Chapter 226
The Qimai martial arts competition is the most lively event in Qingyunmen, but in Li Wei's view, the Qimai martial arts competition is not worth watching at all. Not so powerful, what Li Wei mainly looks at is the powerful characters in each peak.

After a lot of competition, they finally entered the finals, but to Li Wei's surprise, Zhang Xiaofan actually entered the finals.

The addition of Xiaolongnv changed the entire ranking. Zhang Xiaofan was lucky and strong all the way, and actually entered the finals, and Zhang Xiaofan's opponent was Xiaolongnv.

Xiaolongnu met Lu Xueqi, and Lu Xueqi knew Xiaolongnu's strength, so she naturally conceded and let Xiaolongnv face Zhang Xiaofan who was not injured.

"Little Bamboo Peak, Little Dragon Girl."

"Big Bamboo Peak, Zhang Xiaofan."

Zhang Xiaofan was very shy, he was a little nervous in front of Xiaolongnv, but the Soul Eater in his hand made Zhang Xiaofan feel at ease, especially the power from the Soul Eater made Zhang Xiaofan's spiritual energy run very comfortably.

"The test begins!!"

Shouted by an elder, the little dragon girl made a move, the little dragon girl would not be merciful or had other thoughts, she pulled out the light cold sword as soon as she made a move, and a icy sword qi cut towards Zhang Xiaofan .

drink! !

Zhang Xiaofan blocked the Soul-Eating Rod in front of him, a strange force came from the Soul-Eating Rod to block the attack of the icy sword energy, the icy-cold sword energy was nailed into two halves, and the two sword qi ran along Zhang Xiaofan's side rushed over.

The little dragon girl bullied her and appeared in front of Zhang Xiaofan in an instant. The ethereal steps of Lingbo made all the disciples of Qingyun sect present fascinated, but when they thought that the most beautiful flower of Qingyun sect had already married Fenxiang Valley made many Qing Yunmen disciples beat their chests and stamp their feet.

Ding! ! !
With a crisp sound, the Qinghan Sword pierced the Soul-Eating Stick, and the two forces erupted from their respective magic weapons. Xiao Longnu's Qinghan Sword released powerful icy air, but it was caught by the powerful demon on the Soul-Eating Stick. The air was blocked, and it didn't disperse.

"This Soul Eater is so powerful?" Li Wei didn't expect such a result, but seeing that the power transmitted from the Soul Eater really blocked the attack of the Qinghan Sword, Li Wei had to be surprised.

The material of the Qinghan Sword is cast from the three strange stones left by Nuwa. The material is definitely not bad. Maybe Li Wei's casting technique is not good, which caused the material's strength to be not strong enough to eat souls. The fact that the stick can block the Qinghan sword is enough to show that the Soul Eater stick is not weak either.

Xiaolongnu and Zhang Xiaofan were back and forth in the arena, Xiaolongnu used all kinds of means, although she didn't use all her strength, Zhang Xiaofan blocked them all.

"Xiaofan is actually so powerful." Tian Linger said in surprise.

None of the others could force Zhang Xiaofan's full strength. Zhang Xiaofan's good luck made the opponents he picked not strong. Even if he picked Zeng Shushu in the top four, the strength they showed when they fought was not strong. It's just a joke.

And now Zhang Xiaofan's display of strength has surprised many people, even Tian Buyi and others are also surprised.

"What kind of magic weapon is in his hand? It has such power? It can block Nephew Long's Qinghan Sword." Master Daoxuan said slightly.

The Soul-Eating Stick made Reverend Daoxuan feel a bit of the shadow of the demon way, but even so, Reverend Daoxuan didn't have any ideas. Although the righteous way does not use the magic weapon of the demon way, some magic weapons can still be used. The so-called magic weapons are all dead. Talents are alive, as long as it is not those bloodthirsty and inhuman demon soldiers, Master Daoxuan has not paid attention to his thoughts.

"Junior Brother Tian, ​​it seems that your Big Bamboo Peak has produced a good seedling." A head seat said to Tian Buyi.

"Hehe, this kid usually suffers a lot, so it's gratifying to have such strength." Tian Buyi replied in a huff, which made Master Shuiyue look contemptuous.

"Frozen three feet!!"

Xiaolongnv finally showed her unique move, she immediately sealed the entire arena, with Xiaolongnv's icy power and the pure power released by the water spirit beads, Zhang Xiaofan on the arena was immediately frozen.

But Xiaolongnv could feel that Zhang Xiaofan was not completely frozen, the power from the Soul Eater protected Zhang Xiaofan, but the protection distance was only less than a finger thick, although Zhang Xiaofan was not frozen and defeated, But at least it restrained him.

"Junior Brother, you lost." Xiao Longnv pinned her sword on Zhang Xiaofan's neck in the ice and said.

If Xiao Longnu wanted to do something, Zhang Xiaofan would definitely be penetrated, but Zhang Xiaofan didn't want to admit defeat, under the influence of Soul Eater, Zhang Xiaofan acted a little crazy.

"No, I haven't lost yet!!"

Zhang Xiaofan's voice came from the ice, Xiao Longnv frowned slightly, and immediately backed away, at the same time Qinghan Sword blocked in front of her, and an ice blue barrier appeared.

boom! !

Zhang Xiaofan broke through the ice and rushed towards Xiaolongnv in an instant, the madness Zhang Xiaofan showed at this time, people can feel the strength of Zhang Xiaofan breaking through to the ninth floor of Yuqing in an instant.

"Isn't he only at the fourth level of Yuqing? What's going on?" Tian Buyi also had doubts in his eyes.

Originally thought that Zhang Xiaofan's strength could stand in front of Xiao Longnv for so long, it was Xiao Longnv who kept her hand, but now Zhang Xiaofan's performance made Tian Buyi confused.

boom! ! !
The Soul Eater smashed the shield issued by the Qinghan Sword, but it was still blocked by the Qinghan Sword itself. With the power transmitted from the Qinghan Sword, the Soul Eater also transmitted the same powerful force to resist.

"You have a problem with your magical weapon, but you are still not my opponent, Junior Brother." Xiao Longnv said to Zhang Xiaofan, and then opened up all her firepower.

For a moment, the Qinghan Sword released an extremely cold, Zhang Xiaofan felt the icy breath from the Soul Eater, and his body also lost a certain amount of reaction ability at this moment, as if being released by the Qinghan Sword It's as if the breath is frozen.

Xiaolongnv punched lightly, Zhang Xiaofan was instantly sent flying by the power of Tianshuang fist, and Xiaolongnv Lingbo followed closely, punching Zhang Xiaofan continuously, until Zhang Xiaofan couldn't react at all. , many parts of his body were frozen, and finally he was knocked out of the ring by Xiaolongnv.

"The competition is over, Xiaolongnv from Xiaozhufeng wins."

After announcing the winning result, Zhang Xiaofan had a look of regret, and Song Daren and others from Dazhufeng also came to comfort the lost Zhang Xiaofan.

Xiaolongnv won the strongest competition, was awarded by Daoxuan Daoxuan, and finally got Liuhejing as a reward, and Li Wei saw that the plan was going well, and the next step of the plan could start.

(End of this chapter)

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