Chapter 184 Returning the Yellow Turban Again
The flame kaleidoscope Sharingan kept observing the surrounding Yellow Turban soldiers. Even in the daytime, Li Wei didn't have the slightest scruples. He was just looking for an opportunity, so what if it alarmed the Yellow Turban soldiers?
"It's now." When the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army were rectifying one after another, Li Wei knew that they were going to attack, and rushed towards the Yellow Turban Army in a flash.

Li Wei's speed is very fast, but he has not escaped the observation of his eyes. If it is in a complicated terrain, Li Wei can still deceive others, but the front is blank, and Li Wei was discovered as soon as he appeared. Although Li Wei's speed is fast At that point, no one could see his face clearly, but people saw Li Wei rushing into the Yellow Turban Army like a shooting star.

"Three points to vitality!!"

Li Wei gathered the true energy in his hands, and he shot at these Yellow Turban soldiers who hadn't reacted yet. The sound of the explosion killed a large number of Yellow Turban soldiers and scared the nearby Yellow Turban soldiers at the same time.

Li Wei flashed quickly, and he had already jumped into the Yellow Turban Army, and his face changed, turning into a Yellow Turban soldier in shabby civilian clothes.

"The transformation technique is really easy to use." Li Wei looked at the nearby Yellow Turban soldiers who didn't notice his situation. At the same time, they were frightened by Li Wei's blatant attack just now, and they were all on guard, and immediately lurked towards the army tent. Location.

Zhou Qi had just issued an order for the entire army to fight, but there was a problem with the Yellow Turban Army, which made Zhou Qi frown slightly, and soon a personal guard came to report.

"General, an assassin has rushed into the army. This assassin is very powerful. Dozens of brothers have been killed. Now he doesn't know where he is going." The guard reported to Zhou Qihui.

Assassins are different from military generals. Although they also have martial arts, assassins are very weak in group battles. They are only suitable for sneak attacks or one-on-one or a small number of troops. Facing a large army, assassins are not as important as generals and literati. .

"Assassin? Hmph! Do you want to capture the thief and the king? Then let me see how powerful this assassin is." Zhou Qi snorted coldly and pulled out the bronze sword from his waist.

There are not many young and strong people in Zhaojia Village. Zhou Qiyi knew that the ones who could defeat the Yellow Turban Army were the literati in Zhaojia Village. Now that an assassin appeared, as long as he was not stupid, he could guess the opponent's purpose.

Li Wei had already lurked near Zhou Qi and other high-ranking officers in the army. Seeing Zhou Qi pull out the bronze sword, Li Wei knew that the other party already knew that he was lurking in.

With the magic of the transformation technique, it is obviously impossible for the Yellow Turban Army to find Li Wei, but under Zhou Qi's order, the school captains quickly put the chaotic Yellow Turban soldiers into order, and at the same time Look for assassins lurking into the Yellow Turban Army.


Li Wei watched Zhou Qi closely guarding his surroundings, knowing that if the situation continued, the Yellow Turban Army would attack Zhaojia Village as soon as the reorganization was over. With so many Yellow Turban soldiers and horses, Zhaojia Village would definitely not be able to stop them.

As soon as Li Wei appeared, Zhou Qi discovered it immediately, but Zhou Qi and the generals around him completely underestimated Li Wei's strength. Although ninjutsu and mutant abilities are very powerful, Li Wei is even more powerful in close combat Powerful, as soon as he made a move, he directly killed several school captains around Zhou Qi, and rushed in front of Zhou Qi in an instant.

"Kill!!" There was a trace of fear in Zhou Qi's eyes. Li Wei's assassination ability is so strong, far exceeding Zhou Qi's expectations. After killing it, Zhou Qi couldn't keep up with his reaction, but he still got one.

With a snap, Li Wei had already grabbed Zhou Qi's wrist. The speed and timing were so precise that Zhou Qi's sword couldn't cut it off.

"You shouldn't have come to Zhaojia Village." Zhou Qi's head flew up when he heard the last words in his life, and at the same time he fell down slowly.


The nearby Yellow Turbans were all shocked, and they all surrounded Zhou Qi, and Li Wei also rushed towards the crowd after killing Zhou Qi, and a burst of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms created some confusion. The transformation technique quickly changed another face, and then hid in the crowd and moved out quietly.

Zhou Qi was assassinated, and more than half of the school captains were killed. The remaining school captains escaped by rectifying the chaotic people. But facing this situation, the remaining school captains all arrested Anxious.

Zhou Qi's killing only killed a few high-level people, but it caused the Yellow Turban Army's momentum to plummet. At the same time, they didn't know whether to attack Zhaojiacun or not.

With 5 horses, it is no problem to attack a small Zhaojia Village, but the main general was killed, and the school lieutenant didn't even have the prestige to lead the army. In an instant, 5 horses were at a loss after the chaos.

Li Wei was lurking in the Yellow Turban Army. Seeing that they had no plans to retreat, but looked stunned, Li Wei was speechless. At this moment, Li Wei was also worried that these guys would be desperate after seeing Zhou Qi's death. If he attacked Zhaojiacun, even he could only use his ultimate move.

"Since I don't want to leave, I'm adding fire." Li Wei thought to himself.

Li Wei said that if you add fire, you will add fire. When he found the location of the Yellow Turban Army's grain and grass, Li Wei immediately used the fire escape to ignite the grain, grass, and military supplies.

Literati are definitely top-notch in setting fire in this world, and after Li Wei's fire escape ninjutsu is strengthened by Qilin's blood, setting fire is also top-notch.

The soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army who were still in a daze for a moment suddenly became confused and ran to fight the fire one after another. Even the captains couldn't hold back.

And Li Wei didn't just set fire to one place, but took advantage of the chaos of the Yellow Turban Army to set fire everywhere. Under the outbreak of the fire, not only materials were burned, but many people were also burned to death. Flee with some people.

The captain fled, and the remaining soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army naturally followed suit. It didn't take long for the 5 soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army who had been suspended here to run away completely.

On the fence of Zhaojia Village, the soldiers of Zhaojia Army stared at all this in a daze. Originally, they all had the idea of ​​fighting to the death, but in the end, Li Wei beat these Yellow Turban soldiers away by himself. This absolutely made them unbelievable. I really admire Levi.

The Yellow Turban Army failed twice, so that the remaining generals of the Yellow Turban Army did not dare to come easily, and not long after all the Yellow Turban Army in Youzhou was mobilized, they even gave up here. Gongsun Zan is now vigorously suppressing the Yellow Turban Army. I can't stand it anymore.

The Yellow Turban Uprising was massive, but in the era when heroes were born in large numbers, the Yellow Turban Army was restrained. Within a few months, Zhang Jiao died of illness, and the mighty Yellow Turban Army suddenly collapsed.

"This is a letter from Gongsun Zan, inviting meritorious ministers to go to Luoyang to offer rewards?" Li Wei received the letter from Gongsun Zan at this moment, and did not expect that he would be credited with defending against the Yellow Turban in Zhaojia Village, which surprised Li Wei. Thinking about whether Gongsun Zan has some conspiracy

(End of this chapter)

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