Chapter 268 Finding an Errand
"Interesting, interesting." Sitting in the restaurant, Li Wei quietly listened to the conversations of the diners, but he heard a lot.

In this world, human beings still have 9 cultivation systems, including martial arts, rune, adventure, and city master.Beast Control Department, Medicine Refining Department, Artifact Refining Department, Sacrifice Department and Merchant Department.

With the emergence of 9 professional systems, coupled with the location here, the Red Queen immediately came to a conclusion that this world is a world of awakened martial arts.

"It seems that the protagonist's golden finger is useless." Li Wei shook his head.

After passing the red, Li Wei knew that the protagonist's golden finger suddenly entered his consciousness. It can be said that he is a lucky guy. Even if his qualifications are extremely poor now, if he gets the golden finger, he will start the road to counterattack .

"The system in this world is quite good, let's learn a little too." Levi began to plan.

The practice of martial arts is very easy for Li Wei. With so many opportunities in various worlds, Li Wei is already very strong. As for how strong?Li Wei still needs to check it out.

Among the other 8 departments, the adventure department is mainly knowledgeable, as long as you go to various colleges to collect information and enter it into the database of the red queen, so it is also very simple, and the same is true for the business department. As a modern person, even if Li Wei doesn't know how to do business, but the Red Queen can't afford it. As the artificial intelligence of the umbrella company, the Red Queen is definitely very good at assisting business.In Li Wei's opinion, the city master system should be about management, and this is one of the best methods of the Red Empress.

After that comes the Beast Control System. Li Wei, who owns a yellow bird, can pretend to be a master of the Beast Control System, but Li Wei still wants to see how the Beast Control System uses to control beasts.

Afterwards, the medicine refining system, weapon refining system, and rune system are also the goals that Li Wei wants to learn very much. These 3 systems are definitely very powerful for martial arts.

There is also the mysterious sacrificial system that Li Wei wants to explore.

After getting the information of this world, Li Wei has some plans. With his own strength, there is no problem in entering the academy in Luyang City, but the problem of identity is not easy to solve.

Thinking about my appearance, entering the academy of Luyang City as a student, it is difficult to get in regardless of appearance or strength. After all, I have to hide my strength to deceive some people with low strength. There is no way to do it, and the most important thing is appearance, should I change my appearance and learn from those boys and girls?

After thinking about it, Li Wei decided to apply for the position of teacher. Thinking of teaching students, Li Wei thought it was quite interesting.

"Martial arts in this world are divided into several levels: Warrior, Wu Zun, Wu Hou, and Wu King. If you go up, you don't know how strong it is. This Luyang City is a small place. In this case, I will pretend to be a Wu Zun. Alright." Levi thought to himself.

Li Wei found out the location of Nanchen Martial Academy in Luyang City according to the prompt of the Red Queen, and then went to Nanchen Academy.

In the information of the Red Queen, there is information that the protagonist is studying in Nanchen Martial Academy, but can he meet the protagonist?Li Wei is still not sure, but Li Wei still chose Nanchen Wuyuan.

"This is the Nanchen Martial Arts Academy, and idlers are not allowed to approach it."

As soon as Li Wei approached, a martial artist guarding the gate shouted at Li Wei, and then waved to drive Li Wei away.

"Excuse me, is Nanchen College still recruiting teachers?" Li Wei frowned slightly, and then spread his palm, a flame burst out from the palm.

"Wu Zun!!!"

The martial artist who guarded the gate burst into fury when he saw the flame in Li Wei's palm. How could he not know the status of a martial master in Luyang City?Immediately nodded and bowed to apologize, then immediately took Li Wei into the Nanchen Martial Arts Academy, and went directly to the vice president of the martial arts academy.

The dean is not in the martial arts academy, but usually in Mu's house, so the affairs in the martial arts academy are basically handled by the vice presidents. Unless something special happens, Dean Mu will not appear.

There are 3 big aristocratic families and 5 big families in Luyang City, Li Wei still knows it very well, and Li Wei didn't want to pay attention to these people in the past, but just wanted to learn a few professional systems in this world in the library of the college .

"Dean Yun, hello, Master Wu Zun has something to ask you for." The gatekeeper brought Li Wei to Vice President Yun's office, knocked on the door and went in to report.

"Wu Zun? Which Wu Zun?" Vice President Yun immediately stood up from his chair and said.

There is no Marquis Wu in Luyang City. Wu Zun is the most powerful person in Luyang City. Except for the heads of the forces such as City Lord Jiang and Dean Mu, there is no redundant Wu Zun at all.

"Hello, Dean Yun, Li Wei, I just arrived in Luyang City, and I want to find a job in your courtyard." Li Wei said to Vice Dean Yun.

"Master Li, it is our honor that you can choose our Nanchen College, but I have to inform Dean Mu about this matter, please wait a moment." Vice Dean Yun immediately invited Li Wei to sit down, and then asked someone to come to him Tea.

The appearance of a foreign Martial Lord is definitely worthy of the win over of all the forces in Luyang City, and Vice President Yun is not sure whether Li Wei is a Martial Venerable, but the gatekeepers have said so, and Vice President Yun dare not act rashly.

Soon the news reached the Mu family, and Dean Mu was taken aback for a moment, he was very surprised that there was a Martial Master who wanted to find a job in Nanchen College.

The dean of Nanchen College is actually one of his disciples. Half of the top ten elementary martial arts academies in Luyang City are his disciples, and the dean of Luyang City's mansion is Dean Mu, even if there is no martial arts in the mansion. A martial arts master of the respected level, the opponent actually went to a junior martial arts academy, which made him a little puzzled.

However, Dean Mu still sent someone to invite Li Wei to come to the Mu family. Dean Mu is also a Wu Zun, and he is one of the three great families in Luyang City. Naturally, it is impossible to meet Li Wei in person, even if the two parties are at the same level. At best, Dean Mu would be more polite to the other party, but he would never be too flattering.

Li Wei sat in Nanchen College for a while, and went to Mu's house under the leadership of his servants, and Dean Mu was also waiting for Li Wei in the living room at the moment.

"So young?" The moment Dean Mu saw Li Wei, he was a little surprised by Li Wei's youth. Li Wei looked only about 20 years old. There are so many students, how many can grow into Wu Zun at the age of 20?Unless the qualifications are extremely high and the resources are sufficient, there are really not many people who grow up to be martial arts at the age of 20.

"Dean Mu, I'm Li Wei, I want to find a job in Nanchen College, please let Dean Mu do it." Li Wei said after a few polite words with Dean Mu.

(End of this chapter)

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