Chapter 152 Battle with Song Que

"You want to fight with me?" Song Que frowned slightly.

Li Wei came here specifically to find him, so it has nothing to do with the Song Clan, but Song Que represents the Song Clan, so if Li Wei really wanted to fight Song Que, the Song Clan would definitely not sit idly by. Even if Song Que wanted to fight alone, once Song Que was in danger, the Song Clan would definitely fight back crazily.

"I'm going to Cihang Jingzhai. After much deliberation, I'm afraid you, Song Que, are the only one who knows the exact location of Cihang Jingzhai." Li Wei said to Song Que.

"Are you going to Cihang Jingzhai?" Song Que frowned deeply.

Many people in the Song Clan have breathed a sigh of relief. In their opinion, as long as they don't come here specifically to trouble the Song Clan, then they have no idea.

As for what will happen to Cihang Jingzhai, it has nothing to do with the Song Clan, but Song Que refused without hesitation at this moment; "I can't tell you the location of Cihang Jingzhai."

Song Que had a relationship with Fan Qinghui, the owner of Cihang Jingzhai, but their identities were destined not to be together, and because of this reason, Li Wei knew that Song Que knew the location of Cihang Jingzhai.

But the relationship between Song Que and Fan Qinghui made it impossible for Song Que to tell Li Wei the location of Cihang Jingzhai, otherwise Cihang Jingzhai would definitely suffer.

The unicorn demon Li Wei has a bad reputation. A person who can massacre the city is more terrifying than the people in the Demon Sect. From the beginning, everyone regarded Li Wei as a person in the Demon Sect, and because of Li Wei's Surname, some people also speculate that Li Wei may be a disciple from the Li family.

But now Li Wei's identity has always been unclear to everyone. He is neither a member of the Li Clan nor a member of any sect of the Demon Sect. Li Wei seems to have popped out all of a sudden, making people unpredictable.

But no matter what, it was absolutely impossible for Song Que to tell Li Weici the exact location of Hang Jingzhai, so Li Wei's plan to come to the Song Clan fell through.

Li Wei also thought about this, but Song Que rejected Li Wei, which made everyone in the Song Clan tense again. This situation indicated that the Song Clan would block the Qilin Demon's anger for Cihang Jingzhai.

"Hehe, so there's nothing to say? I won't pursue the rest of the Song Clan. After all, they are of my Han blood, not Goguryeo's bastards, but Song Que, come and fight me a few tricks." Li Wei walked away On the ground, he stood directly in front of Song Que, and grabbed Song Que with one hand.

Song Que's fighting consciousness was also very strong. As soon as Li Wei made a move, he had already drawn his sword. Song Que drew his sword very quickly, and it was hard to see when it was so close. Of course, Li Wei was not included here.

Li Wei originally wanted to take away the knife in Song Que's hand, but Song Que drew the knife so quickly, which surprised Li Wei a little. He failed to take Song Que's knife away, but Li Wei pressed Song Que's knife In the hand that lacks a knife.

"Hmph!!!" Song Que snorted coldly, his whole body exploded, and the blocked knife was pulled out immediately, and he slashed at Li Wei without hesitation.

With a bang, Song Que slashed heavily on Li Wei's heavy flame sword. Song Que drew his sword and attacked quickly, but Li Wei was also very fast. After failing to stop Song Que from pulling out the sword, Li Wei naturally It was the heavy flame sword that blocked Song Que's strike.

The force generated by the collision of swords and swords rushed out, whether it was Wei Zhenzhen or other members of the Song Clan, all of them were blown back by the momentum generated by this conflict, and their faces were full of shock.

"Haha, you are indeed the Heavenly Saber Song Que, the four great masters of my Central Plains, besides the scattered man Ning Daoqi, the evil king Shi Zixuan and my unicorn Li Wei, you Tiandao Song Que is the one I admire the most." Li Wei laughed wildly. With a sound, after blocking Song Que's knife, a sword cut out immediately.

The powerful flame power from the heavy flame sword erupted from it, and Li Wei's sword fused with the powerful true essence to form a fire unicorn and charged towards the heavenly sword Song Que.

Huo Qilin's powerful momentum changed the expressions of everyone in the Song Clan. Isn't this move the rumored move to kill Fu Cailin with one blow?

Grandmaster Fu Cailin could not resist this fire unicorn move, so it can be seen that this move has the ability to kill a great master, and Li Wei called Song Que one of the four great masters of the Central Plains, which made everyone in the Song Clan very happy, but Li Wei Wei's attack on Song Que made them extremely worried. They didn't want Song Que to become the second Fu Cailin.

"The war has begun." Some masters far away from the Song Clan's base camp have sensed the momentum erupting from the Song Clan.

Although they couldn't see the situation in the Song Clan's base camp, they all carefully felt the two powerful auras, letting them know that Qilin Demon and Tiandao had made a move.

"Cut me!!!" When Song Que saw the Huo Qilin rushing towards him, his face didn't change at all, as if he didn't take the Huo Qilin into his eyes at all. The unicorn was cut in half.

"You are not my opponent." Li Wei appeared after the fire unicorn. Song Que's knife was completely 10 times, and Li Wei also caught the gap after Song Que's knife and stuck to his body.

"Hmph, dare to talk big before it's over?" Song Que's saber slashed again, as fast as if there was no gap to make a move.

And Li Wei had already made a move at this time, Dou Zhuan Xing Yi bounced back Song Que's slash, and at the same time, the Heavy Flame Sword also slashed at Song Que.

With a bang, Song Que was sent flying, and the knife rebounded by Dou Zhuan Xingyi made Song Que attack with all his strength. The forcibly reversed attack almost caused Song Que to suffer internal injuries, and blocking Li Wei's sword again made Song Que vomit blood directly up.

"Lord!!!" Everyone in the Song Clan wanted to come up, but when they saw Song Que vomit blood, they all crouched down holding their chests, and everyone in the Song Clan was anxious.

"Not bad. Dodge quickly, or you will be killed just now with the sword." Li Wei said, waving the heavy flame sword in his hand.

Song Que was already very uncomfortable when he was bounced back by his sword. If it wasn't for his high skill and good combat experience, he might have been slashed by Li Wei's sword just now.

Song Que stood up, and his clothes could be seen to be cut from the shoulder to the bottom, and there was a bloodstain on his body, just as Li Wei said, if Song Que slowed down just a little bit, it would be enough Took his life.

But even if he escaped the fatal blow, Song Que was hit by the powerful flame power and fierce sword intent, and he had already suffered internal injuries, but he was forced to suppress him after he stood up.

"Very good, the Qilin Demon really lives up to its reputation, so let me learn the tricks of the Qilin Demon." Song Que was injured, but his aura increased sharply, causing Li Wei to raise his eyebrows slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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