Chapter 266
Li Wei's words really stunned Zhu Song and others. If this matter was passed back, it would definitely cause an uproar, and Li Wei actually told the things they gathered at, no matter whether it was true or not. Yes, it will make people regard Li Wei as a traitor.

"You... what do you mean?" Zhu Song didn't even know what Li Wei wanted to do.

"I'll let you talk. You can say that, Li Wei, the leader of Shantong City, will start a war against your gathering point in a few days." Li Wei said indifferently.

Zhu Song and the others gasped and took several steps back at the same time. They couldn't imagine that the person in front of them was actually the leader of Shantong City. If he could be the leader of a gathering point, how could his strength be so weak? ?What such a person says is absolutely very credible.

"I see, I will take the words back." Zhu Song said with a strange expression.

Regarding Li Wei's actions, Zhu Song couldn't guess 1 times. Li Wei would actually reveal that he was going to attack the other two gathering points. This kind of behavior is really incomprehensible.

However, Li Wei's domineering still shocked Zhu Song. At this time, Zhu Song thought in his heart, if Li Wei really did this, no matter whether Li Wei would succeed or not, at least when he came to attack his gathering point, Zhu Song I won't make a move.

One night passed, and Li Wei was about to head towards his destination. This time, Li Wei didn't plan to avoid any evolutionary creatures, but rushed towards the target direction and killed them.

"Boss, what should we do? Shall we go back now?" asked the flat-headed youth.

What Li Wei said yesterday was too much for them to digest. Seeing Li Wei leave at this moment, everyone felt like a dream. If they hadn't seen the remains of evolved creatures left on the ground, they would not have believed that they met him last night. Levi.

"No, let's see how strong this lord is. I guess he may not be a level 5 evolutionary." Zhu Song said to everyone.

In the gathering point, the strongest evolutionary is only a level 5 evolutionary, so how can a level 5 evolutionary match up to a level 6 evolutionary creature, and Li Wei said that it is still a king-level evolutionary creature.

At the beginning, Zhu Song was also taken aback by what Li Wei said about the level 6 evolutionary creature, but later he was surprised by what Li Wei said about attacking other gathering points, and forgot about it.

But now that Li Wei had set off, Zhu Song thought about it again, and naturally wanted to see how strong Li Wei was.

If Li Wei single-handedly kills the so-called 6th-level king-level evolutionary creature, then Zhu Song will definitely be on Li Wei's side, even if Li Wei comes to attack their gathering point, Zhu Song will Betrayal.

How terrifying is the ability to kill a level 6 king-level evolutionary creature?Zhu Song is simply unimaginable.

But Zhu Song and others didn't know that the blow that Li Wei killed hundreds of thousands of zombies, even if it was Li Wei's full blow, was the only blow that could be delivered, and it was enough to be strong enough for the evolutionists at other gathering points. It's already amazing.

Li Wei rushed all the way, and any evolved creatures that stood in front of Li Wei were killed by Li Wei. Seeing Li Wei kill any evolved creatures that stood in his way so cleanly, Zhu Song and others felt that Li Wei was behind. Wei's strength is very terrifying.

All the way to the destination, Li Wei finally discovered the king-level evolutionary creature that Yun Qiuyun said he had found.

"It's actually a big centipede." Li Wei looked at a big black and red centipede lying on a rock more than 100 meters away from him.

The big centipede was lying on the rock lazily and motionless, but the appearance of Li Wei made the big centipede stand up slightly.

"Moved? I thought you were dead." Li Wei smiled slightly, and rushed to the big centipede in an instant.

The big centipede didn't pay attention to Li Wei at all at first, Li Wei shot the big centipede in an instant, and let the big centipede hit a rock heavily, smashing the rock to pieces.

"I, Cao, hang like this?" The young man with a flat head was terrified when he saw this scene.

The big centipede was at least a hundred feet long. As soon as such a big centipede appeared, Zhu Song and the others wanted to run away. Not to mention attacking such a big centipede, its huge size alone was enough to scare people.

And Li Wei actually knocked such a big centipede into the air, isn't this power too powerful?The hundred-foot centipede was blown away by an evolutionary of ordinary human size, and the visual shock was very great.

The big centipede rushed out angrily, and was blown away by Li Wei without checking for a while. I thought Li Wei was just a snack, but now I found that Li Wei was so terrifying.

And the impact of the big centipede immediately caused a gust of wind to roll up the whole ground, Zhu Song and others retreated one after another. Facing this poisonous wind, they already felt a little bad.

Li Wei didn't feel much. The fire unicorn's physique gave Li Wei's body a scorching heat. Any poisonous gas that touched Li Wei's body would be incinerated, so Li Wei was almost invulnerable to all poisons.

"Are you coming?" Li Wei rushed up again, and when the big centipede didn't react at all again, Li Wei hit the big centipede's jaw with a punch, and lifted the big centipede into the sky.

boom! ! !
The huge centipede slammed down heavily, causing the ground to shake. Compared with the commotion just now, the commotion this time was even bigger.

The big centipede is completely angry. Although the enemy is powerful, the big centipede is used to dominating this area. Whether it is humans or other evolved creatures, it is the food of the big centipede. But today, in order to eat a small snack He was sent flying twice, how could this not make the big centipede angry.

Roar! ! !
The big centipede got up from the ground again, and then rushed over frantically. This time, the big centipede was even more ferocious, and its speed increased a bit.

"Xiao Huang, I'll eat this big centipede for you." Li Wei didn't bother to do anything, and released the yellow bird directly.

With a cry, the yellow bird that was recovered by Li Wei in the world of Jade Immortals appeared again. The yellow bird has been attached to Li Wei's body and practiced with the power emitted by the fire spirit orb on Li Wei's body.

Not only the Fire Spirit Orb, but also the soul of flame and the flame power purified from the flame aptitude of the Fire Unicorn Physique 3, which is many times more mellow than the power of the fire spirit in the world. They are all making rapid progress, and they are all about to break through the Golden Core and enter the stage of the Nascent Soul Stage of the Cultivator.

But at this moment, as soon as the yellow bird came out, the huge momentum oppressed it, and the big centipede lay on the ground all of a sudden, unable to move.

(End of this chapter)

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