Senior, wrong!

Chapter 13 Rumors About Lollipops

Chapter 13 Rumors About Lollipops
Lollipops...still peach flavored.

At this moment, Ye Taotao only felt that she was hit by the great malice of the universe.

This kind of messy feeling in the wind is like Song Linlin telling her after the orientation meeting, "You have thrown away Ling Yan, the male god of University A".

Looking at the lollipop in his hand, some fragmentary fragments began to flash through Ye Taotao's mind one after another.In the sea of ​​memory, a delicate and lovely face like a doll and a pair of crystal-clear black eyes appeared unconsciously, which belonged to a little girl.

In addition to the picture, there is also sound...

"Miss, let me treat you to candy."

"By the way, young lady, have you heard of any supernatural events in this hospital?"

"However, as expected of a young lady, she looks so pretty even when she's asleep. Although..."

It's just that that immature voice belongs to her, when she was four years old.

The bits and pieces of memories from many years ago gradually assembled into a complete picture, reminding Ye Taotao of an unbearable fact, she involuntarily clenched the lollipop in her hand.

It seems that when she was four years old, she also gave a lollipop of the same brand and flavor to a little girl in the hospital.And he told a wonderful ghost story to that pretty girl, only to scare her silly.

All the coincidences add up, and Ye Taotao knows very well that this is beyond the scope of chance.

Thoughts were chaotic and inextricable, Ye Taotao took a deep breath, tried to suppress the strange emotions that kept making troubles, and turned back to the house.

"I said, Taotao—hey, what's wrong with you?"

Ignoring Ye Jiaze's surprised and puzzled gaze, Ye Taotao walked past him and returned to her room as quickly as possible.

After closing the door, she found the photo Ling Jing gave her from her wallet.

Until now, she finally understood where the familiar feeling derived from seeing this photo came from.

The face assembled from the memory fragments soon overlapped with the face of Ling Yan when he was three years old in the photo.

Although the "girl" she met in the hospital was a little older, she didn't change much when she was a child. Although it was slightly different, Ye Taotao could still clearly recognize that the person in the photo was the same as that "beautiful girl". It's the same person.

When Ling Yan was a child, it was indeed easy for people to mistake him for a girl.

So, has she met Ling Yan since she was a child?

And at that time, she also told him a ghost story that she made up...

Thinking of this, Ye Taotao's mood became more and more complicated.

So, just before Ling Yan left, he stuffed a peach-flavored lollipop into her hand, to tell her that the reason why he approached her was to avenge that candy?

No, it is not.

But Ye Taotao immediately rejected this idea again.

Seniors are not like that.

A voice in my heart said so.

Otherwise, why did he not blame her for being implicated by her again and again, but instead extended a helping hand many times when she encountered difficulties?

He comforted her during a power outage, helped her carry things, offered to take her home when it was raining, and when sharing an umbrella to keep her from getting wet, he moved all the umbrellas towards her, but he got half wet body...

None of those things are false.

From the tiny details of the past, she could really feel his heart.

If he wanted revenge, he didn't have to do it, and he could even make trouble from the very beginning...

But almost immediately, another voice retorted in her heart: But, in those bloody romance novels, in order to unintentionally retaliate and laugh at the heroine who hurt him, the hero gradually approached her like this, and when he won After her goodwill and trust, he hurt her severely, turned around and left...

That's how it's written in novels, isn't it?
No, she was thinking wildly again, how could the senior be such a person!

Ye Taotao hugged her head distractedly, looking at the lollipops and photos lying quietly on the table, thousands of thoughts flew like fluff, and finally turned into those familiar gentle eyes.

Closing her eyes, recalling all the coincidental encounters and getting along with Ling Yan, she suddenly realized——that person seemed to have unknowingly integrated into her life.

Every time I see him, I feel a little joy in my heart that I didn't even realize.

But when she couldn't see him, she didn't feel as happy as she imagined, instead she felt lonely...

At that time, even she didn't understand what was going on with her, but now, that emotion seemed to be clear.

If it's someone who doesn't matter, no matter what the other party does, she won't pay attention at all.

But unconsciously, she poured so much attention on him——

The answer is ready to come out.

If this is "like", then she really likes Ling Yan.

But after thinking everything through, Ye Taotao couldn't be happy anyway.

