Plane of Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 868 Trapped in Seven Absolute Mountains

Chapter 868 Trapped in Qijue Mountain


"No, there are strangers in the cave, be careful it's an assassin."

"Brothers, quickly copy the guys."

The cave was bustling with activity, suddenly there was a man wearing a blue-patterned Taoist robe, and all the monsters were startled, and they immediately raised their guard and made a noise.

"Shut up for me!"

The black snake roared loudly, suppressing the noise in the cave, the music stopped, the dancer stood still, and the monsters froze, all staring at the black snake.

Black Snake walked up to Qin Guan, plopped and knelt down, "Master, you are finally here. It's been 300 years. Black Snake has been waiting so hard."

Qin Guan looked at the black snake, nodded with a smile and said, "Well, it's not bad. The exercises I taught you have cultivated to the realm of Xuanxian, which is rare given your aptitude."

"Did the master come this time to order something?" Black Snake asked.

"Well, what I told you before is about to take place now. When this matter is over, you can return to my side." Qin Guandao.

Black Snake was overjoyed, it was finally over.

Seeing this scene, the monsters in the cave were a little silly.

Shocked, still shocked.

All of them opened their mouths wide, and some of them leaked out without even noticing.

The usually indifferent and cold-blooded Black Snake King kneels down in front of this person so obediently, completely overturning their three views, oh, if they have three views.

Hei Snake stood up, his triangular eyes turned cold immediately, he glanced at the hundreds of little monsters below, and said coldly: "This is my master, a fairy from the heavens, everyone kneel down and salute."

When all the monsters heard this, they all knelt down in unison: "I have seen Grandpa, grandpa will live forever and enjoy immortal blessings forever."

Hearing this word, Qin Guan was taken aback, then turned to Black Snake, "You taught me this."

Black Snake looked embarrassed, "I didn't teach it, oh, maybe I said it before, but I really didn't teach it specifically."

Not having time to pursue these matters, Qin Guan called the black snake into the cave, and asked concerned: "How do you live these days?"

"Master, I usually go out to practice and gather all the little monsters around. Now there are 500 people in Qijue Mountain. By the way, I also found a mine in the mountain that produces colorful gems. They are very beautiful. I have let them The subordinates dig gems, and now they have accumulated some." Black Snake said.

Qin Guan was surprised. Seven-colored gemstones are gemstones and refining materials. Even in the heavens, they are considered extremely precious gemstones. Many fairies use them to make jewelry. At the same time, colorful gemstones are also used in many refining tools. They have a wide range of uses. Price very high.

"Take me to have a look." Qin Guan said.

The black snake came to the cave wall, stretched out its arms, and soon a circle of light appeared on the cave wall, and the two walked in. In an instant, Qin Guan's eyes lit up. Gems, shining with crystal light.

Red, blue, green, yellow, and purple, the whole cave shone like neon. I have to say that he was really lucky to find such a vein.

With a wave of his sleeve, Qin Guan took away all the colorful gems in the cave.

"Has the vein been hollowed out?" Qin Guan asked.

"Probably not. It's a huge ore vein. I don't know how big it is. Anyway, it still produces every day." Black Snake replied.

"Come on, take me to see it."

Walking into the mine, there are still many monsters working in the cave at the moment, digging gems clangingly, Qin Guan silently recited the five elements, and made the unearthed escape to dive down, the more surprised he was, he found this mineral vein It turned out to be huge. Black Snake and the others have been digging for hundreds of years, but they have only dug less than one-fifth of the veins.

And the more you go inside, the bigger the reserve of colorful gemstones is, it's really a super rich mine.

Can't stay anymore.

The Westward Journey team is coming here soon, and it is impossible for the black snake to stay here. Qin Guan thought for a while, took out the earthen gourd and threw it down, and at the same time gave an order: "Absorb all of this vein of minerals."

The entire Qijue Mountain was shaking, and gravel fell from time to time in the mine, scaring the monsters who were digging and screaming and running out.

