Chapter 197 Hunter Zombie
Li Wei and others walked in the aisle, they were very quiet and didn't speak, fearing to attract the attention of the zombies, but Li Wei couldn't bear this atmosphere, he was too nervous.

"There are no zombies up to the stairs, but there is one in the stairs." Li Wei whispered to everyone.

Everyone was so nervous that Li Wei did not dare to speak in a normal voice, for fear of scaring them all, especially the stewardesses. Although Li Wei felt that Qin Yan and the others would not scream, he did not dare to take risks. .

"Can you sense it?" Lao Lin looked at Li Wei in amazement.

With such a strong combat power, he can know so far away even where he can't see. This is already inhumane. Thinking of this, Lao Lin feels that he, a former elite, is not a P in front of Li Wei.

"When I have time, I will teach you how to cultivate. Although the strength cannot be improved in a short time, but if it continues, there is a chance to reach my level." Li Wei patted Lao Lin on the shoulder and said.

Tang Zheng has been walking in front. Although Li Wei's words are very tempting, Tang Zheng dare not be careless. When facing zombies, Tang Zheng maintains 12 points of vigilance.

Tang Zheng's situation made Li Wei nod silently. Not only did he have a strong view of the overall situation, but he also focused on everything he did and would not be disturbed by other things. Knowing that when he goes back, he will definitely talk to himself about the practice.

In the corridor, without Li Wei's guidance, Tang Zheng had already spotted the zombies in the corridor, and this zombie also spotted them, roaring and rushing over.

"Don't shoot, use an axe." Tang Zheng said to the crowd, and at the same time raised the ax slightly and stepped forward to make a move.

Zombies are not as fast as humans. As long as you are not afraid of zombies, it is easy to kill them. Tang Zheng waited for the zombies to rush to the best position, and slashed at its head with an axe.

The zombie's head was chopped off by Tang Zheng with an axe. Although Tang Zheng's face was pale, Tang Zheng persevered. He didn't vomit or say anything, and he calmed down after standing for a while.

"Not bad." Li Wei patted Tang Zheng on the shoulder and said.

Qin Yan's face was also very pale, but she held back and didn't vomit it out. Unfortunately, Hu Qiong vomited out while leaning on the wall, which made Qin Yan couldn't help but vomited out.

The high school students also couldn't hold on. As a result, when the three of them vomited like this, even Li Xinlan, who had the best willpower, also vomited, and she vomited so loudly.

"Haha, kill a few more, and you'll get used to it." Lao Lin said with a smile.

"Okay, let's move on, Li Wei, you explore the way." Tang Zheng said after seeing that everyone was almost vomiting.

Tang Zheng also wanted to vomit. The actions of Qin Yan and others were undoubtedly very powerful, and the infection was immediately transmitted after vomiting, but Tang Zheng suppressed the urge to vomit, and endured it for a long time with a pale face.

Everyone continued to move forward, and once they entered the corridor, they should be more careful. There are corners at the entrance of each floor in the corridor, and it is easy for the zombies to jump out at once, but with Li Wei, everyone easily killed the zombies. All the way to the floor where the kitchen is located.

"The front is the kitchen, but there are a lot of zombies, and there are powerful guys, but this power is relative to them." Li Wei said, pointing at the high school students and the stewardess.

"What a powerful guy?" Tang Zheng frowned slightly.

"Hunter zombies." Li Wei said.

"Hunter zombies?" The high school student wanted to refute just now, but when he heard about hunter zombies, he didn't dare to talk nonsense.

"It can crawl on walls like a gecko. Its claws are stronger than ordinary zombies, and they are very fast and very flexible. Although the strength has not been enhanced much, it is not comparable to ordinary zombies." Li Wei said.

"There are a few." Tang Zheng's frown deepened. Such zombies are really threatening.

"4." Li Wei responded, "Do you want me to do it? But I still want you to exercise. The mutant zombies appeared on the first day, and the mutant zombies that appear in the future are probably stronger."

"Okay, Lao Lin, I'll go first, and you will assist me in the back." Tang Zheng looked at the high school students and the stewardesses. It was hard to imagine that they could deal with the zombies in the kitchen. It would be good if they didn't make trouble. With Li Wei here , Tang Zheng is still very relieved.

Regardless of Lao Lin's words, Tang Zheng went up and pulled the zombies carefully. As soon as he passed by, the group of zombies in the kitchen was attracted, especially the hunter zombies, which rushed out at the fastest speed.

"Damn, I miscalculated, this hunter zombie is so fast." Tang Zheng ran wildly, rushing to Lao Lin who was ambush behind him at the fastest speed.

Lao Lin soon saw Tang Zheng rushing back, followed by a zombie jumping on the wall. The appearance of the hunter zombie made Lao Lin immediately lock on to it.

boom! !boom! !
Lao Lin started to shoot, and each shot was accurate. The hunter zombies bounced very fast, but they were all hit by Lao Lin, making it impossible for him to chase Tang Zheng with all his strength.

And Tang Zheng looked back from time to time, and after seeing the hunter zombies being shot a few times, he shouted, "Old Lin stop, let me do it."

The hunter zombie had just been knocked down, Tang Zheng's figure blocked Lao Lin's trajectory, Lao Lin had already stopped, and Tang Zheng also grabbed the hatchet and chopped towards the hunter zombie's head.

After all, the hunter zombie is a zombie. Although Lao Lin has been hit by a lot of bullets, it can only exert some hindering effect when the bullet hits. Once the attack stops, what kind of thing is it? There would be no harm, so Tang Zheng's ax didn't hit it completely, it only cut off half of the head of the hunter zombie, and the hunter zombie had already rushed towards Tang Zheng.

Tang Zheng reacted extremely quickly, and with a twist of his waist, he avoided the pounce of the hunter zombies, but Tang Zheng, who was unstable, had no time to launch a second attack.

Boom! !
Lao Lin concentrated the head of the hunter zombie with two shots and killed it. At this moment, there was a sound of thumping, and there were 3 hunter zombies and many zombies rushing up from behind.

"Shoot with all your strength, I'll give you a shot." Li Wei's voice reassured Tang Zheng and Lao Lin a lot, and Qin Yan and the others also followed Li Wei and saw the jumping figure on the wall in front of him. Hunter zombies, as well as ordinary zombies rushing from the aisle.

According to this situation, they were definitely going to run, even if they attacked, they would attack while running, but with Li Wei sweeping the formation aside, Tang Zheng and Lao Lin immediately launched an attack, and they had no intention of retreating.

(End of this chapter)

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