She realized it too late, and she didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

After she confirmed her intentions, she let her know such a "cruel" fact - what should she do?

Ye Taotao threw herself on the bed, covered her ears with a pillow, and curled up under the quilt.

Why are you playing with her like this? !

Ye Taotao felt that she had encountered something more terrifying than the sports meeting and the 800-meter race.

She couldn't calm down at all, and that complex emotion has been with her through the weekend.

When she returned to school on Monday, although Ye Taotao tried her best to hide her emotions, her friend Song Linlin still found out that something was wrong with her.

"Tao Tao, what's wrong with you today? Why do you look so out of your mind?" When get out of class was over, Song Linlin came over after packing up, and asked with some doubts, "Is it because of the sports meeting the day after tomorrow?"

"No..." Ye Taotao paused for a moment, looked up at her, and said hesitantly, "Xiao Lin, I seem to... really like Senior Ling."

Song Linlin was taken aback for a moment, and two words popped out of her heart involuntarily.

——This word can accurately express her mood at the moment.

After being shocked, Song Linlin quickly put her hand on Ye Taotao's forehead, and asked eagerly, "What's wrong with you, Taotao, don't you have a fever, Taotao? Do you feel uncomfortable? Don't make such a joke with me... "

"Xiaolin, I'm not joking, I'm telling the truth." Ye Taotao interrupted her, and met her gaze seriously.


Song Linlin swayed unsteadily, with a stunned expression on her face.After a long time, she said with difficulty: "Don't tell me that you were really just playing with him before."

How could she explain these unspeakable things to Song Linlin?

Therefore, Ye Taotao automatically skipped this topic, and asked the next sentence directly: "So Xiaolin, what should I do?"

Although she couldn't keep up with Ye Taotao's thinking, Song Linlin gave a very reasonable suggestion after being stunned for a moment: "Since you like it, then go and tell him. If you don't tell me, who will know?" ? No one will stay put and wait for you."

to tell him?

Ye Taotao is not a hypocritical person, she doesn't have any gaps between the two of them too far, and she doesn't have any hesitation about whether they deserve it or not, because liking is liking—now that she has determined her heart, she will not escape.

As for telling Ling Yan, she really wants to do that, but the problem now is...

Ye Taotao rubbed her forehead and said in confusion: "But, he gave me a lollipop..."

Song Linlin had a frightened expression on her face: "...Don't tell me that you broke up with Senior Ling because of a lollipop!"

Song Linlin's rich imagination is as overwhelming as ever.

After hearing her guess, Ye Taotao couldn't help crying and laughing: "No, Xiaolin. Anyway, this matter... Oh, forget it, I don't know how to tell you."

She sighed helplessly, stood up from her seat, and left the classroom of public elective courses.

Song Linlin couldn't react. She was stunned for a few seconds before she came back to her senses. She quickly grabbed the schoolbag beside her and chased after her: "Hey? Taotao, where are you going? Wait for me!"

"Taotao, are you really okay? Don't scare me. And... isn't the drama club going there?"

After leaving the classroom, Song Linlin trotted to catch up with Ye Taotao, but couldn't help but look back, and then asked her own question.

Ye Taotao shook her head lightly: "No, Xiaolin, I've decided..."

"What did you decide?" Song Linlin asked suspiciously.

Ye Taotao said firmly, "I'm going to find Senior Ling."

She decided to go to Ling Yan and ask him about this matter.

For some things, it's better to be straight to the point, such as the meaning of the lollipop he gave her, and his true thoughts... Otherwise, if this continues, she may be driven crazy by herself.

However, when walking halfway, Song Linlin suddenly stopped, reached out and tugged at the corner of her clothes: "Taotao..."

Ye Taotao, who was stuck in her own thoughts, responded casually: "Huh?"

Song Linlin looked ahead and reminded hesitantly, "Well, the person you are looking for..."

Ye Taotao raised her head subconsciously, and the familiar figure across the aisle immediately caught her eyes.

She froze for a moment, and her first reaction was - pull Song Linlin, turn around and run away!
That person, when she was not ready, just appeared in front of her like this, and the courage he had finally mustered was defeated by the gentle gaze of the other party.

"Huh? Taotao?" Song Linlin cried out in surprise, and was passively pulled away by Ye Taotao, "Aren't you looking for Senior Ling?"

