Chapter 835

Miss Yin has been pregnant for five months now, her body is slightly bloated, but now in March, the weather is still a bit cold, Miss Yin is wearing a big red robe to cover up her figure, but outsiders can't see the clue.

She stood on the embroidered building, her face was a bit miserable, looking at the bustling crowd below, the mouths were drooling, it was really disgusting.

At this moment, a gong sounded in the distance, and a group of people and horses came over, and a person in the middle was riding on a tall white horse, wearing a red official robe and slanting red flowers, but it was Chen Guangrui who was full of vigor. The person with the horse took the initiative to lead the horse into the selection team.

Chen Guangrui looked up, and saw a beautiful woman upstairs, holding a hydrangea ball in her hand, her eyes were looking over, Miss Yin was also taken aback when she saw Chen Guangrui, this man should be the champion of Jinke, the husband chosen by her father Son-in-law.

He also looks like a handsome man.

At this moment, most of the resentment in Miss Yin's heart dissipated immediately, and she threw the hydrangea ball in her hand towards Chen Guangrui.

But the force he threw was a little weak, and the hydrangea was about to fall to other places. At this moment, a gust of wind blew up, and the hydrangea jumped forward again, just hitting Chen Guangrui's head.

Chen Guangrui was taken aback, and at this moment the official in charge of parading the streets shouted in surprise: "Oh, congratulations, Master Chen, this is the only daughter of Prime Minister Yin at that time, and Miss Yin, who is known as the "full house" in Chang'an, has been selected this time. Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen will surely rise to the top in the future."

When Chen Guangrui heard this, he was also overjoyed.

Before he could react, a group of Yin family servants came out, dragged Chen Guangrui away, and soon came to the prime minister's mansion, where a wedding hall had been set up, and everyone hurriedly married the two of them. Up to now, Chen Guangrui still In a daze.

However, he was very happy in his heart. The ancient sect had a lot of views, and many people dreamed of being able to marry the prime minister's daughter. He never thought that such a good thing would happen to him today.

Besides, Miss Yin was born so beautiful, how could Chen Guangrui not be happy, the title on the gold list, the bridal chamber wedding candles, are all taken up today.

As for why the prime minister's marriage was so hasty and simple, Chen Guangrui didn't think too much about it. During the banquet, Chen Guangrui kept toasting with the adults, enjoying the feeling of attention.

After the banquet, Chen Guangrui just wanted to go back to the wedding room and Meijiaoniang's bridal chamber, but was called into the prime minister's study by the servants of the Yin family. Although Chen Guangrui was puzzled, he did not dare to disobey him. He saluted and shouted "I have seen Mr. Yuezhang".

"Well, Guangrui, I called you here because I have something to tell you." Yin Kaishan said in a deep voice with a serious expression on his face.

Seeing the Prime Minister like this, Chen Guangrui was also a bit serious, "My son-in-law listens carefully."

"Let me ask you, what are your ambitions?" Yin Kaishan asked.

Chen Guangrui was stunned, why did he ask himself these questions on the wedding night, but he still answered honestly: "Mu Shou Fang, share the worries of His Majesty, honor the ancestors, and add luster to the ancestors."

Well, it's all true.

Yin Kaishan continued: "Do you know that even if you are from the number one scholar, but you are from a humble family, those aristocratic families will naturally not give you a chance to be a leader. Normally, you can only assign a lower county to be a seventh-rank county Ling, as for promotion, if you want to become a second-rank minister, you may not have a chance in this life."

"These son-in-laws naturally know that from now on, the son-in-law will definitely obey Taishan's teachings and dare not make mistakes." Chen Guangrui said.

Yin Kaishan felt that it was almost done, and then said: "You have seen it, Wen Jiao, but you don't know that she has some hidden illnesses. If there is any inconvenience, you as a husband have to take care of it, you know."

"My son-in-law will take care of it, but I don't know what kind of hidden disease the young lady has?" Chen Guangrui asked.

"Ahem, turn around and see for yourself."

"Guangrui, I have already begged His Majesty to let you go to Jiangzhou and become a fifth-rank magistrate. This is a reward that has never been given before. Don't let me live up to my expectations. You know. From now on, I will be in the court. I can guarantee you no worries, as long as you make progress by yourself, you may be able to enter the center in the future." Yin Kaishan said.

Anyway, coercion was used, Chen Guangrui left the prime minister's study in a daze, and then came to the wedding room, but when he excitedly saw Miss Yin, he saw a scene that chilled him.

What does this woman with a big belly mean.

At this moment, Chen Guangrui seemed to understand. It turned out that he was a villain. Seeing that he was poor, he chose himself as his son-in-law. No wonder the wedding was held in such a hurry, it didn't look like a prime minister at all. Marry a daughter at home.

It turned out that this stomach couldn't hide it.

Chen Guangrui sat on the side of the bed with a gloomy expression on his face.


He didn't have that qualification. The number one scholar in the Jinke said he was magnificent, but compared with the prime minister of the court, Mao was not even that.

Slam the door out and reject this marriage?
That means that his official career will come to an end from now on, and he may have to face the crazy revenge of the Yin family. It is not known that he will be killed for a reason before long.

Expose the scandal of the Yin family to wash away your shame?

Then he died faster.

Before Prime Minister Yin called him away, those words were still in his ears, and the smell of threat was very strong. He, Chen Guangrui, came from a poor family, how could he resist.

Alas, I can only admit it.

Actually think about it,

It's not a loss to me, isn't it just that I was greened, but I married the daughter of the Yin family, leaned on the big tree of Yin Kaishan, and became the magistrate of a state one step further, this is my compensation.

A woman is nothing more than a tool.

If you have a child, you will have a child, and you will die in the future. If you think about a woman, you dare not say anything. What is more important than an official position.

Besides, since I became a magistrate, I can marry as many concubines as I want, does this woman dare to stop herself, does she have the face to stop herself?

Chen Guangrui turned to look at Miss Yin, she was still as beautiful as a flower, but when she looked at the bulging belly, she felt disgusted again.

"I married you, but do I have a servant girl to serve me?" Chen Guangrui asked suddenly.

Miss Yin was taken aback, "Ah, yes, Xiao Lian is the housemaid."

Chen Guangrui said: "You are inconvenient, but you have to have a bridal chamber tonight, or else it is unlucky, let Xiaolian replace you."

For this reason, no one else.

Miss Yin's complexion became ugly, but what could she say with her current appearance, so she had to call Xiao Lian over.

The size of the marriage bed was huge. Chen Guangrui let Ms. Chen sleep in it, and dragged the panicked Xiao Lian to sleep outside. With a scream, Chen Guangrui took Xiao Lian's body. Looking at the two writhing bodies next to her, Yin Miss tears flowed down.

(End of this chapter)

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