Chapter 213 Sealing Water Monster Beast

"Worshiping the Moon Sect Master?" Li Wei saw the man in black robes appearing outside the Nuwa Empress Temple.

The Lord of the Moon Worship is very strong, this is Li Wei's first feeling, but the Lord of the Moon Worship is not as powerful as the Sword Master, this is what Li Wei feels.

After breaking through the foundation-building period and entering Taoism with martial arts, Li Wei's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes. The destructive power of Li Wei's supernatural powers has been even stronger when the true essence is advanced to Lingyuan.

"You are not worth letting Empress Nuwa do it, I alone is enough." Li Wei said as he walked out of Empress Nuwa's temple.

The Lord of Worshiping the Moon is also entrusted. Like the Juggernaut, he is too confident in his own strength and dares to come out completely alone. If the Lord of Worshiping the Moon comes with a large number of people, Li Wei may still be afraid, after all There is no way to take Li Xiaoyao and Li Xiaoyao into account when fighting against the Lord of Worshiping the Moon.

However, the leader of worshiping the moon came out alone, and Li Weike was about to seize the opportunity.

"Oh? You are Li Wei who has been helping Nuwa's descendants on the road?" The Moon Worshiper looked at Li Wei and said lightly.

He is still somewhat clear about Li Wei's strength. There are many disciples of the Moon Worship Sect. Although they can't help him fight, they can help him collect a lot of information.

"Even I know so well, it seems that you have made a lot of preparations." Li Wei looked at the Moon Worshiper and said.

"It's just a jumping clown, no different from an ant." The Lord of the Moon Worship shook his head, and then a cloud of black air glowed towards Li Wei.

The black air came to Li Wei in an instant like an arrow from the string, directly hit a flame shield that suddenly wrapped Li Wei and was burned to ashes.

Li Wei's indestructible golden body shield was changed by the flame physique, and the fire element made the indestructible golden body shield into a flame shield, and the flame shield not only has super defensive power, but also has Without the powerful destructive power, all the arrows of black air from the Moon Worshiper would be easily burned to ashes.

"Huh? Your strength has increased?" The Moon Worshiper frowned slightly.

The previous attack was only tentative. Li Wei was no match for the Juggernaut at all. This was the news that the Lord of the Moon Worship had inquired about. But now Li Wei's strength can already be compared with the Juggernaut.

"That's right, let me show you my real strength." Li Wei's eyes burst into flames, and three clones appeared in front of Li Wei immediately, and then charged in three directions.

The Lord of Worshiping the Moon showed a look of interest in Li Wei's method of avatar. In this world, the Lord of Worshiping the Moon has never seen anyone who can use the real method of avatar.

The avatar that controlled the fire of the unicorn demon was extremely fast, and rushed to the front of the Moon Worshiper in the blink of an eye, and punched towards the Moon Worshiper, so powerful that the air was torn apart.

The Moon Worshiper was very fast, but he was still rubbed by the fist of Qilin Demon Fire's clone, and a red burn suddenly appeared on his shoulder.

Whoosh! ! !

The Eternal Flame and Amaterasu Black Flame clones sprayed out flame attacks from the left and right sides. The Moon Worshiper had just avoided the attack of the Qilin Demon Fire clone, and was immediately surrounded by two flames.

The fire of the Amaterasu Black Flame burns everything, and the eternal fire will never go out, making the Lord Moon Worshiper feel the power of these two flames for a while.

"What kind of flame is this? How can it be so powerful?" At this time, the leader of the moon worship knew the horror of Li Wei's avatar. These three kinds of flames alone are enough to make many masters fear.

The mana of the Lord of the Moon Worship is very high, but the Lord of the Moon Worship found that his mana was being consumed rapidly. At this time, the clone formed by the fire of the unicorn demon rushed into the two flames and attacked the Lord of the Moon Worship again. , the fire of the unicorn demon burning on the fist made people feel very strange, and even the leader of the Moon Worship felt threatened.

"Come out, water monster!!" The Moon Worshiper no longer cared about the Nuwa Empress Temple. At this moment, with the three transcendent flame attacks, the Moon Worshiper no longer cared about the others, and directly summoned the water monster to attack.

Li Wei just came to the back of the Moon Worshiper and wanted to sneak attack, and killed the Moon Worshiper in one fell swoop, but the water monster suddenly appeared from the Moon Worshiper, and Li Wei punched the water monster hard .

Roar! ! !
The water monster roared, and when it came out, it got a hot punch from Li Wei, which made the water monster very angry. As an immortal existence, the water monster cannot be killed. As long as there are water spirits in the world, then the water monster Monsters cannot be killed.

Although the water monster has no IQ, but the instinct of the water monster is still there. Li Wei's punch has a scorching power, which makes the water monster very disgusted. Without the order of the Lord of the Moon, the water monster kills Li Wei come over.

"You three, kill this guy quickly." Li Wei ordered to the three clones, and then quickly attacked the water monster.

The water monster rushed over with monstrous water vapor, and the hot breath emitted from Li Wei's body passed away quickly, and Li Wei could feel that the water monster was going to kill him.

"Fire unicorn!!" Li Wei roared, the flames in his eyes quickly flowed, a huge fire unicorn rushed out of Li Wei's body, wrapped Li Wei and rushed towards the water monster.

After being transformed by the Fire Lingzhu, Susano has become a fire unicorn supernatural power. After Li Wei cast it, it turned into a huge fire unicorn energy form, which is not smaller than Susano, and even more so in terms of energy level Higher than Susano, and stronger.

The water vapor on the water monster was evaporated a lot, and the impact of the flames made the water monster feel threatened, and the fire unicorn spouted a big mouth, and a hot and pure flame washed away part of the water monster.

Roar! ! !
The water monster roared, and the water power between the heaven and the earth quickly gathered to replenish part of the body damage. Li Wei had also guessed the move of the water monster, and immediately took out the water spirit bead, and then performed the sealing technique.

Li Wei is still very clear about how pure the attribute power is in the Five Spirit Beads. At this moment, the fake pill in his dantian is the Fire Spirit Bead, and the Fire Spirit Bead has bred the soul of the flame into the soul of the fire unicorn. At this time, Wei can be regarded as a humanoid fire unicorn.

But the Fire Spirit Orb can, and the Water Spirit Orb can naturally seal the Water Monster, turning the Water Monster into a part of the Water Spirit Orb, and sealing it with the sealing technique, a bright blue light burst out from the Water Spirit Orb, and at the same time, the Water Monster was captured by the Water Spirit Orb. The force that came out forcibly sucked it in.

The water monster began to struggle, but it was a pity that it couldn't struggle out of the suction of the water spirit bead. For the immortal water monster, it couldn't kill it without a body, but it couldn't resist the absorption of the pure power of the water spirit bead without a body. No matter how hard it struggled, it was finally sucked into the body by the water spirit pearl.

(End of this chapter)

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