Finally, Song Linlin's voice disappeared at the turning corner of the stairs along with the figures of the two of them.

At the other end of the aisle, Ling Yan, who was walking at the front, looked at Ye Taotao's fleeing figure, the smile on his face disappeared, and the black color in his eyes gradually became serious.

Lian Chenghao withdrew his gaze, looked at him hesitantly and said, "Ayan, have you... already made a move?"

Ling Yan didn't speak, he turned and left after staying in place for a while, but the lingering aura around him changed significantly.

Looking at his elongated shadow under the setting sun, Lian Chenghao and Zhen Tianyu exchanged glances, then looked away, and silently followed Ling Yan's footsteps.

Although the shot was made, it seems to have failed?
Two days are finally over.Today is the annual school sports meeting of University A.

On this day, slogans and banners of various majors were hung around the gymnasium and sports field.Volunteers and teachers shuttled back and forth between the corridor and the school road with the supplies needed for the sports meeting, tables and chairs, and were busy.

Athletes who signed up for the event were preparing for the competition, and people from various majors also changed into uniform costumes to cheer for the students of their respective majors participating in the competition.

There is an exciting atmosphere everywhere in the campus.

"Everyone is very excited today, it seems to be very sunny." Downstairs in the dormitory, Song Linlin looked at the chattering girls around, then turned to look at Ye Taotao, and encouraged with a smile, "The 800-meter race is here In the morning, I will cheer for you. The ranking is not important, the important thing is to participate! Even if you come last, everyone will not laugh at you. So, Taotao, cheer up!"

Although it is true to say so, Ye Taotao is not happy at all.

While she was still feeling annoyed about her escape that day, the nightmarish 800-meter long-distance race had already quietly arrived.

"Xiaolin, can you stop mentioning that matter..."

Taking a sip of water restlessly, Ye Taotao looked back at Song Linlin with a helpless tone.

I don't know if it's because of her mood, she always feels that she is very weird today, and she can't lift her spirits at all.

Probably because of the upcoming 800m.

Ye Taotao shook her head, suppressing the inexplicable irritability in her heart.

After almost everyone arrived, Ye Taotao and Song Linlin walked out of the teaching building following the footsteps of the large group.

On the way, Song Linlin couldn't help feeling a little worried when she noticed Ye Taotao's slightly pale face.

But she didn't think much about it, she just thought it was the reason for the 800-meter long-distance race, so she patted Ye Taotao on the shoulder and comforted her: "Taotao, don't be nervous, just treat the 800-meter test as a normal test."

"Hmm..." Ye Taotao was about to answer, but was interrupted by a burst of pain from her lower abdomen. She pressed the place where the pain came from, and said in a low voice, "Xiaolin...I feel a stomachache, I'll go Go to the bathroom."

"Okay, then come back quickly." Song Linlin nodded and watched her leave quickly.

However, after walking a short distance, Ye Taotao felt that abdominal pain became more and more intense, and something warm seemed to flow down from her lower body, which was sticky and made her very uncomfortable.

She turned around, and a bright blood red came into her eyes.

Ye Taotao suddenly opened her eyes wide.

The light gray sports shorts were dyed a patch of red at some point, which was particularly dazzling in the light gray color.

At such a critical moment, unexpectedly——

Ye Taotao, 19 years old, encountered the legendary "a few days a month" among the girls at the sports meeting of University A!
From a distance, I saw a few boys in sportswear coming towards me, and it was too late to go to the bathroom.

In desperation, Ye Taotao panicked and ran into a small room closest to her.

The school sports meeting kicked off with the sound of gunshots in the sprint.

The next event is the freshman women's 800-meter long-distance race.

Time passed minute by minute, and seeing the sprint was coming to an end, Song Linlin waited and waited, but Ye Taotao never came back.

She couldn't help becoming anxious.

"Where did that guy Taotao go?" After searching the restrooms nearby, Song Linlin couldn't find Ye Taotao. She stopped at the entrance of the restroom and murmured softly towards the exit of the men's restroom. "You won't go to the men's room, will you?"

No one could be found, so Song Linlin had no choice but to turn back the same way.

