Chapter 514

"This is the rhythm of the war." Tony looked at Thor who was slapped away, and he was ready to go to war.

Odin's face was very dark, and he slapped Thor away in front of everyone, almost slapping Asgard in the face, although it was said that Thor did it first, but who let Levi snatch it? Thor's Hammer of Thor, whether it is in the eyes of Odin or in the eyes of all Asgardians, Thor's Hammer can only be Thor's, and no one else is eligible to obtain it.

"You are Li Wei?" Odin stepped forward, and his powerful momentum suppressed Li Wei.

Li Wei didn't care about Odin's aura at all, but many people around Li Wei were extremely uncomfortable by Odin's aura, even Coulson and the head of the US military had already led their subordinates to avoid it. In this area, avoid unintended disasters.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. was not involved in the robbery of Asgard. This matter was entirely done by Levi and Tony, and it was successful.

Now that the real master came to him, he would naturally be taught a severe lesson, but Li Wei was so strong, judging from Li Wei's attitude towards Odin, it was obvious that he didn't take Odin seriously at all.

"Want Thor's Hammer? What fell into my hands has never been taken back." Li Wei's spiritual pressure also burst out.

The spiritual pressure also has a very strong oppression in terms of aura, not weaker than the aura of God King Odin at all. distanced.

The invisible momentum produced a huge explosion in an instant. The explosion did not explode like a nuclear bomb, but was detonated like countless landmines were buried. The successive explosions shattered the space between the two of them. .

Odin frowned slightly. This situation was obviously beyond his expectations. Li Wei's aura is so strong. Obviously, it is absolutely impossible to be weak in strength.

And after Asgard was severely slapped in the face by Li Wei, almost the entire Asgard regarded Li Wei as an enemy, and they already knew Li Wei's identity, so naturally it was impossible to let Li Wei go easily .

But at this moment, Odin slowly withdrew his momentum, and there was no conflict with Li Wei. This situation made the US military and the top leaders of Hydra sigh.

Li Wei is too powerful, Hydra has no threat at all in his eyes, but the current Hydra has firmly overwhelmed the S.H.I.E.L.D., and naturally has the ability to compete with the US military.

And Li Wei does not take Hydra seriously, so naturally the U.S. military will not be taken seriously by Li Wei, and although the U.S. military has not yet had any conflicts with Li Wei, it is very afraid of Li Wei's unscrupulous situation, at least the U.S. military I am also worried that there will be conflicts between the two sides in the future, so it is still very good to have a powerful King Odin to suppress him.

It's a pity that God King Odin couldn't suppress Li Wei at all. Seeing that the two sides were evenly matched, Li Wei was definitely not afraid of God King Odin.

"Let's get started, this problem is solved first, we are talking about other things." King Odin backed down.

At this time, God King Odin didn't want to cause trouble in vain. If Li Wei's strength was not good, then God King Odin would really suppress Li Wei.

But Li Wei's strength is absolutely comparable to his own. This situation let God King Odin know that he can't do anything to Li Wei. If there is a big war, it will definitely make Ultron and other artificial intelligence gloat. .

Li Wei did not get entangled in this issue, even if it was really his fault, but Li Wei would not say anything about his fault, since Asgard has been robbed, then he will never care about Asgard Gard's revenge.

"Let's get started, get ready, the space gate I opened only has 5 minutes, and then it will automatically close. If it is not necessary, I will not open it a second time, and defeat Ultron and the others, or they will If we defeat, S.H.I.E.L.D. will open the space gate and let us out." Banner said to the crowd.

The U.S. military is untrustworthy, and Dr. Banner has a great conflict with the U.S. military. In this situation, Dr. Banner is doomed to distrust them, so he handed over the instrument to Coulson.

Coulson's character is still trustworthy. At least in major matters, Coulson will never make any mistakes. That's why Dr. Banner trusted him with the instrument.

No one else has much objection. Even the head of the US military knows that the Avengers don't trust them. The reason why they can cooperate is that this crisis threatens the whole world.

Dr. Banner skillfully turned on the instrument, one after another small aircraft flew to the space barrier, the energy shook suddenly, and a door appeared in front of everyone.

"Get in quickly, we only have 5 minutes." Dr. Banner immediately transformed into a Hulk, and then rushed in first.

Levi turned into a ray of light and entered the gate. The speed was so fast that everyone couldn't react, and then Iron Man and others all rushed in, followed by the agents of SHIELD, the US military, and the army of Asgard. .

God King Odin frowned slightly after entering the space gate. The situation here seems to be not very good, and everyone in the Iron Man who had been prepared for a long time also discovered the situation in the space.

The Avengers used space technology to block the 4 AIs of Ultron, but how could the 4 AIs of Ultron wait to die? While Ultron was manufacturing space instruments, the other 3 AIs were also busy. The viruses were released, causing all creatures to die completely in this space. After Li Wei and others came in, they also detected a lot of viruses spreading in the air in the instrument.

"Sure enough, Queen Bai's move is a great threat to any creature." Li Wei shook his head slightly. Fortunately, he had thought about this problem before entering again, so everyone who entered was prepared, even ordinary people were wearing protective clothing. Biochemical suit, so it was not affected.

As soon as Li Wei and others entered, they were immediately discovered by the army sent by artificial intelligence. Many terminator robots and biochemical soldiers were patrolling. There were also large mechanical octopuses in the sky. The range is definitely not small.


A Terminator captain immediately issued an order, and at the same time sending back the signal, he also launched an attack on Li Wei and the others without fear of death. They knew that they were inferior to Li Wei and the others in terms of strength and numbers, but they Still launched an attack towards Li Wei and others.

The Terminator's weapons are very simple, all of which are energy weapons to shoot, and the weapons converted from the arms have gathered energy to launch laser attacks.

(End of this chapter)

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