Chapter 882

When Qin Guan left that day, he taught the vixen a set of exercises and left her a golden talisman. If you have anything to do, you can use the golden talisman to contact Qin Guan.

The vixen had been practicing with peace of mind before, but today he encountered a life-and-death crisis, so he thought of using a golden talisman to ask for help.

Sun Wukong said: "Hey, even if you call Guanyin Bodhisattva today, it won't work, the monster will die."

Monkey King flew into the air and threw it at the vixen.

In the vixen's bright eyes, the figure of Monkey King is getting closer and closer, and the golden cudgel is approaching. The fox carefully said, "Today my life is over."



A ray of silver light suddenly appeared as if tearing apart the space, and collided with the golden cudgel, its power was no less than that of the golden cudgel.

Monkey King felt bad, and jumped away with a whoosh.

At this time a figure appeared, Sun Wukong was taken aback when he saw it.

"Enforcement Qin Tianjun, why is it you!"

Qin Guan looked at the vixen lying on the ground with blood on the corner of his mouth, and asked, "How is the injury?"

Seeing the Great Immortal appearing, the vixen knew that he had been rescued, and his eyes were full of joy, "Master, slave, slave, poof~~".

Originally, the vixen wanted to say it was okay, but couldn't help but spit out another mouthful of blood.

Qin Guan waved his hand, and there was an elixir in his palm, "Open your mouth!"

The vixen opened his mouth obediently, Qin Guan flicked it, and the elixir flew directly into the vixen's mouth, "Meditate on the spot to recover from the injury," Qin Guan said.

The vixen worked hard and began to meditate to recover.

Seeing Qin Guan ignoring him, Sun Wukong felt very humiliated, looked at Qin Guan and then at that flowery and beautiful vixen, seemed to understand something, pointed at Qin Guan and said: "Okay, you are still enforcing the law, but you are still in the law. If you raise such a beautiful vixen to play with, aren't you afraid of the laws of the heavens?"

Qin looked at Sun Wukong and said calmly: "There is a rule in heaven that you can't raise vixen, but you can raise monkeys."


Sun Wukong was not taken lightly by Qin Guan's words.

The last time Qin Guan helped him, his impression of Qin Guan had improved a little, but now he became vicious again.

Well, Qin Guan really doesn't care about these.

I don't know what's wrong, Sun Wukong doesn't like Qin Guan, and Qin Guan doesn't like Sun Wukong either, as if the two have a natural enmity.

"As the law-enforcing heavenly king, you let the demon do evil in the lower realms, heh heh, report it to the Jade Emperor, and I'll see what you say." Monkey King whimpered.

Qin Guandao: "This little fox has been taught by me. For hundreds of years, she has cultivated in the mountains with peace of mind. She has never done anything harmful to nature. Why did she come to the lower realm to do evil? This deer demon came to her for medical treatment. Could it be For evil, even if you sue the Jade Emperor, what can you say."

Sun Wukong was dumbfounded.

Glancing at it, he pointed at the deer demon and said, "It's always true that he's doing harm to the world."

Qin Guan smiled faintly, "He's not mine."

Sun Wukong was taken aback, and looked at the deer demon.

The deer demon's injured leg was broken again, and now he grinned his teeth in pain. Now that Qin Guan was backing him, his temper immediately became three-pointed, and he said angrily to Sun Wukong: "I taught the bhikkhu the method of longevity, why is it a disaster, you What kind of theory is this? Is that how the Buddhists are reasonable?"

"Then why don't you let us exchange the clearance document?" Monkey King angrily said.

"Just to see if you guys are upset, how about it?" the deer demon roared angrily.

Sun Wukong stared, and raised his stick to hit him again. Anyway, Qin Guan said that this monster is not his.

"Uncle Qin Guan, help me." Seeing that Monkey King was going to make a move, Lu Yao immediately shouted.

Sun Wukong was taken aback for a moment, then pointed at Qin Guan angrily and said, "I also said that it has nothing to do with you, they are all called master uncles, and they are clearly a family."