But at this moment, a familiar figure passed by, Song Linlin's eyes lit up, she ran up to him, and stopped him: "Senior, have you ever seen Taotao?"

Ling Yan was startled for a moment, then turned to look at her: "You mean Ye Xuemei? What happened?"

Song Linlin walked up to him, panting and said: "Just now Taotao told me that she has a stomachache, but..."

"Are you looking for Ye Taotao? I saw her running into the sports equipment room just now."

A cold female voice suddenly broke in, interrupting Song Linlin's words.

The figure of Mo Fengling appeared in the sight of the two, wearing a blue short-sleeved sportswear, waist-length hair tied into a single ponytail, and a sun hat on his head.But she still looks icy and cold.

"I'll go and have a look." Ling Yan was slightly taken aback, without any hesitation, he immediately turned around and walked towards the sports equipment room.

Facing Song Linlin's suspicious eyes, Mo Fengling concealed the disappointment in his eyes, returned to his usual deserted appearance, and said coldly.

"Don't look at me with that suspicious look, I didn't lock her in." Her tone was firm and inviolable, "Although I admit that I like Ling Yan very much, but using that despicable method to I don't even bother to compete for him."

After leaving this sentence, Mo Fengling turned and left indifferently.

"...An inexplicable person. But since Senior Ling is looking for Taotao, I don't have to go with her, right?" Song Linlin muttered looking at her back, then glanced in the direction Ling Yan left, with the corners of her mouth twitching. With a smile, "Then I will continue to watch the game."

"What should I do now? Why isn't Xiaolin answering the phone? Senior sister Chengcheng and the president have turned off their phones..."

In the pitch-dark sports equipment room, Ye Taotao was holding her mobile phone, listening to the busy voice coming from inside, her mood became more and more anxious.

In this situation, she really didn't dare to go out to meet people, but she didn't know what to do.

It was the first time that Ye Taotao encountered such a thing, she wanted to cry without tears.


Just when Ye Taotao was at a loss, the door of the equipment room was suddenly opened, and the light came in, making her raise her hand to cover her eyes a little uncomfortable.

But when she saw the person who appeared outside the door, she couldn't help but panic.

"Ling, Master Ling, senior." Ye Taotao immediately panicked and pushed back a few steps, trying to cover that sensitive spot.

How could it be him?Every time when she was most flustered...

"Ye Xuemei, what happened?" Ling Yan turned on the light in the equipment room, and looked at her eyes full of worry.

Seeing Ling Yan who was getting closer and closer to her, Ye Taotao retreated again and again, and said nervously: "I... wait, don't come over!"

Ling Yan was stunned for a moment, his eyes fell on her, and he immediately understood.

But he still walked forward, stopped in front of the flustered girl, then took off the coat on his shoulders without saying a word, wrapped it around her waist, and wrapped it with two sleeves. A knot was tied to cover her lower body.

Ye Taotao looked at his focused and careful movements, and felt lost: "Senior Ling..."

He reached out and pulled her into his arms again.

"I'm not afraid now." A soothing voice came from the top of my head, driving away the coldness and emptiness.

Feeling the silent tenderness, Ye Taotao's heart was beating wildly, and she subconsciously buried her head in Ling Yan's arms.His embrace is very warm, like a trickle of warmth, pouring into the heart little by little, making people feel comfortable.

However, at this time, the door of the sports equipment room was opened again.

Seeing the two people in the sports equipment room, Du Chengcheng, who just pushed the door open, froze in place, his hands still maintaining the movement at the moment of pushing the door.

"Sister, did you bring that..."

"But... I'm not ready yet..."

In the dimly lit sports equipment room, as soon as the door was opened, what Du Chengcheng saw was this scene - Ling Yan and Ye Taotao were hugging each other tightly.Ling Yan's coat was wrapped around Ye Taotao's waist, and Ye Taotao's blushing cheeks, black eyes glowing with water, and the slightly messy clothes of the two of them... It's hard not to let people think about it.

"Ahem, ahem, I'm sorry to bother you two, then... I didn't see anything, I didn't hear anything, haha! Goodbye!"

After being stunned for a few seconds, Du Chengcheng suddenly came back to his senses, turned around and ran away in a hurry.

Ye Taotao withdrew her gaze, looked up at Ling Yan, and asked in doubt, "Did she misunderstand something?"

