Chapter 484 Are you going to die here?

Lin Haihai pulled the two of them to the river before stopping.

The river beach here is similar to the river beach in Yunjin Village, except that the forest is deeper, and the river is not as soothing and quiet as theirs. The river here is very wide, and the current is so fast that you can't see the bottom of the river clearly. Just listen to the sound It is already daunting.

"Don't blame me, you guys provoked me first, I just wanted to take the money and leave, but who knows that you even called the special police, it's clear that you won't give me a way out!"

Lin Dahai took off the backpack on his back, went to find two big rocks in the distance, tied one end to the big rock, and locked the other end, and tied them to their ankles.

"Lin Haihai, are you crazy? Do you know what you are doing?"

Yang Nuannuan struggled, facing life and death, any ordinary person would be afraid.

"Of course I know what I'm doing, you two must die, otherwise even if I escape, Qiu Li won't let me go."

Because Yang Nuannuan kept moving around, he couldn't tie the iron chain, so he simply threw a stone at her numb bones.

Yang Nuannuan cried out in pain, she heard the sound of her kneecap shattering, and she trembled all over.

And Qiu Li didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, she knew he was angry, Lin Dahai might not be as simple as being put in prison, Mu Nadao found out.

After the binding was completed, Lin Dahai looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction.

"Okay, it's time for you to go on your way too. Why didn't Qiu Li speak? Did he get scared? That's right, a young master like you who was born with a golden spoon in his mouth can't understand my difficulties at all. You said you are doing well. Is it not good to shoot your show? Those who insist on investigating this and that, these people are damned, I just asked them for a little money, and I didn’t do anything bad, yet you want to contact someone to come and investigate me.”

He went to the river to wash his face, took a handful of cold water and sprinkled it on Yang Nuannuan's side, the wet clothes stuck tightly to his skin, outlining her beautiful upper body lines, Lin Haihai repeatedly She clicked her tongue: "It's really pretty, no wonder Qiu Li likes it so much, if I have such a wife, I would like it too, little beauty, if you want to follow me, I will let you go."


Yang Nuannuan scolded him but felt a little itchy on the wrist behind her. Qiu Li put the key in her hand, swept it away and continued to open the lock on the handcuffs.

Lu Rongxian handed it to Qiu Li after using the key just now, and Lin Dahai also completely forgot about it, just grabbed a pair of handcuffs for them to use.

"Since you don't want to, you can go to the local government couple with your husband!" Lin Dahai also said casually.

A woman like Yang Nuannuan is beautiful if she is beautiful, but she can't really take it seriously, a woman who is too beautiful is prone to bad things, and it is because of her that Qiu Li is fascinated.

After he pushed the two to the river, he pushed them vigorously, and saw them fall into the river behind them, but disappeared after splashing a layer of water.

The cold water quickly poured into Yang Nuannuan's nose and mouth. She felt that her lungs were soon filled with river water, and her breathing gradually became difficult. The big stone tied to her feet made her fall extremely fast——

When her consciousness was blurred, two icy lips pressed against her, and then she couldn't see what was in front of her completely.

This is good, she is going to die here.


(End of this chapter)

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