)

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