"Don't worry about her."

Ling Yan withdrew his gaze, and said calmly, without any embarrassment on his face after being bumped into.

When his eyes fell on Ye Taotao in his arms, he obviously softened a lot: "Do you feel better now?"

Ye Taotao shook her head, and when she thought of the red sweatpants and the embarrassing scene, she buried her face in his arms in shame: "Then... what should I do now?"

"Do you have a mobile phone?" Ling Yan asked warmly.

Ye Taotao immediately understood what he meant, but...

"Yes, but... I called Xiaolin and a few seniors just now, but they either didn't answer the call or turned off their phones." She blushed and said distressedly, "Now everyone's attention is on the school sports. At the meeting, it is estimated that you will not notice me for a while."

"Is that so?"

Ling Yan thought for a while, let go of her, and took her hand into his palm naturally: "Then follow me."

There was a warm touch from the hand, which went straight to the bottom of my heart, as if it could be warmed to the bottom of my heart, and the uneasiness in Ye Taotao's heart disappeared little by little with Ling Yan's comfort.

Ye Taotao held the young man by her hand in a daze, and let him drag her out of the sports equipment room.

Although her heartbeat was still steady at this moment, her consciousness was no longer under her control. Occasionally, some images flashed through her blank mind, but they were all full of him.

Why...there is a feeling of willingness to fall?
Outside the hut where the sports equipment is placed, the sports meeting is in full swing, and almost all the teachers and students in the school are focusing on the sports meeting.

At this time, the teaching building was empty and quiet, in stark contrast to the lively atmosphere of the sports field and gymnasium.

When Ling Yan brought Ye Taotao to the school's small supermarket, he found that the door of the supermarket was closed tightly, and there was a striking notice pasted on the door.

The general content of the notice is: the supermarket is under renovation, if there is any inconvenience, please forgive me.

Ling Yan thought about the announcement at the entrance of the small supermarket, and after a few seconds, he decisively took Ye Taotao's hand and turned back the way he came: "I'll take you out."

"Senior." Thinking of something, Ye Taotao reached out and tugged at the corner of his clothes, lowered her head in embarrassment, and said in a low voice, "Did you sign up for the project? Would it be..."

"It doesn't matter, the event I signed up for is in the afternoon, and I still have time to prepare." Ling Yan was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "As for the 800 meters you participated in, you can abstain, your health is important."

Ye Taotao raised her head in surprise: "Eh? Senior, do you know that I have to run 800 meters?"

"Well, I have seen the schedule of the school sports meeting." Ling Yan looked at the time, "Let's go..."

After explaining the situation to the person in charge of the sports meeting, Ling Yan took Ye Taotao away from the school and went to a supermarket near the school.

Probably because of the working hours, there are not many people in the supermarket.

"Ye Xuemei, I don't know which kind you want to use..."

However, even if the heart is as strong as Ling Yan, when faced with a shelf full of women's products, he can't help feeling embarrassed.

He let go of her hand, then looked away, and said with a little embarrassment: "So, I'll wait for you here, and call me after you finish choosing."

Ye Taotao: "..."

It was so embarrassing to choose a sanitary napkin in front of a boy with an ambiguous relationship. Ye Taotao stood there at a loss, not knowing how to change her words.

Seemingly interpreting her embarrassment as not knowing how to choose, the shopping guide lady on the side came over and asked with a smile: "Hi, may I help you?"

Ye Taotao was stunned for a moment, then nodded awkwardly, and said with some embarrassment: "I want to buy... please give me an ultra-thin one, uh... I'm a little allergic..."

It was the first time to do such a thing with a boy, and she didn't know how to speak.

The shopping guide's eyes passed over Ling Yan, and finally fell on Ye Taotao. A flash of understanding flashed in her eyes, and then she took out a square box from the shelf beside her, handed it to Ye Taotao, and said with a friendly smile: "Okay, this is the latest The brand launched has a variety of fruit flavors to choose from, non-latex products, guaranteed to be non-allergic, very suitable for you."

Why?Are there any fruit flavors for sanitary napkins?

After hearing the shopping guide's recommendation, Ye Taotao was curious at first, but when she saw the words on the box clearly, the expression on her face turned into shock.

