Chapter 170 Unification

Yu Wenhuaji was suddenly nervous, and everyone couldn't help but slightly raised his head back. Li Wei's aura was really terrifying, not to mention Yu Wenhuaji, even Bi Xuan and others frowned slightly.

"No wonder he was able to kill the four holy monks when he faced the undisciplined Ning Daoqi and the four holy monks. His strength is too terrifying." Bi Xuan thought in his heart.

At this moment, Bi Xuan and Shi Zixuan were standing in front of them, and Ning Daoqi was also here, but Ning Daoqi was not with these people, but was waiting for an opportunity to make a move.

Li Wei glanced at everyone slightly, and also discovered this situation, but he didn't care at all. This time, Li Wei just wanted to catch all these guys, so what if Ning Daoqi slipped through the net?

Occupying more than half of the Central Plains, Li Wei was able to practice He's Bi through the dragon vein luck obtained after becoming emperor. At this time, He's Bi has been controlled like a source of fire under Li Wei's training, but The chaotic field created by He's Bi was also due to limited luck, so Li Wei could only open a distance of 10 meters.

"Hehe, let's not talk much, since you are here to do it, then let's do it." Li Wei waved to Kou Zhong and others behind him, and then stepped forward.

Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling and the others retreated one after another, and then surrounded the past along the two sides. Such actions undoubtedly did not make Yu Huahua and the others suspicious.

Both Bi Xuan and Shi Zixuan knew how terrible Li Wei was. A grand master level was not enough in Li Wei's hands. Two talents were able to confront him. If they wanted to kill him, they would even need Ning Daoqi to attack him.

hum! ! !
Bi Xuan and Shi Zixuan's speed was fast enough, but when they approached Li Wei in the blink of an eye, Bi Xuan and Shi Zixuan felt the real energy in their bodies riot.

"What's going on?" Bi Xuan and Shi Zixuan were shocked, what's going on in this situation?Isn't the real yuan riot going to be crazy?

Only then did Bi Xuan and Shi Zixuan discover a piece of jade emerging from the top of Li Wei's head, from which one could see five-clawed golden dragons floating above it.

"Heshibi!!" Yu Wenhuaji exclaimed.

He's Bi is the representative of the king, and He's Bi is in Li Wei's hands, and he also uses the special effect of He's Bi. At this moment, Yu Wenhua knows what Li Wei is going to do.

He Shibi is definitely the nemesis of warriors, not to mention taking the opportunity to kill, the riot of the true essence alone is enough to kill people by the chaotic true essence, Bi Xuan and Shi Zixuan fully control the true essence in the body, but they No matter how strong his strength is, he can't suppress the energy generated by the chaotic domain formed by He's Bi, and it's only a matter of time before he goes mad and dies.

"Sure enough, it's a one-on-one sharp weapon." Li Wei smiled slightly, and he had already rushed in front of Bi Xuan.

Compared to Shi Zixuan, Bi Xuan is absolutely mortal, even if Shi Zixuan escapes, it will be fine, but Bi Xuan cannot be escaped, Turks dare to intervene in Zhongyuan's affairs, how could Li Wei let him go.

Bi Xuan's true energy riot made it impossible for Bi Xuan to display his strength at all. Except for the master of body training, He Shibi restrained almost all of his energy. Facing Li Wei's arrival, Bi Xuan was no match for Li Wei.

drink! ! ! !

Just when Li Wei was about to succeed, Bi Xuan yelled violently and forcibly blasted out his true essence, which caused Bi Xuan to vomit blood and seriously injure him, and the violent mobilization of his true essence severely damaged Bi Xuan's meridians , and Li Wei's blow was barely stopped by Bi Xuan's full shot.

Naturally, Shi Zixuan wanted to escape. Facing He Shibi's ability to confuse other people's true energy, warriors basically had no way to get close. To kill him, they could only use long-range attacks, and moreover, arrows that covered them.

Li Wei ignored Shi Zixuan who was fleeing, Lingbo started with small steps, and caught up with Bi Xuan in a few dodges, while Fan Qinghui and other righteous masters, Zhu Yuyan and other demon masters and Turkic masters who wanted to come up to help entered one after another In the chaotic field of 10 meters.

"This is the power of He's Bi, everyone get out quickly!" Fan Qinghui shouted.

Cihang Jingzhai's understanding of He's Bi is absolutely beyond ordinary people. He's Bi can be affected by the power of He's Bi just by touching it. From ancient times to the present, none of Cihang Jingzhai's disciples can Using He's Bi, now Li Wei actually controls He's Bi, how can this not make Fan Qinghui startled and angry.

Without using Fan Qinghui's words at all, Zhu Yuyan and the other demon veterans felt the riot of true energy in their bodies as soon as they got close, making them retreat in a hurry. They couldn't resist Choi's power at all.

The Turkic masters came desperately, but unfortunately, in front of Li Wei's strength, these masters of the real yuan riot were no opponents. Faced with Li Wei's strong attack, they were all killed by one blow.

The death of Wu Zun Bixuan frightened all the masters of the Great Wei Kingdom. Shi Zixuan ran away, and Ning Daoqi frowned, not knowing whether to take action. At this time, Li Wei had already controlled the whole situation. In the field, these masters of the Great Wei Kingdom really have no chance of winning.

"It's over." Yu Wenhuaji was bleeding in his heart. At first he believed Bi Xuan's words and asked him to bring the masters to encircle and suppress Li Wei. Unfortunately, he failed to kill Li Wei. Instead, Li Wei killed them all.

Watching the masters fall one by one, those who escaped escaped, and those who could not escape were killed by Li Wei. The people Li Wei killed were all important figures, Yu Wenhuaji was among them, and he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

The duel between the masters of the two dynasties affected the nerves of the whole world. After Li Wei killed Bi Xuan and Yu Wenhuaji in one fell swoop, the masters of Zhengdao and Demon Dao escaped, and the morale of the Great Wei Kingdom fell suddenly.

Kou Zhong also killed a lot, but Xu Ziling was clean. After Yu Wenhuaji's death, although Yu Wenhuaji left a legacy, the full-scale attack of the Dahua Dynasty still defeated the army of the Great Wei Kingdom, and finally unified the Central Plains , and then took advantage of the victory to invade the Turks. Although they could not occupy the grassland, they also severely damaged the main force of the Turks, making it impossible for the Turks to interfere in the Central Plains for a short time.

Li Wei ascended to the throne of God, absorbed all the luck, passed the throne to Kou Zhong, and then entered the secret room for retreat. When everyone in the Central Plains thought that Li Wei was breaking through the retreat, Li Wei had already returned to the earth.

"Husband, this time the harvest is good. With He's Bi, basically we don't have to worry about facing the world of practitioners, but we still need to pay attention to it in the technological plane." Wang Yuyan looked at He's Bi under Li Wei's control. Said.

He's Bi and Fire Seed Source are the two magic weapons that Li Wei currently possesses, and they are considered rare treasures like the Chongyan Sword. However, compared with the Fire Seed Source, He's Bi and Chongyan Sword have room for upgrading.

"In the next world, if there is a chance, I will collect more luck upgrades and Choi." Li Wei said, looking at the glowing He Choi.

(End of this chapter)

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