Plane of Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 864 This wave of operation is not a loss

Chapter 864

The Nine-Headed Insect went to kill Sun Wukong, and Monkey King was also full of fighting spirit, so he raised his mighty cudgel and threw it at the Nine-Headed Insect.

The Nine-Headed Insect flapped its wings and used a teleportation move to avoid Monkey King's stick. The next second, a bird's head pecked at Monkey King fiercely.

This move was extremely fast, and the bird's beak bit the Monkey King's shoulder all at once.


Sun Wukong let out a scream.

Although he has the indestructible body of a diamond, the Nine-Headed Insect's move has been practiced for thousands of years. Although he didn't bite the golden body like holding an arhat, it hurt so much that Sun Wukong grinned and screamed.

"Sun Wukong, die for me!"


The beak gnawed hard.

"Law Heaven and Earth!"

Sun Wukong made a move, his body became bigger immediately, he opened the bird's beak little by little, then immediately became smaller, and fled away with a whoosh.

"Wan Yuan is dead angry!"

The Nine-Headed Insect spewed out a black air from the other bird head, and covered Sun Wukong. When Sun Wukong saw the dead air, he did not dare to meet it and dodged immediately.

The next moment, another bird head sprayed a white flame and enveloped Sun Wukong.

Each of the nine bird heads has magical powers, so Monkey King has no choice but to parry.


Just when Monkey King was exhausted from parrying, one of the bird heads suddenly shot out a white light. The white light was extremely fast.


This white light seriously injured Monkey King, and Monkey King let out a scream and fled towards the distance. Although he couldn't die, it also caused Monkey King to lose [-]% of his combat power.

"Where did Sun Wukong escape!"

The Nine-Headed Insect gave a shout, flapped its wings and chased after it.

"Quick, save Sun Dasheng." The eighteen arhats who were not injured all shouted, and followed closely behind.

Sun Wukong was chased by the Nine-Headed Insect again, and this time he was even more embarrassed than last time. Facing the Nine-Headed Insect, he was no match at all, and he had only one way to escape.

After being chased by the Nine-Headed Insect for thousands of miles, suddenly an auspicious cloud flew in front of him, but it was Guanyin Bodhisattva. When Guanyin Bodhisattva saw Sun Wukong's serious injury, and saw the Nine-Headed Insect chasing after him, he shouted: "Dare to be evil. "

After speaking, he threw the jade bottle and threw it at Nine-Headed Insect.

The Jade Cleaning Vase came so quickly that Nine-Headed Insect did not expect Guanyin to sneak up on him, and would be close to him if he was not careful, so he stretched out a bird's head to meet him.


The jade bottle smashed the bird's head.

The jade bottle didn't stop, and hit the Nine-Headed Insect's chest again, and it was obvious that his chest collapsed.

The Nine-Headed Insect let out a scream and spewed out a big mouthful of blood. He knew that he was not the opponent of Guanyin, so he looked at Monkey King and Guanyin with hatred in his eyes, gritted his teeth, swayed his body and used the teleportation spell, and disappeared in front of Guanyin.

Guanyin was also taken aback, and then murmured: "This monster who has cultivated for thousands of years really has some means of saving his life. He can teleport, even I can't track him."

Monkey King came to Guanyin holding his chest and said, "Bodhisattva, why did you let that guy run away?"

Guanyin looked at Sun Wukong and said: "He is from the ancient great monster Phoenix tribe, with extraordinary strength, also known as Nine-headed Bird and Nine Phoenix. His teleportation spell is a natal supernatural power, even if I can't catch up with him."

Look at the big hole in Monkey King's chest, Guanyin took out a willow branch and sprinkled a drop of nectar, and Monkey King's chest healed instantly.

This is just a treatment for the external injury, but the internal injury will not be healed in a short while, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to recover within three to five years.

