Chapter 150 Practice of Longevity Art

"Okay, the fight is almost done, it's time to talk about the key points." After seeing that Ssangyong and Shilong had not learned much experience in the battle, Li Wei naturally wanted to learn the formula of longevity.

For Li Wei, the formula of longevity is something that Li Wei is determined to obtain. Now that Ssangyong's actual combat training has ended, Li Wei naturally does not intend to do this anymore.

As soon as Li Wei made a shot, Shi Long couldn't even react. In an instant, Shi Long was hit by Li Wei's acupuncture point and couldn't move.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling went forward to search immediately and found everything on Shi Long's body.

"I'll go, the master and apprentice are all bandits, they cooperate so tacitly." The spies couldn't help but sigh after seeing Ssangyong's familiar techniques.

Li Wei didn't have a decent image at all, and his two disciples were even punks. All the spies had to sigh, what kind of master can have what kind of apprentice.

"Longevity formula." Li Wei took the longevity formula and flipped through it.

There are 7 pictures in the Jue of Longevity, but Li Wei knows that the last two pictures of the Jue of Longevity are the most essential. When he opened the 7 pictures of the Jue of Longevity, all of them are incomprehensible tadpole text.

However, after comprehending the cheats of the Xiaoyao School, Li Wei can naturally see some mysteries, and when he saw the fourth picture, Li Wei had already entered the comprehension of meditation.

The first 5 pictures of the Jue of Longevity correspond to the 5 elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, while the last two pictures are the yin and yang attributes.The two pictures of yin and yang attributes have the sum of the first 5 pictures, but the attributes of each person are different, so no one has advantages in both yin and yang attributes at the same time. Although everyone has the advantages of yin and yang and the five elements, the most advantageous One is the most suitable for cultivation.

For example, Kou Zhong is suitable for cultivating the yang attribute of the sixth piece, Xu Ziling is suitable for practicing the yin attribute of the seventh piece, and Li Wei is suitable for the fire attribute of the fourth piece.

After being strengthened by the essence of the fire unicorn, Li Wei's body has the ability of the fire attribute, so Li Wei was able to enter the meditation by relying on the fourth fire attribute map.

Shi Long's eyes turned straight. Unfortunately, after Li Wei ordered the acupuncture points, even if he had an idea, he couldn't implement it. He could only watch Li Wei and the others enter a state of trance.

Wei Zhenzhen also stood aside and looked at the 7 pictures of the Jue of Longevity, but Wei Zhenzhen's aptitude was limited, after she looked at the 7 pictures, none of them made Wei Zhenzhen fall into samadhi.

"Do you want to do it?" Some of the spies already had an idea.

Li Wei entered the samadhi, and Ssangyong also entered the samadhi. Except for Wei Zhenzhen, they had every chance to snatch the formula of longevity and even kill Li Wei. Once they succeeded, they would really become famous.

How hard is the grand master?This point is clear to everyone, if there is no one at the Grand Master level, there is no way to kill the Grand Master, even if they are both Grand Masters, then it is very difficult to kill the other party.

Li Wei killed Fu Cailin so easily, it can be seen that Li Wei's strength is much stronger than the original 3 great masters, if he can be killed?

Thinking of this, many spies were really ready to move, but when they thought of Li Wei's horror, these spies didn't dare to act rashly.

The spies looked like they were about to move, but they didn't dare to move, which made them tangled in their hearts. After all, attacking the grand master was extremely dangerous. Once they failed to seize this opportunity, it would not be as simple as their own death.

Li Wei is a great master who can slaughter the city. When he thinks that the Goguryeo royal city was slaughtered under Li Wei's hand, if they fail, then the forces they belong to will definitely be slaughtered. The family can't keep it.

And some people who don't have any family members also dare not make a move. After all, failure means that the object of their allegiance is dead. How can this situation make them dare to make a bold move.

When the spies were still hesitating, Li Wei opened his eyes. The mystery of the Longevity Art made Li Wei's physique improve again, and his true energy was transformed into a fire attribute. It was directly changed into fire-attributed true energy, and under the influence of martial arts such as the Nine-Yin Manual, Nine-Yang Magical Art, and Yi Jin Jing, Li Wei's martial arts have fully evolved into fire. Attributes.

"Sure enough, the single five-element attribute is not as good as the yin-yang attribute." Li Wei shook his head watching Ssangyong still in meditation.

At this time Li Wei woke up from the meditation, these spies naturally didn't dare to make any plans, Li Wei's strength was enough to deter them all.

The time for Ssangyong to enter the samadhi continued, and Li Wei also put away the formula of longevity. Wei Zhenzhen didn't feel anything when she couldn't enter the samadhi. Wei Zhenzhen was not that keen on martial arts, so she felt that as long as she followed Li Wei honestly on the side.

"Zhenzhen, I will leave after they wake up in sedation, and then you can follow them to wander the rivers and lakes." Li Wei thought for a while and said to Wei Zhenzhen.

Li Wei's next goal is to go to the Song Clan in Lingnan. There is a piece of information he wants to know in the Tiandao Song Gap, which is the address of Cihang Jingzhai.

There are only a handful of people in the world who can know the location of Cihang Jingzhai, and Tiandao Song Que is one of them, and there is one thing Li Wei wants in Cihang Jingzhai, that is Heshibi.

Li Wei can know from the analysis of the Red Queen that there are two places where He's Bi can appear, one is in Cihang Jingzhai, and the other is in Yanggong's treasure house.

And Yang Gong’s treasure house is under the Yuema Bridge in Chang’an, Li Wei can still find it if he wants to find it, but before going to see Lu Miaozi, Li Wei doesn’t plan to go to Yang Gong’s treasure house, without Fu Junchuo’s appearance, Yang Gong’s treasure house It is still closed, so Li Wei set his target on Cihang Jingzhai.

Compared with Duke Yang's treasury, Li Wei believed that He's Bi was in the hands of Cihang Jingzhai, otherwise how dare they choose the emperor with the most righteous way in the world, and the most likely thing in Yanggong's treasury is the evil emperor's relic.

"Master, I want to follow you, please don't leave me behind." Wei Zhenzhen burst into tears as soon as she heard Li Wei's words.

After following Li Wei, Wei Zhenzhen never thought of leaving Li Wei. Being by Li Wei's side gave Wei Zhenzhen a sense of security.

"Okay then, let these two boys go touring the rivers and lakes by themselves." Li Wei said after thinking about it.

Shuanglong stayed in meditation for a long time, and Li Wei watched them both wake up from the meditation, but Shilong was in a terrible situation. Li Wei tapped his acupuncture points and couldn't move them. The acupuncture points were sealed for too long, causing his meridians to split. Condition.

And Li Wei didn't care about Shilong's life and death. After Ssangyong woke up from the meditation, he left with Ssangyong and Wei Zhenzhen. Shilong was finally unlocked by Li Wei's acupuncture points, but his martial arts were also abolished. Being able to leave a small life is considered a big fate.

(End of this chapter)

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