Chapter 527 Sudden disaster, new adventure begins

The big competition continued, but at this time the ancient martial arts school had really become famous in Tianyuan City, and at this time, a huge shock came from the sky.

"What's going on?" Li Wei stood up, feeling a sudden burst of powerful aura in the sky, and this aura was mixed with a lot of breath.

"What happened?" Tianyuan City Lord also stood up, this momentum came very suddenly, very powerful, and very unfriendly at the same time.

This situation surprised many people, and everyone looked to the sky, wondering what happened.

Not only Tianyuan City, but the entire Tianyuan Star was shrouded by countless ferocious beasts, and the many ferocious beasts were threatening to capture Tianyuan Star.

"It's a star predator!!!"

Star predators are locusts in the universe. Wherever the locusts pass by, there will be no grass. Naturally, the cultivation planet of the human race will be swallowed up.

"What? A star predator?"

Many people have heard of the name of the starry sky predator, and when they heard the appearance of the starry sky predator, they immediately panicked. The starry sky predator feeds on humans, which naturally made countless people panic.

"Quickly, quickly evacuate through the teleportation array." Tianyuan City Lord shouted, and flew towards the City Lord's Mansion at the same time.

Li Wei also knew that the sudden appearance of the Starry Sky Predator had caused the entire Tianyuan City to become chaotic. Even the city lord and the elders of the Martial Arts School did not resist but prepared to escape, which was enough to say that the Starry Sky Predator was terrible.

"Damn it, the good plan was interrupted." Li Wei felt how powerful the breath from the sky was. The weakest group of predators that can roam the stars is Nascent Soul Qixiu. For, and the strongest one already has the cultivation base of the Taoist period.

Facing Void Returning stage monks, Li Wei can kill a few, but he definitely can't kill like an army, unless the opponents are at the level of the God Transformation Stage and the Nascent Soul Stage.

But at the Conjoined Dao stage level, one can already travel in the starry sky. This time, the starry sky predator came, and it was entirely this Predator at the Composite Dao stage who led the clansmen to attack suddenly.

"Eat, devour all the human race." The predators in the Dao stage gave an order, and countless predators rushed in like locusts.

At this moment, Li Wei flew to the residence of Martial Daozong, and at the same time he was accompanied by the Alien Fire clone. At this moment, Li Wei couldn't care so much. Let's leave Tianyuanxing first. At this moment, Tianyuanxing has no resistance. .

The Void Returning Stage cultivator is the strongest existence in Tianyuan Star, but such a cultivator is no match for the Starry Sky Predator at all. One can see how powerful the Starry Sky Predator is by looking at the reactions of the city lord and the elders of the Martial Arts Sect.

When I came to the Martial Daozong resident, the response here was faster than anyone else, as if they had rehearsed, the Martial Daozong resident was already empty, even the teleportation array was closed.

At the moment, the teleportation array in the Tianyuan star is used by a large number of monks of the Tianyuan star, but it is too late, and it is attacked by countless starry sky predators. After one of the starry sky predators is teleported away, the entire teleportation array is gone. Lost the effect.

Li Wei entered the Martial Daozong resident, saw that the building was empty, and immediately found a place to hide. Originally, he wanted to see if there was a windfall in the Martial Daozong, but he didn't expect that these guys probably practiced many times Wow, the building was empty so quickly.

"It's not easy now." Trapped in Tianyuan Star, Li Wei's strength is still subversive in the transformation stage, and he can't fight against predators at all, and there are still such a large number of predators.

Thinking of this, Li Wei immediately entered the plane world through the key of time and space, preparing to hide for a while, and at the same time see if there is a chance to improve his strength.

As soon as the teleportation came out, Li Wei appeared in an alley. Seeing that it was an alley again, the corners of Li Wei's mouth twitched, and he had a better understanding of the evil nature of the key of time and space.

"Hey, this place seems to be in ancient times." Li Wei quickly felt the situation here.

The aura is incomparably thick, not worse than that in the realm of self-cultivation, but the people on the street are not practicing self-cultivation skills, but are practicing a kind of energy fluctuation that even Li Wei cannot see.

Some people are extremely strong, and the strength in their bodies has a violent aura, and some people are weak, but they have a gentle aura, which reminds Li Wei of the martial and literary qi he encountered in the Three Kingdoms world, but Li Wei can be sure This is not Wen Qi and Wu Qi, although they feel very similar, but this kind of power is not familiar to him.

"What kind of world is it?" Li Wei walked on the street, and he could feel that this was an ancient city. Even Li Wei felt a bit like he came to the Song Dynasty.

When he was in the world of Tianlong Babu, Li Wei wandered around the city of the Song Dynasty for a period of time. Although I don’t know how many years have passed, but now walking on the street, Li Wei has reappeared this feeling.

"The ancient environment of the Song Dynasty, and there were many practitioners, which world is this?" Li Wei walked for a long time, but he couldn't figure out what kind of world it was.

"I heard no, Timely Rain Song Jiang Song is currently escorting a sacred stone for the county magistrate. This sacred stone is amazing, and it can cultivate the power of stars in people's body faster."

"Really? There is such a thing in the world? If there is such a thing, it is only owned by dignitaries."

"Fucking dignitaries, I heard that many green forests in the world are ready to take action, but the team that escorted the god stone is too powerful, many green forest heroes have been defeated, but there are still many people who are ready to attack this god stone. "


Hearing this, Li Wei felt tens of thousands of beasts running wildly in his heart. Song Jiang has come out, and he still has the power of stars. What the hell is this?Did I come to a fake Water Margin?
Li Wei is still clear about the plot of the Water Margin. Even though he has left the earth, in the Water Margin that almost everyone in China knows, there is no such thing as the power of stars.

Thinking of his experience in the Three Kingdoms last time, Li Wei knew that the Water Margin he came to this time was probably not an ordinary Water Margin, and the so-called power of the stars, Li Wei felt that it was very difficult. There is a big difference between martial qi and literary qi.

"36 Tiangang, 72 Disha, could it be that the so-called power of the stars appeared because of this situation?" Li Wei guessed in his heart.

Possessing the power of the stars, you can use the power of the stars as the foundation to practice, so that you have strong force and mind, and even powerful abilities, and those with powerful abilities can even destroy the world. This is also the case in Li Wei. It was the result of many inquiries.

(End of this chapter)

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