Chapter 239 Fighting against Ichigoku
"Yo? It's still a summoning type, which is quite similar to Captain Komamura's ability." Kisuke Urahara said.

"The captain of the seventh team?" Li Wei turned to Kisuke Urahara and said.

"Huh? It seems that you know a lot about the Goutei [-]th team." Urahara Kisuke said with a very surprised face, but he was very shocked in his heart.

In the present world, there are people who are so aware of the affairs of the Goutei [-]th Squad, which is not good. If the other party wants to do something to the Soul World, the Goutei [-]th Squad will definitely suffer a heavy blow, which makes Urahara Kisuke They all doubted whether their previous decisions were correct.

Li Wei didn't care about Kasuke Urahara's thoughts at the moment, but was feeling his new power.

The flame soul activated by the seed power seems to be strengthened. Li Wei has not yet figured out how to make the seed power explode, and the flame soul's ability not only makes his unicorn physique more compatible with the flame, Except for the higher power to control the flame, it is basically useless.

But now being integrated by Bengyu and breaking the soul boundary, not only activated the power of the god of death, allowing Zanpakuto to be born into the heavy flame sword, and merged with the sword spirit of the heavy flame sword, but also made Li Wei's flame soul It has improved a lot, and the understanding and control of flames have become stronger.

"The God of Death's ability is divided into two forms: the initial solution and the swastika. I am using the initial solution state now." Li Wei stretched out his hand and touched the fire unicorn beside him.

This fire unicorn is burning with hot flames, which are fused with the three major flames in Li Wei's body. Whether it is a real thing or a soul body, it can burn, but for Li Wei, these flames have no effect on him.

Roar! ! !
At this time, Kurosaki Ichigo who was in the pothole let out a roar, which made everyone look over.

"Ichigo, what's wrong with him?" Li Wei looked at Kurosaki Ichigo in the pothole and said.

Urahara Kisuke controlled him under the pothole, and there was still a chain to lock him. In this case, Kurosaki Ichigo actually stretched the chain so tightly that it was about to crack.

"He seems to be out of control. If he becomes hollow, we can only kill him." Kisuke Urahara put away his laughing expression and became very dignified.

Once Kurosaki Ichigo had an accident, Urahara Kisuke didn't know how to explain to Kurosaki wholeheartedly, but Li Wei brought Kurosaki Ichigo here to activate the power of the god of death at this time, but he was a little anxious.

"Then what should we do?" Li Wei looked at Kisuke Urahara and asked.

If Kurosaki Ichigo died, wouldn't it be that he would lose a companion when he went to Soul Soul Realm in the future?Although it is said that there may not be what he wants in the world of souls, Li Wei is still going to the world of souls to fight against the thirteenth guard team.

Li Wei felt that he was still lacking in fighting. Without going through a high-intensity life-and-death battle, Li Wei felt that he could not activate his potential at all, especially the seed power.

"There is no other way but to rely on himself." Kisuke Urahara said.

With Kurosaki Ichigo's struggle, the ghost released by Urahara Kisuke was broken free, and Kurosaki Ichigo rushed out of the pothole in an instant.

Roar! ! !
Kurosaki Ichigo turned into a virtual image, and after seeing Li Wei and Urahara Kisuke, he immediately launched an attack, and the target of his attack was Li Wei.

"You actually called me. Could it be that you were bullied by me before, and you all hated me?" Li Wei smiled in his heart, and directly slashed at him with the heavy flame sword.

The fire unicorn roared, and the moment Li Wei rushed up, he also rushed up. At the moment when Li Wei and Kurosaki Ichigo were fighting for power, the fire unicorn grabbed Kurosaki Ichigo from the side as soon as he grabbed it.

The fire unicorn's claws came out from the flames, leaving several deep marks on the ground, and Ichigoku had already used Shunpo to avoid the fire unicorn's attack.

But at this time Li Wei also used the instant body technique to come to the back of Kurosaki Ichigo, and the heavy flame sword slapped him heavily on the back and knocked him out.

With such a slap of the Heavy Flame Sword with its thick blade, Kurosaki Ichigo was able to handle it at all, and Li Wei's strength was strengthened by the fire unicorn, so he was completely a human-shaped fire unicorn. It was enough to make him hit hard.

I saw that Kurosaki Ichigo flew far away, smashed a lot of rocks, and then slammed heavily on a mountain wall to stop, but also left a big hole.

Roar! !

Kurosaki Ichigo rushed out of the smoke and dust. Although he was a little embarrassed and even his mask was cracked, there was no sign of injury in his movements and speed.

"Mask? By the way, isn't Xu's mask their special feature?" Li Wei also jumped up and rushed to Kurosaki Ichigo at a very fast speed, blocking his sword and grabbing his face at the same time. .

Kurosaki Ichigo disappeared in an instant, Shinigami Shunpo is completely space movement, which is completely different from the pure speed of Naruto's instant body technique, Li Wei lost his target all of a sudden, and felt Kurosaki Ichigo in less than a second Appeared behind him.

"This is not Shunpo, this is Xu's spinning ring." Kisuke Urahara shouted at Li Wei.

"It doesn't matter whether he is spinning or Shunpo, can you still sneak attack me?" Li Wei turned around and slashed at Kurosaki Ichigo, but Kurosaki Ichigo was faster, and he slashed over with one sword. The deputy wants to fight Li Wei desperately, even if Li Wei can kill him with one sword, he can kill Li Wei with one sword.

bump! ! ! !

Kurosaki Ichigo was once again sent flying by the heavy blade of Li Wei's heavy flame sword, and Li Wei turned into a piece of wood under this knife, and Li Wei himself had appeared in front of Kurosaki Ichigo .

"What kind of trick is this?" Urahara Kisuke looked at all this, and was a little incomprehensible to Li Wei's substitute technique, and Li Wei had already grabbed Kurosaki Ichigo's mask at this time.

Xu's mask is very hard. When Li Wei's two hits failed to hit the mask, Xu's power was used to help Kurosaki Ichigo resist Li Wei's attack and weakened, making the mask a little fragile.

And Li Wei's own physical strength made him grab the mask with one claw and crush Kurosaki Ichigo's mask, revealing Kurosaki Ichigo's pale face.

"This guy's strength is so strong, he can crush Xu's mask with one hand, even if the mask is not very mature." Urahara Kisuke's fan has almost covered his face, but it can be seen from his eyes It shows that he is very afraid of Li Wei's power.

With a bang, Kurosaki Ichigo fell to the ground and fell into a coma. Although he did not die, the situation this time also made people see that Kurosaki Ichigo still has a long way to go to become the god of death.

"Shop Manager Urahara, I'll leave it to you. If you need anything, come to me." Li Wei said to Kisuke Urahara, and then left the grocery store.

After activating the god of death's ability, Li Wei didn't plan to stay and live with Kisuke Urahara, and he didn't know if he cheated him one day.

"Okay. I'll definitely come to you if I need something." Kisuke Urahara shouted at Li Wei.

(End of this chapter)

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