Wait, wait a minute, what she wants is sanitary napkins, why does the shopping guide lady recommend condoms to her? !
Pulling back the thoughts that were blown away, Ye Taotao explained with a blushing face: "I'm sorry, did you misunderstand something? I..."

"What's the matter, Ye Xuemei?" Ling Yan who heard the movement came over and asked suspiciously.

"Are you two lovers?" The shopping guide smiled understandingly and continued to introduce, "Don't feel embarrassed. If it's the first time, this brand is the most suitable one, and there won't be any problems. side effect."

Ye Taotao: "=mouth=!"

Ling Yan: "..."

"Although this product is new, it is very popular." Misunderstanding the expressions of the two, the shopping guide lady continued to recommend with a smile, "Many young couples like to buy this product. It doesn't matter if you don't like it. , we also have other brands here, such as this brand, which is not prone to allergies..."

"Sorry, we're not..."

Just at this time, a pair of young mother and son who came to shop passed by the two of them, and cast strange eyes on them at the same time.

The little boy, about three years old, raised his head to look at his mother, blinked his eyes, pointed at the thing in the hand of the shopping guide, and looked curious about the baby's appearance: "Mom, what is that? Why did my brother and sister buy that?" ?”

"This is not something you should know now." The young mother hurriedly lowered her head and taught seriously, "You will understand when you grow up."

"Oh, I see." Unable to get the desired answer, the little boy pursed his mouth unhappily, but still nodded obediently.

The young mother withdrew her strange gaze from the two of them, and sighed involuntarily in her heart: the young people nowadays are really... but this is probably youth!
What she said made Ye Taotao very embarrassed.

Seeing her red ears, Ling Yan's black eyes showed a slight smile.He took a step forward, opened his mouth to help her and said, "I'm sorry, maybe my girlfriend's expression was not clear, she didn't want to..."

As expected of Ling Yan, Ling Yan explained the matter clearly in a few words, and the words used did not make people feel uncomfortable.

"So that's the case." The shopping guide was taken aback for a moment, and then she smiled apologetically, "I'm really sorry, I thought... If it was sanitary napkins, this one would be better..."


This word is like a pebble thrown into the lake, causing ripples in Ye Taotao's inner world.

She couldn't help but startled.

So much so that she didn't hear what Ling Yan and the shopping guide lady said later.

"Sister Ye Xue?"

Until Ling Yan's call brought her back from her thoughts.

"Then... just this one."

As for the sanitary napkin recommended by the shopping guide, she didn't check carefully, just took a pack and went directly to the cashier to check out.

Since Ye Taotao left her wallet in the dormitory, Ling Yan paid for the pack of sanitary napkins.

On the way back to school, no one spoke, and the only sound of their footsteps was heard in the originally quiet street.

Ye Taotao didn't know what to say, so she lowered her head silently and looked at the ground.Her mood at the moment is indescribably complicated.

It was Ye Taotao who finally broke the silence.

Ye suddenly stopped in her tracks, raised her head to look at Ling Yan, and said nervously, "Senior Ling, why... are you so nice to me?"

She finally plucked up the courage to ask the question that had been tormenting her for a long time.

Ling Yan also stopped and looked down at her.At this moment, the usual gentle smile on his face disappeared completely, and there was a seriousness and dignity in his black eyes that she had never seen before.

All the questions were finally answered at this moment——

He stretched out his hand and hugged her into his arms, the warmth of youth spread throughout her body through his arms.


A voice with the same emotion came to her ears.

"By now, don't you understand?"

Ling Yan was a head taller than Ye Taotao, and his movement just happened to put her whole body in his arms.


Ye Taotao opened her eyes wide.

Very close, so close that you can clearly feel the warmth from his body, feel his strong heartbeat, and hear his even breathing...

His face suddenly became hot, and his heart beat like thunder.She reached out and grabbed his clothes tightly, but she didn't know what to do.

"Do you still remember the question I asked you last time?" Ling Yan's deep voice sounded from above his head, "After the incident at the orientation meeting, I did feel troubled for a while. But as time went by... I gradually I think it seems that this is not bad. When I am with Ye Xuemei, I will feel very happy and interesting."

...Hey, what's with that "interesting" thing?

Ye Taotao raised her head from his embrace, but met his complicated eyes.

