Chapter 166 Evil Emperor Relic
"Hum!!" Shi Zixuan snorted coldly, the black and white streamer on his body became even brighter, and when many water arrows hit the black and white streamer on Shi Zixuan's body, they were strangely turned to other directions.

Shi Zixuan's self-created seal of immortality has the effect of power transfer and consumption, and this is just one of them. Under the protection of the seal of immortality, Shi Zixuan rushed through the death channel attacked by water arrows.

At this time, the three of Li Wei had entered the second treasure room. In this treasure room, the three of Li Wei saw many piles of gold, silver and jewels.

"Tsk tsk tsk, although it is much smaller than the treasure room in front, so many gold and silver jewels can completely support an army for a long time." Li Wei looked at the many gold and silver jewels piled up The hill said.

And so many gold, silver and jewels are definitely dazzling to Wei Zhenzhen, but in the eyes of Li Wei and Shi Feixuan, they are not very attractive.

Continuing to go deeper, it took a longer time for the three of Li Wei to enter the last treasure room of Duke Yang's treasury, and all the priceless treasures were stored here.

There are magical weapons that cut iron like mud, soft armor that is extremely hard but very light, and even huge orbs. Compared with the previous treasures, these treasures can be regarded as high-quality goods. Take out every piece They are all priceless, and even the whole world cannot find a second one.

But these things can only be regarded as high-quality goods for Li Wei, but they are of little use. After all, these so-called magical weapons are not as good as his heavy flame sword in Li Wei's opinion, and those huge orbs can only be used To coax my wife.

Although the many items here are not of much use to Li Wei, Li Wei still collected them. There are not many high-quality treasures in this treasure house, and Li Wei can take them all away with the spare seal scroll , It's not comparable to the mountains of gold, silver, jewels and armaments in the treasure house in front.

"A total of 127 items, which is not bad." Li Wei counted them carefully and gave some of them to Wei Zhenzhen and Shi Feixuan.

Among them, the magic weapon and the soft armor were given to Wei Zhenzhen and Shi Feixuan, and Shi Feixuan had a colored and empty sword, so Li Wei didn't give her a weapon. After that, there are a few pieces of jewelry, no matter where the girl is or what era Wei Zhenzhen thanked Li Wei with joy and excitement, and although Shi Feixuan didn't change her expression so much, Li Wei also found that she was also very happy.

After obtaining these fine products, Li Wei opened the mechanism of the evil emperor's relic. To open the mechanism of the evil emperor's relic, the true essence of the formula of longevity is necessary.

And the true energy that needs the formula of longevity also made Li Wei lament that the opportunities in this world are specially for the protagonist. Unfortunately, Li Wei's random entry gave Li Wei the ability to open the evil emperor's relic mechanism.

Li Weiwei practiced the fourth fire attribute of the Longevity Jue. Although it is not as good as the sixth and seventh yin and yang scrolls of Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, there is no problem in opening the organ of the evil emperor's relic.

Under the input of true energy, a mechanism was opened on the ground, and the evil emperor's relic was slowly lifted up on a pillar, but as soon as the evil emperor's relic appeared, Li Wei underestimated the evil emperor's relic. Impact.

The evil emperor's relic is the condensed power of the evil emperors of all generations, and although every evil emperor is practicing the same kind of kung fu, the true essence of each evil emperor must be different.

But the evil emperor relic was able to condense all these true essences in it, but it also allowed the aura emitted by the true essence of the evil emperors of the past to affect anyone who was close to the evil emperor relic.

Li Wei's spiritual power itself is very strong. Even if his true energy cultivation level fell to the level of a great master due to the source of fire, his spiritual power is at the level of the heavenly realm. Mental influence was of no use to Li Wei, but Wei Zhenzhen and Shi Feixuan were tricked.

Wei Zhenzhen and Shi Feixuan fell into mental psychedelic, this kind of mental psychedelic can easily cause people's consciousness to collapse, once the consciousness collapses, then there will be two situations, one is to die directly, and the other is to die. Caught in confusion and unable to stay awake, one becomes a madman.

People who often become lunatics because of the evil emperor's relics will become very violent under the influence of the evil emperor's relics, so they will become big devils and kill anyone they see.

Li Wei discovered the situation of Wei Zhenzhen and Shi Feixuan, and immediately took out a blank sealing scroll, planning to pack the evil emperor's relic first.

The research on the evil emperor's relic needs an extremely quiet place. Li Wei doesn't want to forcibly absorb the true essence of the evil emperor's relic and let himself be affected by the spirit left by the evil emperors of the past. The evil emperors of all ages are all in the realm of great masters, and they are hard to beat with four hands. Even if Li Wei can suppress the spiritual power of a great master with his spiritual power, he will definitely not be able to suppress a group of them. Several people, so I don't know how much violent spiritual power is left in the evil emperor's relic.

"Seal!!" Li Wei had just sealed the strength of the evil emperor, and Wei Zhenzhen and Shi Feixuan collapsed. Their faces were pale at the moment, and the two of them had endured a lot in just a short while. severe mental impairment.

"Take a moment to recover, and we will leave here after recovering." Li Wei said to Wei Zhenzhen and Shi Feixuan.

At this moment, there was an explosion in front of him, which made Li Wei freeze slightly. Unexpectedly, someone would enter Yang Gong's treasure house at this time.

Shi Zixuan was in a mess with blood on his body, his face was pale and the corner of his mouth was bloody, and he rushed into the treasure house where Li Wei and the others were.

Shi Zixuan's strength is very strong, but Shi Zixuan has never dared to break into Yang Gong's treasury easily. In addition to the murder mechanism in Yang Gong's treasury, he is more worried about triggering the self-destruct mechanism and destroying the evil emperor's relic .

But at this time, Shi Zixuan can't take care of so much anymore. Years of practice have made Shi Zixuan stronger, and coupled with the magic of the Immortal Seal, Shi Zixuan, who dared not forcefully enter Yang Gong's treasury many years ago, successfully entered the treasure house. In the deepest inner vault, it is a pity that Shi Zixuan suffered a lot of injuries from the traps along the way. You can see how powerful the traps here are by looking at his distressed appearance.

"Shi Zixuan?" When Li Wei saw Shi Zixuan, he felt the fluctuation of Shi Zixuan's true energy, and guessed Shi Zixuan's identity in just a few seconds.

With such a profound true essence, among the great masters of the time, there is probably no one else except Shi Zixuan and Bi Xuan, and Bi Xuan is a Turkic person, so he is definitely not as refined as Shi Zixuan, so who is the person in front of him? , Li Wei naturally guessed it.

(End of this chapter)

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