Chapter 145 Double Dragon Appears
The spies of various factions who were monitoring outside the house were ashamed by a large cloud of dust that swept outwards, and then they saw an unbelievable scene for them.

I saw Li Wei spread out a scroll, and then his hands moved for a while, and a white mist burst out with a bang. After the white mist cleared, some square metal objects were exposed.

The spies didn't know electrical appliances, but they were also stunned by Li Wei's sealing technique. Such a fairy method, where ordinary people can do it, even a great master may not be able to do it.

Wei Zhenzhen also stared wide-eyed in disbelief. In her eyes, this cloth-like thing can transform into so many items. This is something that only gods can do. At this time, Wei Zhen Zhen saw that Li Wei had upgraded Li Wei from the status of the master of the noble son to the status of the master of the fairy.

Li Wei did not stop, and took out another scroll and spread it out. The previous scroll unsealed electrical appliances such as refrigerators, and Li Wei lived in the house for several months before, because he didn’t need it, so he didn’t unseal it. It was sealed, and now that Wei Zhenzhen was staying, it was naturally needed.

Naturally, electrical appliances cannot be used without electricity. What Li Wei unsealed this time is naturally the nuclear fusion reactor and some circuit equipment. These are all prepared by the red queen.

After the Sky Carrier could not follow Li Wei into the plane world, Li Wei could only bring scientific and technological items such as Iron Man armor, and these circuit equipment and electrical appliances were also used for Li Wei to improve his living standards when he entered the plane world. of.

Before Li Wei retreated in Lingyun Grotto, there were no electrical appliances to use. After Fengyun World, the Red Queen proposed to prepare these things, but it was only now that they came in handy.

Li Wei found a room to fix the nuclear fusion reactor, then installed all the circuit equipment, and finally installed the lights and connected the electrical appliances.

Wei Zhenzhen had been helping Li Wei all the time, and when Li Wei installed the lighting, the moment the light was turned on, Wei Zhenzhen was really surprised.

After the refrigerator, microwave oven, range hood and other electrical appliances were installed, Li Wei also specially instructed Wei Zhenzhen on how to use them.

Although Wei Zhenzhen is an ancient person, the usage of these electrical appliances is very simple, as long as she learns how to use them, this makes Wei Zhenzhen feel extremely miraculous.

The spies outside the house quickly passed this information back. Li Wei's move was already extraordinary, so that the spies didn't know how to make a decision.

Li Wei naturally also sensed the movements of the spies outside the house, but Li Wei ignored it at all. After Wei Zhenzhen cooked the food, he naturally began to taste Wei Zhenzhen's cooking.

"Sit down and eat too." Seeing Wei Zhenzhen standing in a corner and not taking a seat, Li Wei also thought of some rules of the ancients.

"Master, take it easy. I'm a servant, so I can't sit with the master." Wei Zhenzhen still knew some rules, so she didn't dare to sit down, but stood aside with her head down.

"I don't have any servants here. If I tell you to sit down and eat, sit down and eat." Li Wei said to Wei Zhenzhen.

In the end, Wei Zhenzhen didn't follow Li Wei's order, and she didn't dare to sit down completely, but sat a little bit, and didn't dare to make a sound even when eating, and didn't even dare to pick up food, which made Li Wei a little bit dumbfounded .

"I didn't buy you just to be a maid. I'll teach you some martial arts when I have time, so you can concentrate on practicing." Li Wei said to Wei Zhenzhen.

Although it is said that Li Wei bought Wei Zhenzhen to find Ssangyong, Wei Zhenzhen's tragic fate made Li Wei sigh a little, so it is not impossible to teach her some martial arts and accept her as a disciple.

"Master." Wei Zhenzhen's face was flushed with excitement, and tears rolled in her eyes, causing Li Wei to shake her head and pat her on the head to let her eat well.

After Wei Zhenzhen moved in, the house became more popular, and Li Wei taught Wei Zhenzhen how to practice martial arts in addition to his own practice. As for the task of finding Ssangyong in Yangzhou City, it was given to Wei Zhenzhen.

Li Wei thought about the fate between Wei Zhenzhen and Ssangyong, even if Wei Zhenzhen went out to buy some vegetables and daily necessities tomorrow, the chance of meeting Ssangyong is probably higher than his chance of wandering around Yangzhou City.

A year has passed by in a hurry, Li Wei has lived in Yangzhou City for a year, and during this year, Shilong still did not get the formula of longevity, which made Li Wei a little confused, could it be because of his appearance, Has Shilong's chance of obtaining the formula of longevity ended?
And Wei Zhenzhen has also cultivated not weak strength in this year. Under Li Wei's teaching, Wei Zhenzhen has cultivated Tianshuangquan, Lingbo Weibu and Jiuyin Scripture to the strength of a first-class master. Innate masters are only one step away.

It took one year to cultivate to this level, Wei Zhenzhen is not bad, although it is not as good as the disciples of the aristocratic family, but Wei Zhenzhen's aptitude is not bad, the difference is only the time to start, and Wei Zhen In the past few years, it is not a problem to catch up with the disciples of the upper family.

As for Li Wei's situation in Yangzhou for a year, the four major clans, the Demon Gate and some gangs in Jianghu all paid attention to Li Wei's situation, especially Li Wei ignored the spies they sent, and let them know Knowingly check Li Wei's information.

With the strength of Grandmaster Li Wei, how could these spies hide from Li Wei's perception? Li Wei ignored it and didn't want to kill casually. Even if he killed himself, it was to deter the enemy. What's the use of killing some spies?I don't have any shady secrets for them to explore.

The reason for the emergence of spies from many forces is also because of the strength of Grandmaster Li Wei. If Li Wei hadn't killed Fu Cailin, he probably wouldn't have been so valued. The only famous grandmaster in the Central Plains is Ning Daoqi, but Ning Daoqi But the traces of Li Wei, the great master, are hard to find, as long as anyone with a little influence knows the traces of Li Wei.

As for the four great masters of the Central Plains mentioned by Li Wei, apart from the known Sanren Ning Daoqi and Qilin Demon Li Wei, the other two were beyond anyone's guess, which made them all curious.

On this day, Li Wei had just finished his lunch and saw Wei Zhenzhen walking out of the gate with a food box. Li Wei thought of a possibility and followed quietly, just in time to see Wei Zhenzhen holding a The food box was handed to the two young men.

"Shuanglong, finally appeared." Li Wei raised his mouth slightly, thinking as he looked at Ssangyong, who was still about 16 years old.

"Sister Zhen, thank you for bringing us food again. If you hadn't been helping us all the time, Sister Zhen, we would have starved to death." Kou Zhong looked at Wei Zhenzhen gratefully and said.

(End of this chapter)

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