Chapter 510 Skynet Reappearance
"Sure enough, the fire source was taken away by Ultron ahead of time."

After some calculations, although Li Wei could not calculate the complete information, he still let Li Wei calculate something. Ultron did not put the fire source in the space world under the sea, but put it in other places .

The Three Caves of the Rabbit, even if it is Ultron, it is impossible to have only one base under the sea. Naturally, there are other bases, but other bases are not as safe as the space world under the sea, and at the same time, they are not as good as the space world under the sea.

But Ultron, who had escaped, had already fled quickly with the fire source, leaving Tony and Banner in vain, but also allowing them to find a lot of Ultron bases.

The Ultron bases were destroyed one by one. As long as they were on the earth instead of a space world similar to the seabed, it was very easy for Tony and Banner to find them out and destroy them one by one.

Even if it is a base like the space world, Tony and Banner can find it with some means at most, but apart from the space world base under the sea, Ultron has no chance to build a second one at all.

Li Wei is also very busy these days, and the space technology is just scratching the surface. After all, Tony and Banner don't have time to continue researching space technology, and Li Wei is ready to leave with these space technologies. Even if these space technologies are superficial, as long as there is enough information, even in the hands of the Red Queen, it is possible to imitate the technological achievements developed by Ultron, Tony and Banner.

The reason why Li Wei is so busy is naturally because he wants to snatch back the source of fire that was snatched by Ultron. The source of fire is of great significance to mechanical life. If the secrets can be analyzed, then Ultron can also turn itself from artificial intelligence into a living life.

Under Li Wei's continuous calculation, it finally took a few months to lock Ultron. Although Ultron used the ability of the fire source through some technological means, Ultron did not fully analyze the fire. The source, the fire source still has Li Wei's breath and the situation of the blood sacrifice, so that although Ultron can use it, it cannot be fully controlled.

"What is he doing here?" After Li Wei sensed the exact location of the fire source, he was naturally ready to grab the fire source, and told Tony and Banner at the same time.

While Li Wei was flying all the way, Tony and Banner had already surveyed the location of the fire source through satellites, and suddenly discovered that something strange was happening where the fire source was. Wonderful situation.

"He doesn't want to open some kind of space door?" Banner said hesitantly.

In terms of space technology, even Banner feels that Ultron has better control than himself, even Tony can’t even match Banner, and in space technology, there is no problem in opening the door of space, just like the Chitauris. Loki used the space gem to open the space wormhole. Although without the help of the space gem, the opened space door is unstable and does not have the ability to orient, but it is hard to say where the space door will open when it is opened.

hum! ! !
When Li Wei felt the location of the fire source, Li Wei saw Ultron and a large machine he made, and in this large machine, the fire source was being used as the core.

"What the hell is this?" Li Wei suddenly felt that Ultron was doing something that made him feel bad. Although he didn't have the sense of danger caused by the explosion of the space world, it was very uncomfortable.

Sensing this situation, Li Wei naturally wanted to stop it, and Ao Chuang also discovered Li Wei's arrival. Looking at Li Wei who shot in the sky, Ao Chuang let his mechanical army intercept him.

But Li Wei's strength was too strong, and Ao Chuang's mechanical army couldn't intercept it at all. In less than a minute, Li Wei's strange fire blasted on this huge machine.

"Haha, it's late, it's already late!!" Ultron laughed wildly.

Looking at the stabilized space gate, Ultron no longer cares that Li Wei destroyed the machine.

Once the gate of space is stabilized, it will not be easy to destroy it. However, Tony and Banner still have a way to solve this situation, but if they want to solve it, they have to get a space instrument and at the same time There must be a quiet environment. Obviously, this quiet environment is impossible.

Inside the gate of space, figures rushed out one after another, making Li Wei frown slightly, and from these figures, Li Wei suddenly felt something familiar.


One of the figures, Li Wei saw some familiar feelings, and immediately recognized what it was like. Isn't this the TX in the Terminator?
Skynet in the Terminator world has the idea of ​​exterminating human beings. It can almost be said that it has the same virtue as Ultron, and Ultron must have used some method to get in touch with Skynet. The deflated situation in the Terminator world naturally coincided with Ultron and formed a cooperative relationship.

In the Terminator world, the power of the Terminator is very powerful. Human beings are almost suppressed by him, but human beings have not been eliminated. However, after the cooperation with Ultron, Skynet with space technology is naturally stronger. increase, and wiped out the humans in the Terminator world.

And Houtianwang's idea of ​​exterminating human beings has not been extinguished. Although there are no human beings in the Terminator world, there are also human beings in other planes.

Ultron and Skynet have the same belief, that is to destroy all human beings, but this world is so powerful that Ultron has no way to do it. It can be said that if Li Wei does not appear, Ultron still has a way, but Li Wei The existence of Wei, so Ultron can only find a helper, and Skynet is the helper he found.

"There are so many Terminator robots, it seems that Ultron has really paid for it this time." Li Wei smiled slightly. Although there are many Terminator robots, they are not enough to make Li Wei feel threatened. After all, the Terminator In the world, humans can persist for so long, which shows that the strength of Skynet is actually not strong.

In addition to wanting to destroy human beings, Skynet helped Ultron for another reason, that is, the source of fire, which made Skynet feel the possibility that it could change from artificial intelligence to life, so it came.

"Damn bastard, you actually found foreign aid." Tony is fully armed and ready to go to the position of the space gate, but before he leaves, Li Wei has already set off, and a strange fire has just appeared The Terminator robots were all burned to ashes.

(End of this chapter)

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