"I was afraid that being too abrupt would scare you, but I didn't expect it to be..." Ling Yan met her clear black eyes and sighed softly, "I'm sorry."

After a pause, he continued, "But everything I've done is to let you understand... what I really think."

Ye Taotao lowered her eyelids: "Senior, I..."

"Don't rush to answer me now, give me some time to think about it, and then tell me the answer, okay?" Ling Yan interrupted what she was about to say, her black eyes darkened slightly, a little With a very self-deprecating look, "Because, I also have times when I am afraid of being rejected."

He said so.

Ye Taotao looked up at him again, but for a while she didn't know what to say.

But suddenly, Ye Taotao was dragged into Ling Yan's embrace again, but before she could react - she could only feel the warmth on her lips, and Ling Yan's magnified face was in front of her eyes.

Something suddenly exploded in his head, and his brain suddenly fell into a state of shutdown.

This is……

Kiss, kiss,'s kissed! ?
It took a long time for Ye Taotao to react slowly.Ling Yan had already let go of her, turned and left.

Looking at the familiar back that was drifting away, she should be moved by it - but at this moment, Ye Taotao felt a mess in the wind.

Did Senior Ling confess to himself just now?But what's wrong?why he...

Wait, what's up with the way of running away when you play a hooligan? !
Learning of Ye Taotao's "encounter" at the sports meeting, Song Linlin expressed deep sympathy.

But after listening to Ye Taotao's abridged statement, Song Linlin still smiled unconscionably and bent over.

Ye Taotao looked at her friend helplessly: "Xiaolin..."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it turned out to be like this. I thought you were scared to hide by the 800 meters." Song Linlin covered her mouth, tried to hold back a smile, and then changed into a regretful tone, "But you missed the afternoon What a pity for the match. The match in the afternoon was the highlight, only Senior Ling maintained the record of victory from the beginning to the end of the whole match, and was not defeated by anyone."

"That's right, that match was really intense, and I was so excited watching it." A voice suddenly broke into the conversation between the two.

Song Linlin was taken aback by Du Chengcheng's sudden appearance: "Sister, when did you come here?"

"I've been standing next to you all the time." Du Chengcheng said with a relaxed expression, "It seems that Lin Zhuoran also participated in this game. But speaking of it, although he looks very handsome playing basketball, I have to admit , Compared with Ling Yan, there is still a certain gap between him. Isn't that right, Taotao?" She said pointingly, and glanced at Ye Taotao with suggestive eyes.

"Lin Zhuoran? Are you saying that you want to pursue Taotao's senior? He seems to have been eliminated by Senior Ling in the first round, right? Hey, he was attacked by Senior Ling and Senior Lian together, and Senior Zhen's strong interception, said It sounds really pitiful to him." Although she said so, Song Linlin's tone did not show any sympathy, she paused, then looked at Ye Taotao again, "But speaking of it, Taotao, you have read the new post on the forum today without?"

"Forum? What happened again?" Ye Taotao showed a confused expression.

"Don't you know?" Du Chengcheng glanced at her, then opened the forum with his mobile phone and put it in front of her.

For a lollipop, Ling Yan, the proud son of heaven, was abandoned! ? "

——The first thing that catches the eye is such a striking title.

Ye Taotao's expression froze as her eyes froze on the line in the title.

After a while, she looked up at Song Linlin: "Xiaolin, what's going on?"

"This has nothing to do with me, I swear I haven't revealed a word to anyone." Song Linlin quickly clarified, with a bit of distress in her tone, "But it's really strange, I remember, we were the only ones that day Two people, how did these people know about this?"

Listening to the conversation between the two, Du Chengcheng on the side said in surprise: "Could this revelation be true? I thought they were joking! Taotao, you really want a lollipop—"

It's a pity that before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by a knock on the door——

"Tao Tao, there is a boy downstairs in the dormitory who wants to see you." It was a girl from the same department in the dormitory next door who knocked on the door, and she came to pass the message on her behalf.

Someone looking for her?

Song Linlin cast a curious look.

"Okay, I see, thank you."

After a little hesitation, Ye Taotao went down the dormitory with doubts.

Unexpectedly, the person who came to find her was actually him—Lin Zhuoran.

The young man who had said that he wanted to pursue her was standing under a tree outside the dormitory, looking rather uneasy.When he saw her appear, his eyes lit up and he immediately stepped forward to meet her.

