Plane of Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 873 Powerful supernatural powers

Chapter 873 Powerful supernatural powers

Zhu Bajie smiled and walked forward, the spider spirits splashed water on him, Zhu Bajie sank and turned into a catfish scurrying under the water, passing the fairies' tight and fair skin from time to time, feeling refreshed.

"Sisters, grab this pig's head out."

Following the order from the elder sister in black, the seven spider spirits stood in their positions, and the bells on the seven people's hands swayed, and the whole lake suddenly became choppy. After a while, Zhu Bajie appeared dizzy and muttered: "Oh, why is my head so dizzy?"

With a snap, he fell back into the water again, unconscious.

This is the magic weapon Qin Guan gave to the seven spider spirits to defend against the enemy, and it is a magic weapon modified by Qin Guan based on the acacia bell. stronger.

Looking at the comatose Zhu Bajie, the elder sister in black snorted coldly: "The master has a clever plan, and he knew that this sex embryo would come. Sisters, catch Zhu Bajie and let's go back to the cave."

Someone shot out two strands of spider silk and tied Zhu Bajie, and seven people dragged Zhu Bajie back to the Pansi Cave.

Sun Wukong and Drifting wandered around the mountain for half a day, but they still couldn't find the so-called monster's cave. The brothers and sisters met at one place, and Drifting asked, "Brother, what can I gain?"

Sun Wukong was full of doubts and said: "It's really strange. I have checked the whole mountain range. If there are monsters, how could they escape Lao Sun's eyes, but this time I didn't see any monsters. It's really strange."

"Could it be that the old man from the land lied to me, that's impossible, how dare he lie to me, by the way, where is Bajie?"

"I didn't see Second Senior Brother either." Drifting shook his head.

The two looked at each other, "I don't think that dead pig hid somewhere to sleep lazily, let's go, let's look for him."

Not long after, Monkey King and Drifting found Zhu Bajie's rake and clothes by a hot spring lake.

What do you mean, this is a hot spring bath?
But this hot spring lake is not too big, and there is no sign of Zhu Bajie at a glance. If Zhu Bajie is drowned, they must not believe it. After all, he is also the general of the Tianhe Navy. How could he be in this shallow lake? drowned.

Sun Wukong thought for a while, then chanted a mantra: "Old man, land, come to see me."

There was a puff of blue smoke on the ground, and the Lord of the Land appeared, "Great Sage, what is the purpose of summoning the little god?"

Sun Wukong said in a vicious voice: "Old man of the land, you said there are monsters in the mountains. We searched for a day and couldn't find anything. Instead, Bajie was lost again. Do you know what happened?"

The Lord of the Land looked at this place and suddenly said: "My lord, this is called Zhuogou Spring. It is a natural hot spring. On weekdays, the seven spider spirits often come here to take a bath. This spring is very magical. Women bathe in this hot spring. He can nourish his face and maintain his youthful beauty forever, and by the way, he also has the ability to wash away evil spirits, and one bath can last for three days."

Sun Wukong's eyes widened upon hearing this.

"So that's the case. No wonder my old grandson's golden eyes are out of order, and I can't find the slightest evil spirit. It turns out that it is because of the hot spring water."

Drifting held Zhu Bajie's rake and clothes, and said, "Second senior brother probably saw those fairies taking a bath here, so he stepped forward to arrest them, but was caught by those fairies."

Sun Wukong snorted coldly: "Did you lose your weapon and take off your clothes to catch the goblins? Hmph, I must have seen those goblins' beauty and thought of molesting them. That's why I got caught by those goblins. Presumably they were caught. Serve it right."

Monkey King knows Zhu Bajie best, and he can guess the general idea without looking.

"Old man, do you know where the caves of those monsters are?" Sun Wukong asked.

The Earth Lord hesitated for a moment, he didn't want to offend those fairies, Sun Wukong stared, and the Earth Lord trembled in fright, "Great Sage, I'll take you there."

In a relatively hidden valley, Monkey King finally saw the entrance of Pansi Cave, and the golden cudgel fell to the ground. smash you to pieces."

The door of the cave was wide open, and seven female fairies came out, each wearing the same color clothes, and all of them were young and beautiful. The elder sister in black at the head said to Monkey King: "Sun Wukong, don't shout, your master sent it to the door, We have no reason not to accept it."

Sun Wukong said angrily: "If you dare to be arrogant in front of my grandson, you will give me a stick from my grandson." He raised his stick and threw it at the spider spirit.

The elder sister in black said loudly: "Sisters, meet the enemy."

Seven spider spirits stood in a row, one after another exposed their navels, and spewed out strands of silk thread from their navels. The golden cudgel is as rigid as it is strong, but the spider silk is the most soft. Wait until the weakness of the rigid thing.

The seven strands of silk thread entangled the golden cudgel, making it impossible for Monkey King to play with it. Drifting wanted to step forward to help, but a spider spirit next to him sprayed him and directly entangled Monk Sand.

Monkey King struggled to pull back, and the seven spider spirits worked together, but Monkey King couldn't pull back despite his mighty strength.

"Dementor Bell!"

The spider spirit shook the dementor bell on his wrist, and Sun Wukong felt a little dazed, as if he was drunk.


Knowing that he was hit by the opponent's spell, Monkey King dropped the golden cudgel and ran away, disappearing without a trace.

"Hahahaha, so what about Monkey King, it's because he has nothing to do with our spider silk."

"Monkey King, that's all."

"Sisters, take this red-haired monk and let's go into the cave."

A few spider spirits dragged the Drifting Monk who was still struggling on the ground into the cave, and they also took Monkey King's golden cudgel away. This battle can be described as a complete victory.

In the original book, these spider spirits are not very powerful, Monkey King and Zhu Bajie Drifting directly beat them away and rescued Tang Seng, but this time it is different.

Qin Guan accepted them as demon servants, taught them exercises, and allowed them to improve their cultivation quickly, which was much stronger than in the original book, and now all of them are Xuanxian cultivation bases.

Qin Guan felt that the most powerful ability of monsters was their natal supernatural powers. Apart from teaching them the soul-destroying bell, Qin Guan also let them cultivate their natal spider silk with all their strength. As long as they maximized their natal supernatural powers, they could become very Powerful, leapfrog the enemy.

For example, the scorpion fine pipa, because of the scorpion poison, made Guanyin, a big Luo Jinxian, very jealous.And these seven spider spirits, even if their spider silks are entangled with the Taiyi Golden Immortal, it is not easy for the other party to escape.

Sun Wukong fled and stopped on a mountain, his face was full of annoyance, he didn't expect to capsize the boat with a few goblins, and even lost his golden cudgel, what a shame.

"No, no delay, I'm going to Heaven for help."

After Monkey King figured it out, a somersaulting cloud flew towards the heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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