There was an inexplicable smile on Qin Guan's face, "It's true that he called Master Uncle, but he's not my disciple, why don't you ask who his master is."

Sun Wukong was startled.

Sun Wukong is not a complete idiot, nor is he completely ignorant of the world. Journey to the west, the wild monsters are nothing more than that, but how many are arranged by the big shots, just pretending to be fine, how can they really kill them.

Sun Wukong asked sullenly, "Who is your master?"

Seeing Sun Wukong like this, the deer demon showed a proud expression on his face, and raised his head and said: "My master is the real king of Yuqing, the longevity star, the master of the underworld, the thunder and universal god, and the Antarctic longevity emperor, one of the four emperors." .”

Seeing his stinky fart, well, Qin Guan wanted to beat him up.

Sun Wukong's face twitched, another big god's servant, can he still have a good time playing? Go to Shou Xing Weng to inquire about the crime."

As he spoke, he raised his stick and rushed towards the deer demon. The deer demon was startled, but he didn't know that the monkey dared to kill him after moving out of the boss, and shouted in horror: "Master, help me."


Lei Juejian shot again, blocking Monkey King's golden cudgel, but this time Qin Guan could clearly feel that Monkey King didn't use all his strength.

Well, it's also acting.

"Qin Guan, why did you stop me?" Sun Wukong said angrily.

Qin Guanzheng said solemnly, "Although he descended to the lower realm, he did not make any mistakes. He has made great achievements in teaching the longevity of the human race. As a law-enforcing heavenly king, I will not watch you kill him for no reason."

"Qin Guan, do you want to fight with me?" Sun Wukong felt that he had lost face and shouted sharply.

"Why don't you dare." Qin Guan is not afraid of Monkey King at all. Now that he is facing Monkey King, he is [-]% sure to defeat the monkey.


Sun Wu is in a hurry.

At this moment, an auspicious cloud floated in the sky. Everyone looked around and found that it was the Antarctic fairy arriving. When the Antarctic fairy saw the white deer, his face darkened, and he shouted: "Nonsense, steal it while I'm out to visit friends. I took off my crutches and went down to the world without permission, so I know I was wrong."

At this moment, Bai Lujing had a broken leg and could only lay down on the ground: "Master, Bai Lu knows his mistake."

The Antarctic fairy looked at the white deer's injured leg, stretched out his finger, and saw that the broken leg recovered instantly, and the white deer rolled on the ground, turning into a sika deer, and flew to the Antarctic fairy.

At this moment, the Antarctic fairy looked at the people in the field, "Great Sage, this evil animal is a disaster in the lower realm. I will take it back to deal with it today. You can go to the Bhikkhu Kingdom to exchange for customs clearance certificates."

After speaking, he looked at Qin Guan again, with a smile on his face, and slightly nodded at Qin Guan. Qin Guan hurriedly saluted: "I have met Senior Brother Nanji."

"Well, thank you for today's matter, junior brother. If you have time in the future, go to my Penglai Island to drink." Nanji Xianweng said.

Qin Guan cupped his hands: "If I have time, I will bother senior brother."

Nanji Xianweng nodded, and flew away with the white deer on the cloud, Sun Wukong felt awkward, seeing his brothers and sisters chatting affectionately for a long time, he only had one explanation for himself.

Why is there such a big difference in treatment between people?

There was no need for Sun Wukong to stay, he stopped and turned somersaults away and disappeared, leaving only the vixen and Qin Guan in the field.

The vixen took the elixir given by Qin Guan, and now he has stabilized his injury. Looking at Qin Guan now, his eyes are full of little stars.

Before, I only knew that this Great Immortal had profound magical powers, but now I know that his status is even more respected. He is a disciple of a sage, and the heavenly king who enforces the law. He is really lucky.

"From now on, if you stay by my side, I will give you a background." Qin Guan said.

"Yes, I will serve the master with all my heart." The white-faced fox said, with a shy look on his face unconsciously, and he didn't know where he was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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