"Sister Ye..."

Ye Taotao stopped in her tracks, slightly surprised: "Senior Lin, what's the matter?"

"Ye Xuemei, I..." Lin Zhuoran took a deep breath, with a look of guilt on his face, "I'm sorry, my performance at the sports meeting yesterday disappointed you, I... lost to Ling Yan again. But -"

As he spoke, he suddenly held a large bag of lollipops in front of her, and looked at her with burning eyes: "I heard that guy Ling Yan wouldn't even give you a lollipop, so I..."

Why?What's the situation now?
But, even the pack of sanitary napkins yesterday was paid by senior Ling, how could he... No, what the hell was she thinking!

"I'm sorry, Senior Lin." Knowing what the other person meant, Ye Taotao hesitated for a moment, but decided to tell the truth, "Actually... I already have someone I like."

When it comes to dealing with emotional or other issues, Ye Taotao has always hated the way of being disconnected.Things that have already been settled cannot be changed.

So, she simply rejected him flatly.

Lin Zhuoran's breathing was stagnant, and his footsteps swayed unsteadily: "Is that person... Ling Yan?"

"...Yes." Ye Taotao nodded and said apologetically, "I'm really sorry, Senior Lin."

"Okay, I understand..." Lin Zhuoran sighed, turned around in a nonchalant manner, and murmured, "It's okay, it's none of Ye Xuemei's business."

"However." The next moment, he turned his head suddenly, and looked at Ye Taotao with an extremely firm look in his eyes, and the deep loss just now was miraculously swept away, "However, even if you reject me, junior, I will not give up!"

"Ye Xuemei, I will wait until the day you change your mind."

Throwing down such a declaration, Lin Zhuoran gave her a confident smile, then turned and left with high spirits.

This scene is just like the scene when he confessed his love for the first time.

Looking at Lin Zhuoran's back, Ye Taotao stroked his forehead feebly.

Didn't she just say it clearly enough?

Why does she feel like playing the piano against a cow?

Ever since the school sports meeting incident, Ye Taotao has been in a state of restlessness.

She hadn't figured out how to face Ling Yan, so she chose to escape.

Ye Taotao, who has always been a good student, lost her mind in class for the first time. She didn't listen to what the professor said in class.

It wasn't until after class that she left the classroom with Song Linlin's arms that she gradually came to her senses.

Even though the school sports meeting has passed for several days, Song Linlin still cannot forget the wonderful performance of Ling Yan and others: "Didn't you see Taotao, during the school sports meeting... Hey, look, isn't that Senior Ling?" ?”

She pointed her finger in a certain direction, and Ye Taotao subconsciously looked in the direction she pointed.

"Who is that girl? Doesn't she seem to be from our department?"

At some point, a girl in a plaid skirt walked up to several boys not far away.She has long brown-red hair with a shawl and broken bangs, but she stopped in front of Ling Yan and smiled sweetly: "Senior, your performance in the school sports meeting was really wonderful... …Uh, actually, I want to say, I’ve always liked…”

Song Linlin blinked, and said in surprise: "It seems that Senior Ling is really popular in University A. Almost every day, someone confesses to him—eh? Taotao, where are you going?"

No one will stand still and wait for you...

Thinking of Song Linlin's words, for some reason, Ye Taotao felt as if her heart was blocked by something, and felt very uncomfortable.

"Hey, Taotao, what are you going to do..."

Song Linlin was surprised to see her friend walking towards Ling Yan firmly.

Dazed by something, Ye Taotao directly passed the girl who confessed, walked up to Ling Yan, and blurted out without much thought: "Senior, let's get back together!"

The volume of the surrounding noise seemed to have dropped a lot at this moment, and all the audience's attention was focused on them in an instant.

Ling Yan was stunned, and a look of surprise flashed in his dark eyes.

But immediately, he bent his eyes like a crescent moon in the night, and a gentle smile inadvertently wiped away from the corners of his eyes.

Then I heard him answer: "Okay."

The girl with long brown-red hair still maintained the movement at the moment when she opened her mouth to speak. She stared at the two with dumbfounded eyes, and stood there in a daze for several seconds.

Suddenly, as if waking up, she screamed "ah", turned and ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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