The Queen's Concubine can't be provoked

Chapter 582 What kind of brain?

Chapter 582 What kind of brain?
"Princess, our hidden weapons and poisonous powder are almost used up." After three waves of violent attacks in a row, the poisonous powder and hidden weapons in everyone's hands were finally used up.

Although, along the way, Yunchu had prepared a lot of poisonous powder and hidden weapons, but the people who couldn't stand the attack came one after another, and she didn't have much time to continue refining the poisonous powder and hidden weapons.

"Now, we can only fight recklessly." He frowned. In the current situation, Yun Chu couldn't refine poisonous powder and hidden weapons at all. The third wave of assassinations had just been blocked. Look, in half an hour at most, there will be a fourth dial and a fifth dial.

The recent fierce attacks have shrunk the team a lot. After all, the opponent's attack is too strong, and it is inevitable that there will be a great deal of damage.

It can be said that, except for Yun Chu, everyone more or less had some wounds on their bodies, but some were serious and some were not serious.

After helping the injured guards to apply medicine, Yunchu returned to Yunlin and Gu Jinyang's side.

"Brother, the guards told me just now that the poison powder and hidden weapons are almost used. I don't have time to refine them at all. I'm afraid that if there are a few more waves, it will become more difficult for us to resist."

Helping Yunlin change the medicine on his arm, Yunchu said worriedly.

"You can only fight hard, you have to follow me closely, you know?" After Yun Chu finished speaking, Yun Lin didn't have much expression on his face, but Yun Chu could hear that he was very worried about himself.

"King An, if there is another killer, you and I will join hands to protect Yun Chu by our side. This may better protect her from harm."

Like Yunlin, Gu Jinyang didn't want Yunchu to get hurt. In the current situation, Gu Jinyang felt unspeakable guilt towards Yunchu.

If it wasn't for him, Yunchu wouldn't have encountered such a situation. If she was really hurt, or something happened to her, he might never be able to forgive himself in his life.

After listening to Gu Jinyang, Yunlin thought for a while, then nodded.

After resting for a while, everyone ate something. Everyone understood that the more time wasted, the greater the danger would be. As long as they reached the capital of the Jin Kingdom, everything would be over.

Now, it is almost here...

They got on their horses one after another, and everyone continued to rush towards the capital. The guards who walked in the front were the ones with the least injuries. They were always on guard, guarding against the killer who appeared suddenly, and the possible tripping ropes under their feet.

Except for them, everyone also maintained a high degree of vigilance. Everyone knew that the closer they were to the capital, the more dangerous they were, but once they arrived in the capital, they would be safe.

The atmosphere was very solemn, and no one dared to relax their guard.

Time passed bit by bit. According to the previous rules, this time should be the time for the fourth wave of killers to appear, but everyone has been on guard for a long time, but there is no reaction.

Even so, everyone did not dare to relax their vigilance, because they knew in their hearts that relaxing would mean death.

"What kind of medicine are those people selling in the gourd?" Yun Chu muttered softly, feeling a little anxious.

On the one hand, she doesn't want those killers to appear again. After all, everyone is very tired now. On the other hand, she hopes that if there are killers, they will appear quickly and don't drag everyone down like this. After all, such a high level of vigilance is also very exhausting. of.

The horse was still running forward, approaching the capital, but the more it moved forward, the more tense the spirits of the crowd became.

"Woo..." Yunlin let the horse stop, and when he stopped, everyone stopped too.

"This won't work. If everyone is highly nervous, sooner or later they will relax, the other party must be waiting for this time." Looking at the crowd, Yun Lin spoke slowly, and everyone nodded, knowing that what Yun Lin said was indeed reasonable.

"In this way, rest first, everyone is tired along the way, rest for an hour, and then start again."

There is no good solution right now, Yunlin feels that he needs some time to think carefully about how to deal with the current situation, and rushing blindly will only put everyone in a disadvantageous situation.

Originally, the current situation was already very unfavorable.

After listening to Yunlin's words, Gu Jinyang nodded. He agreed with Yunlin's point of view, and he also felt that his brother Sanhuang just wanted to polish everyone's spirits, and then wipe them all out.

"Let's rest first, some of them are in charge of guarding, and the guard will change after half an hour."

After giving instructions to everyone, Gu Jinyang dismounted first.

The two most powerful people said so, and everyone naturally obeyed. They dismounted from their horses, and then followed the instructions, some of them were on guard, and the other part temporarily rested.

Although half an hour is nothing, the time is really short, but the spirit was so tense just now, and now being able to rest for half an hour is already very good for everyone.

Time passed quickly, and an hour passed in a blink of an eye. During this hour, there really was no danger. Because of this hour of rest, everyone's mental state has improved a lot.

During the break before, Yunlin made a new plan, not to let everyone be on high alert, otherwise, the mental pressure would be too great.

Therefore, after discussing with Gu Jinyang, Yunlin selected a few people who were usually the most vigilant, and placed them on high alert in the front, back, left, and right directions of the team.

As for the rest of the people, they couldn't relax completely because of this. Although high alert was not required, the most basic alert was still required.

As long as they are not on high alert, everyone's pressure can be relieved a lot. Of course, those who are on high alert will have someone who protects them and guarantees their safety when something goes wrong.

After all, when they are on high alert, their reaction may not be as good as that of people on normal alert, because their energy is focused on alert.

Not only that, because of the high level of vigilance, they will be very tired, and they may not be able to fight back immediately even if they discover the problem and warn the police at the first time.

After everything was properly arranged, everyone started on the road again. Because of Yunlin's new arrangement, everyone was indeed much more relaxed.

An hour passed in the blink of an eye, and nothing unusual happened. The person who was on high alert before was replaced by the rest of the guards who were extremely alert.

"Brother Sanhuang of yours, what kind of brain is that?" Yunlin and Gu Jinyang stood side by side, protecting Yunchu in the middle, and Yunlin frowned as he asked Gu Jinyang across Yunchu.

It stands to reason that they have been exhausted from the fierce pursuit all the way, but anyone with a little brain will choose to pursue the victory and not give the opponent a chance to breathe.

But after so long, why did the third prince still remain silent?
(End of this chapter)

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