Chapter 258 The Appearance of the Zombie Leader

Wen Zhuo's team didn't know what happened yet, and he could only lead the team to a nearby commanding height because of the wrong angle.

At this moment, Li Wei had already entered the group of zombies, and the rumbling sound continued, and many zombies were constantly bombarded and killed by Li Wei's air blast fist, without even the slightest resistance.

At this moment, surrounded by the tide of zombies, although everyone was brave enough to die, Li Wei killed no less than 10 people in such a short period of time, which can also be said to be a heavy loss.

Zhang Gang and Yun Qiuyun were really shocked at this moment. Li Wei's combat power, as long as he persisted for a while, these zombies would probably be killed.

The escape of Xie Fei and others is simply brain-dead. If Xie Fei and others are here at this moment, they will really regret it. Li Wei is so powerful that they are not even afraid of zombie Chaohai. They actually escaped. Such a boss If you don't hold tight, do you still go to seek refuge with other people?

Li Wei killed a lot of zombies, but at the moment when Li Wei was addicted to killing, the group of zombies suddenly stopped their attack, and all retreated, and at the same time, all the troops in formation faced Li Wei.

"What's going on?" Li Wei was taken aback, somewhat confused about the situation.

Not only Li Wei, but Yun Qiuyun and the two in the rear, Xie Fei who had fled to a commanding height, and even Wen Zhuo and others in the south were all shocked by the actions of the zombies.

Zombies were originally brainless, undead creatures that would crazily attack upon seeing living things, but now the behavior of zombies undoubtedly subverted the common sense of everyone present.

"Someone is controlling the zombies?" Li Wei immediately thought of this.

If there is no one to control, then how can the zombies line up? When I first watched it, the zombies did not have such an obvious division of labor.

Various types of zombies gathered, and ordinary zombies were still standing in front of them. This kind of control would definitely be able to bring out the power of the zombies to a great extent.

"I didn't expect that there are still people with such abilities." Li Wei smiled inwardly.

In this world, although the number of survivors may not be comparable to zombies, there are definitely a lot of them. With so many survivors, Li Wei does not believe that he is the only one with extraordinary abilities.

Li Wei's ability is actually not that extraordinary, it's just too powerful, all of which make the ability advanced, and the ability of some survivors is probably one of Li Wei's, and the strength is not strong enough .

Roar! !

The group of zombies started roaring wildly, and then charged towards Levi in ​​an orderly manner. The tank zombie camp carried ordinary zombies, flea zombies and crawler zombies also did not rush forward to die, but moved in line with the formation.

No matter how many aspects you look at, the group of zombies attacked Li Wei crazily, which was several times more powerful than the previous charge attack.

"Even if you know how to cooperate, so what? Can you stop my attack?" Li Wei punched again, this time bringing out the impact of flames.

Li Wei has never used flames to attack. This time the flames erupted from his fists, coupled with the effect of the air burst fist brought by the fist wind, the few punches Li Wei blasted not only killed a large number of zombies in an instant, but also killed a large number of zombies. A sea of ​​flames formed so that the zombies were too burned to come over.

After just a few punches, he immediately turned around, making Yun Qiuyun and other people who were observing the situation dumbfounded.

"Since when did the boss possess the ability of flames? And this flame is so cruel?" Zhang Gang said with his mouth wide open.

In addition to crushing all the zombies charging 100 meters away from Li Wei at the beginning, the wall of fire formed by the air blast fist did not dissipate the wall of fire formed by the flames at a position 100 meters away. Instead, countless zombies rushed into the wall of fire and were burned to death. .

After a few batches of zombies charged, it probably felt that it was useless, so the zombie team stopped, and then walked along the firewall to go around.

Li Wei shot again, and rushed through the wall of fire with a dodge. The flames in the wall of fire didn't seem to have any effect on Li Wei, and the zombies who were just about to go around from the left and right were caught off guard by Li Wei.

"It's terrible, who is he? Why is he so powerful?" Wen Zhuo and others were stunned by what they saw.

Survival during this period has made Wen Zhuo and others know how cruel and difficult the world has become. If it wasn't for survival and for the surviving family members to live together, they would not have run so desperately into the city Find survival supplies.

But everything in front of them made them discover that human beings can become so powerful. One person singled out a zombie tide sea, and it was a zombie tide sea with hundreds of thousands, especially this zombie tide sea was organized and disciplined The tide of zombies.

grumble! ! !
A sharp voice sounded, and Li Wei and others heard the voice, especially Li Wei's divine sense found the source of the voice from among the many zombies.

"So that's it." Li Wei smiled, and then killed in this direction.

Li Wei found a rather weird zombie, which was no different from ordinary zombies, but Li Wei found that it had a thicker spiritual force than ordinary zombies.

And it is this zombie that has evolved a powerful mental power, which controls the entire tide of zombies, and makes many zombies obey his orders. Let it go, if it runs away, and wait for it to skillfully control the zombies to fight, it will definitely be a tragedy for human beings.

The moment Li Wei attacked the zombie leader all of a sudden, the zombie leader noticed it. The zombie leader thought that Li Wei was too powerful to deal with, and was about to flee with the rest of his subordinates, but instead exposed his position. This made Li Wei kill him.

The zombie leader had discovered that Li Wei was staring at it, and immediately let countless zombies pile up to attack Li Wei, and then brought the elite evolved zombies to escape.

"Want to leave? Then let me show you all my power." Li Wei has pulled out the heavy flame sword at this moment, and the flame field, seed power, unicorn power, and two alien flames have all burst out.

boom! ! !
Like a volcanic eruption, countless zombies who rushed over could not rush into the flame field and were burned to ashes. Evolution spars fell on the ground one by one, and Li Wei himself roared, and the power in the flame field rioted stand up.

"Swastika!! Blur!!!"

Li Wei erupted in an all-round way, and the power of the flame field was like taking a stimulant, and the flaming pillar shot straight into the sky in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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