The old Dragon King and Princess Wansheng died tragically, the Nine-Headed Insect escaped, and the Buddhist relic was taken back. This time, the mission was completed. Monkey King did not expect that it would be so difficult this time, and he could only complete the mission at the cost of injury.

Sun Wukong went back to hand in the task, Guanyin also went down to the realm in person, the king knew that he had wronged the monk, so he greeted the monk in person, knelt down to worship Guanyin together, and announced on the spot that he would only respect Buddhism and establish Buddhism as the state religion from now on.

This wave of operations by the Buddhist school is not bad.

At the same time, a figure appeared above the East China Sea.


The Nine-Headed Insect spat out a mouthful of blood again. Guanyin's blow had seriously injured the Nine-Headed Insect, and then escaped with a secret method, causing him more injuries.

Gritting its teeth, the Nine-Headed Insect plunged into the sea and sank to the bottom of the sea. After reaching the bottom of the sea, the Nine-Headed Insect found a cave on the seabed and burrowed into it. It curled up and turned into a gigantic egg after a while.

The Nine-Headed Insect has the blood of the Phoenix. Although it is thin, it still has the ability of the Phoenix family. Although it cannot be reborn from Nirvana, it is still no problem to heal the wounds under serious injuries.

Maybe a hundred years, maybe a thousand years, when he is reborn from the cocoon again is the time to heal.

But just after the nine-headed worm turned into a giant egg, about half a day later, another figure appeared on the surface of the sea, it was Qin Guan.

Qin Guan used the Five Elements Escape, walked freely in the water, and came to the giant egg in an instant. At this moment, the nine-headed worm had fallen into a deep sleep, without any precautions. Qin Guan took out the demon refining gourd, and directly put the giant egg into the gourd.

This nine-headed worm is not a benevolent person. It was called an evil bird in ancient times. It was very vicious. In its heyday, Qin Guan did not have the confidence to beat him, but now, it has become Qin Guan's gourd. , When he woke up, he found that he was confiscated, and he didn't know how he felt.

Qin Guan doesn't care about these, if Nine-Headed Insect is willing to surrender, he will have one more powerful subordinate, if not, then Qin Guan doesn't mind refining him.

In this wave, Qin Guan is not at a loss.

In Jisai Kingdom, a grand Dharma meeting was held, and Tang Sanzang was honored as the altar master, and he preached scriptures to the monks and the people, which made the momentum huge.

In this way, Tang Seng and his disciples set off again after a one-month delay in Jisai State. When they left, the king, ministers and [-] monks of Jisai State saw him off for hundreds of miles, which made Tang Seng enjoy great respect.

Monk Tang and his disciples continued westward,

From winter to spring solstice, a few months passed in a blink of an eye, a group of people came to a long ridge, and saw the lush vegetation in the mountains ahead, Tang Seng said: "It's just early spring, but the trees here are so luxuriant, I think it's a good place. "

Zhu Bajie curled his lips, "Maybe there are monsters living in it."

When he arrived at Jinqian, he saw that although the forest was luxuriant, there were countless thorns, and there was no way forward. Monkey King said to Zhu Bajie: "Bajie, you go to open the way."

"I want you to go, I won't go, I'm so tired." Zhu Bajie muttered.

"Your rake was born to hold firewood. It is not suitable for dealing with these thorns. You idiot, don't be lazy. Go quickly, and be careful that I will beat you." Monkey King said with his fist raised.

Zhu Bajie flicked his sleeves, "Just go."

When he came to the edge of the jungle, Zhu Bajie didn't do anything directly, he muttered something, and then he yelled, "Long!" His body suddenly became twenty feet tall, and the rake in his hand also became huge. A road three to five meters wide and one hundred meters long came out.

Tang Seng was overjoyed when he saw it, "Bajie is really extraordinary, with such abilities."

At the same time, Qin Guan also received the news that the westbound team had arrived at Thorn Ridge from the god on duty.

(End of this chapter)

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