"The cave is about to collapse, run quickly."



When all the monsters ran out of the mine, they found that the entire mine collapsed behind them with a bang, and disappeared completely after bursts of dust and smoke.

Not long after, Qin Guan and Hei Snake came out and looked at the monsters who were still in a commotion, and the Black Snake shouted: "No noise is allowed. From today on, all absenteeism will be turned into soldiers. If anyone refuses to accept it, he will be killed directly. Everyone now Report to the Buffalo Lord."

When the miners heard that they don't need to mine, they can still become soldiers, and their lives are a hundred times happier than they are now. If there is anyone who is unwilling, they all ran to register in a noisy manner.

In the fairy world, money is also needed, of course, more is barter, and colorful ore is an extremely valuable commodity.

Qin Guan was very happy and took over the entire mine vein, so he didn't need to worry about money from now on.

Back in the Qijue Mountain cave, Qin Guan gave some more careful instructions, and then disappeared. On the same day, the Black Snake issued an order: "Little ones, from today onwards, Qijue Mountain will be closed for [-] miles around, and birds will not be allowed to pass. The monk team is passing through the border, come and report to me immediately."


The little demons immediately dispersed.

I have to say that in terms of management, Black Snake still has a hand. Although he is usually scattered, he is very serious and obedient when it comes to doing things.

Tang Seng and his party came to a village. There were not many people in the village. There were only [-] or [-] households in total. At first, they were very scared when they saw Sun Houzi and others. concerns of the villagers.

The village elder invited Tang Seng and his party to his home, sat down and said: "I didn't expect it to be an eminent monk from Dongtu Tang Dynasty. The old man has heard of Dongtu Tang Dynasty in his early years, and it is tens of thousands of miles away. A lot of time."

Tang Seng said: "We have been walking for more than seven years. By the way, the village elders, we will go west. There is a road ahead."

Hearing this, the old man immediately said: "Elder Tang doesn't know something. To the west is Qijue Mountain, which stretches for thousands of miles. The mountains there are dangerous and shrouded in fog all the year round. There are no roads at all, and there are monsters in the mountains. You can't go there. Elder still Let's go around."

"Monster? Have you ever seen a monster?" Sun Wukong asked immediately.

The old man said: "I've seen it before, every year those monsters will come to Zhuangzi to ask for food, vegetables, chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep."

"Didn't eat people?" Zhu Bajie asked.

"It's not a cannibal. If we don't give it, we will threaten it, but we never really cannibalize and hurt others, and sometimes give us some gold and silver. It can't be called a bad monster." The old man explained.

"What kind of monsters are they, are they powerful or not?" Drifting asked.

"There are bull demons, sheep demons, wolf demons, deer demons, and rabbit demons, all of which are strangely shaped, with knives and forks in their hands, and are extremely powerful. The big stone grinder at the entrance of our village, the bull demon can do it with one hand. Lift it up, it's amazing."

"Have any of you ever entered the mountain?" Sun Wukong asked again.

The old man shook his head, but he had never entered it before. The fog in the mountains seemed to be able to confuse people. As long as he entered, he would not be able to distinguish things. Originally, some people wanted to go into the mountains to collect some medicinal materials and sell them, but they walked in the mountains for a day, and finally found that there was a ghost at the entrance. , over time, no one dared to go there.

Sun Wukong nodded, and said to himself: "The formation of mist is a bit troublesome."

Hearing Sun Wukong's words, Tang Seng asked anxiously, "Wukong, how do we get there?"

Upon hearing this, Sun Wukong said with a smile: "Master, don't worry, although there is a fog as an obstacle, my old grandson has a way to break it. Tomorrow I will take Bajie and Brother Sha into the mountain to eradicate those monsters, so we can live together as soon as possible." These Seven Absolute Mountains."

When Tang Seng heard this, his face immediately softened.

(End of this chapter)

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