Chapter 187
Li Wei took two personal guards and headed in the direction of Luoyang, but the speed of progress was not very fast, because there was no horse riding, and Li Wei was walking slowly, so Li Wei walked for several days. how far.

At this time, Li Wei was analyzing the situation through the data of the Red Queen. From the defeat of the Yellow Turban to the death of Emperor Han Ling, there were five years in this period. In five years, Li Wei wanted to make more preparations. At that time, he had just made preparations in Zhaojia Village, and it was unknown if he might not be able to regain Zhao Yun, and Zhao Yun didn't know when he would come back, so Li Wei went to find other advisers and generals.

The counselors and generals who can leave a name in the Three Kingdoms are definitely top figures in this world. Through their literary and martial arts, they are definitely not comparable to the ordinary Three Kingdoms. In this world, they are definitely qualified to be enemies of ten thousand people.

"It's a pity that the big man is still too powerful to ignore these talents." Li Wei thought to himself.

A super general like Huang Zhong is probably still guarding the city gate in Jingzhou at this moment. Such a general must not be let go, as well as Guo Jia and others in Yingchuan, and Dian Wei in Yuehujian.

Li Wei wrote down all those who had the opportunity to recruit, and planned to take them back one by one while Emperor Hanling could persist for so many years, and prepare for the future hegemony.

"My lord, the other party has entered the forest road, shall we do it?" A warrior in armor reported to the officer in front of him.

Li Wei entered the official road in the forest with two personal guards. At this moment, many soldiers wearing armor were ambushing in the forest. This time, he really made a big decision and sent such elites to ambush Li Wei.

"Huh? Murderous?" Li Wei frowned slightly, looked at the surrounding woods, and already had a guess in his heart.

"It seems that Gongsun Zan never thought about letting me go back." Li Wei smiled inwardly, and gestured to the two guards.

The two guards immediately became alert. Although they didn't reveal it completely, they already knew that there was an ambush in the forest, and the only one who could ambush here was probably Gongsun Zan.

"My lord, he has entered the best position, let's shoot."

"Do it." The leader captain's eyes flashed coldly, and he waved his hand to give the order.

kill! ! !

Immediately, a large number of soldiers came out of the forest, but they were a little dumbfounded as soon as they rushed out. They saw Li Wei made a handprint, and then amidst the sound of bang bang bang, Li Wei appeared one after another, and then rushed towards the soldiers kill the past.

The magical effect of the shadow clone technique made these soldiers who were about to ambush Li Wei suddenly confused, but they still reacted quickly and confronted these shadow clones, but they also lost a good opportunity to besiege Li Wei.

"Kill them." Li Wei said to the two guards, and then rushed forward.

Li Wei's speed was so fast that people couldn't catch it. At this moment, the captain who also rushed out had not reacted from the shock, and Li Wei had already appeared in front of him.

"With such strength, Gongsun Zan also wants to kill me?" Li Wei killed the captain with one finger, and then quickly attacked other soldiers.

The team sent by Gongsun Zan was wiped out in less than a while, and the rest rushed forward, killing even the leader. They were still Li Wei's opponents.

After hitting Gongsun Zan hard, Li Wei continued heading towards Luoyang with two personal guards.

No matter how furious Gongsun Zan would be, Li Wei had no intention of paying attention to it. He came to Luoyang City without encountering anything along the way.

"At this time, Gongsun Zan is probably coming soon. I don't know where Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and others are in Luoyang?" Li Wei thought to himself.

At this time, Luoyang was still very prosperous. Although the big man had experienced the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Luoyang was not affected, and even Zhaojia Village where Li Wei lived was not affected much.

Li Wei knew that the place where the Yellow Turban Rebellion was most serious was definitely in dire straits, but he didn't go to see it with his own eyes, so he couldn't imagine what it would be like to change children and eat.

"My lord, it's getting dark, should we find a place to stay?" Zhao Zhuo, the personal guard, asked Li Wei.

"Okay, first find a place to settle down, and then do other things." Li Wei nodded.

Although all the heroes from all walks of life went to Luoyang to receive awards, the taverns or post stations in Luoyang were not full. Many powerful people had relatives and friends in Luoyang, so it was nothing to be invited.

In the early morning of the next day, Li Wei went to Cai's mansion with his personal guards. Although bribing He Jin or Shi Changshi could quickly get the official status, the official status was not innocent. In order to prepare for the future, Li Wei still chose Cai Yong. .

Cai Yong's fate is very bad, and his daughter Cai Wenji is also bad, but Cai Yong's character is really good, so Li Wei is preparing to return to Luoyang in 5 years, seeing Cai Yong is indeed the best choice, and Wang Yun this The old fox was too cunning, and Li Wei was worried about going to him. Whether he met him or not, he probably would be plotted against him if he was not careful.

Cai Yong's mansion is not so easy to meet, Li Wei handed in the card, but it was returned, although Cai Yong is not bad, but not everyone can meet, want to see Cai Yong , without an identity, so Li Wei had to use special means if he wanted to see Cai Yong.

As soon as the night came, the city of Luoyang gradually became quiet. There were no activities at night in ancient times, so there was no one on the street, and Li Wei sneaked into Cai's mansion very easily.

"This Cai Mansion is not simple." Li Wei thought in his heart, through Li Wei's observation, Li Wei found at least 3 innate master level, no wonder such a good old man like Cai Yong was not counted, probably because of this Protection for 3 people.

Li Wei's strength is too high, these three innate masters are only innate juniors, they didn't find Li Wei sneaking into Cai's mansion at all, and Li Wei lurked in the backyard, before he saw Cai Yong, he saw Cai Wenji who was reading a book.

"Beauty, with a scholarly fragrance and indifferent temperament, no wonder she is called the most talented woman in the Three Kingdoms." Seeing Cai Wenji's beauty, although Li Wei was very moved, but thinking of the four members of his family, Li Wei still got rid of his thoughts.

Cai Wenji put down the book in her hand, and slowly caressed the long piano in front of her with her slender fingers. The sound of jingling bells slowly came from the long piano. Li Wei felt a very peaceful vocal music, and then he I fell into a peaceful state of mind and couldn't extricate myself.

"There are assassins!!" The three innate masters in Cai Fuzhong were alarmed, and Cai Yong was alarmed at the same time, and rushed towards the boudoir where Cai Wenji was.

(End of this chapter)

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