Chapter 156 The idea of ​​fighting for world supremacy

In Li Wei's memory, He Shibi in the Legend of the Double Dragon of the Tang Dynasty has such a function, but after various revisions, many of them no longer have it. Even Li Wei doesn't know the Double Dragon of the Tang Dynasty he is in. Does the rumored He's Bi have such a function? If not, then He's Bi is just a stone, which is completely useless to him. But now that he knows the function of He's Bi, Li Wei knows that this trip Not in vain.

"Huh?" Before Li Wei had time to take a good look at He's Bi, a strange force erupted from He's Bi, instantly impacting Li Wei's mental power.

"This is it?" Li Wei's face turned pale. The confusion that just appeared in the telekinetic power made Li Wei feel a little lingering. He didn't expect that He Shibi's ability could even interfere with the power of mental power.

Before, Li Wei thought that He's Bi could only interfere with the warrior's true energy, but he didn't think about other powers. Now it seems that He's Bi can interfere with all kinds of power, but the warrior's spiritual energy was not used at all before. situation, so do not know this situation at all.

A few quarters of an hour later, Li Wei's spirit has also recovered, and seeing that the He's Bi that fell on the ground has been picked up again by Shi Feixuan, Li Wei took the He's Bi from Shi Feixuan's hand, think about it what to do with it.

Li Wei would feel a toothache if he practiced the same ritual as the fire seed source, and Li Wei's strength would drop from the realm of the gods to the realm of the great master, and it would take a lot of effort to recover. I don't know how much effort, if adding a He's Bi, how far will it fall?
Furthermore, the power of He's Bi is too weird. Li Wei reckons that this set of sacrificial training methods is useless at all. After all, as soon as any power touches He's Bi, He's Bi will emit the kind of weirdness that makes any power riot energy, so the possibility that this method of sacrificial training can work is very low.

"How to deal with it?" Li Wei held the handle of He's Bi with both hands, but was thinking in his heart.

But at this time, a scroll in Li Wei's backpack suddenly exuded a very pure and powerful power, this power was attracted by He's Bi, and as soon as it entered He's Bi, it produced a very soft light.

"This is?" Li Wei hurriedly put down He's Bi, took out the scroll from his backpack and unsealed it, and a bone was unsealed from it.

"Dragon veins!!"

Li Wei recognized that this was the dragon vein he obtained in Fengyun World, and the pure power in the dragon vein was being absorbed by Heshibi at the moment.

As the absorption speed of He's Bi was accelerated, the dragon vein was also absorbed by He's Bi, and stuck to He's Bi with a snap, and then slowly melted away.

"The power of the dragon's veins has been unable to be mobilized, but now He's Bi is actually absorbing the power of the dragon's veins. Why?" Li Wei thought to himself.

And when half of the dragon's veins melted away, Li Wei's eyes suddenly flashed, as if he had thought of something, he grabbed it with one hand, and the Beiming magic power was activated instantly.

Immediately, the power gathered by He's Bi and Longmai was absorbed into the body by Li Wei with the Beiming Divine Art. Immediately, Li Wei sat down with He's Bi and entered the practice.

This place is located in Emperor Stepping Peak. Although it is remote, it is the base camp of Cihang Jingzhai after all. Li Wei made a big fuss in Cihang Jingzhai, severely wounding the owner Fan Qinghui and many disciples, even several Cihang Jingzhai was seriously injured by an elder of the older generation. Fortunately, Li Wei did not kill anyone. Although he was injured, he did not lose his life.

But Fan Qinghui didn't take Li Wei's kindness seriously. Li Wei dared to come to Cihang Jingzhai to make trouble, which made her extremely angry, especially when Shi Feixuan fled with He Shibi, and she didn't know if she had escaped. , Fan Qinghui has sent many disciples out to find the whereabouts of Qilin Demon and the situation of Shi Feixuan.

Li Wei worked hard to refine this pure power with the refining power of the Beiming Divine Art. At this time, Li Wei no longer had the dragon veins in his hand, and there was only Heshibi emitting pure white light left in his hand, and The handles on both sides of He's Bi have also been detached.

"I didn't expect He's Bi to be refined by me like this." Li Wei held He's Bi with both hands with a strange face, and finally He's Bi merged into Li Wei's chest and entered Li Wei's body.

He's Bi has been refined by Li Wei, but the effect of He's Bi is not too transcendent, it can only deal with masters in the divine realm, but Li Wei can only mobilize the energy to deal with great masters.

He's Bi and Dragon Vein merged into one, and at the same time Li Wei absorbed part of the power, making He's Bi become Li Wei's magic weapon, which can be absorbed into the body, which is much better than the source of fire.

And He's Bi is still a magic weapon that can be upgraded. As long as there is the world's luck to absorb, then He's Bi will be able to grow. At that time, the strongest were the god-level powerhouses, and the level of luck power in the natural dragon veins was also the level of the god-level powerhouses, so the power level that He's Bi could exert was also the god-level level, which could disturb the various abilities of the god-level masters. energy play.

But Li Wei's current strength is at the level of a great master. The power of luck absorbed before has not enhanced his power at all. It just allows Li Wei to integrate with He's Bi. The power of Choi is as strong as it is. Fortunately, the strongest in this world is the grand master level, so Li Wei doesn't have to worry that there are still masters who can't deal with He Choi. If Li Wei can't deal with it, he can only use a million The army had to surround him heavily.

"A million army? Hehe, maybe a million army is not Susano's opponent?" Li Wei thought in his heart. According to the situation of the Sui army, as long as he is not standing and being beaten, it is very difficult for a million army to kill him. difficult.

"I didn't want to fight for hegemony at first, but I left after I got what I wanted. Now it seems that the world is about to fight." Li Wei murmured.

The luck of the Central Plains in Fengyun World is only to increase the energy of Heshibi to the effect of the gods. If you want to enhance it, you must get the luck of the world. At this time, the Great Sui is about to perish and the troubled times are about to start. This is the best opportunity to compete for the world. If there is no He's Bi, Li Wei has not planned to fight for the world, and he has worked so hard to fight for the world. Would he be the emperor here for the rest of his life?At that time, no one can be found to inherit it after leaving, but now it is different. In order to improve the level of Heshibi, Li Wei wants to compete for the world and win the luck of the Central Plains. .

Leaving from Emperor Stepping Peak, the three of Li Wei avoided the disciples who were searching everywhere in Cihang Jingzhai, and soon returned to the nearby city. At this time, there is still some time before the chaos in the world. Li Wei's next goal is to fly horse pasture.

(End of this chapter)

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