Chapter 543 The Nosy Gongsun Sheng
Zhu Gui walked in in a fur coat. Although the weather wasn't that cold, Zhu Gui seemed funny to people. The moment Li Wei saw Zhu Gui, he felt like laughing.

But in the eyes of Chao Gai and others, Zhu Gui is dressed incomparably rich and noble, and this fur coat looks very valuable. Although Zhu Gui does not have much reputation in the martial arts world, but Zhu Gui is good at making friends with good men, Coupled with the fact that he is Liangshan's guide, he naturally has a lot of fame in the rivers, lakes and green forests.

And Li Wei looked at Zhu Gui wanting to laugh, because the weather wasn't too cold, but he made himself look like an Eskimo, which made Li Wei a little funny.

"It turned out to be shopkeeper Zhu. I have admired shopkeeper Zhu's name for a long time. It is really an honor for me to have shopkeeper Zhu meet us in person." Chao Gai clasped his fists at Zhu Gui.

Chao Gai's reputation in the Jianghu is even better than Zhu Gui's, but he is so polite to Zhu Gui, which makes Zhu Gui a little flattered, but Zhu Gui is not ignorant of the situation. At this moment, Chao Gai and others are wanted by the government. The reason was that they had stolen Cai Xiang's birthday card. In this case, Zhu Gui also guessed the reason why Chao Gai and others came.

"King Chao Tian is very polite. Please sit down, all the good guys. Let's chat while eating." Zhu Gui warmly invited all the good guys to take their seats, and then asked Xiao Er to serve some more dishes.

After a few words of politeness, Chao Tianwang said to Zhu Gui: "Master Zhu, you must know the current situation of our brothers. I am waiting for my brothers to go to Liangshan to join the gang. I wonder if shopkeeper Zhu can introduce you ?”

"Ah? Brothers of King Chao Tian want to join Liangshan?" Although Zhu Gui had some guesses in his mind, after Chao Gai revealed his purpose, Zhu Gui was still very surprised.

"What? Don't shopkeeper Zhu welcome me to wait?" Wu Yong said with a smile.

Seeing Zhu Gui's surprised look, Wu Yong also guessed some of Zhu Gui's thoughts. Although Liangshan is good, there are not many capable heroes. Except for Lin Chong, the new leopard head, the other Wang Lun, etc. People are nothing, if they hadn't occupied such a good chassis, they would have been wiped out long ago.

Zhu Gui came back to his senses and said hastily; "No, no, it's too late for me to welcome you. How could you not welcome the brothers to join the gang? Come, come, let's drink this glass of wine for the brothers to join me in Liangshan. "

Zhu Gui picked up the wine glass and drank it happily, making everyone present feel that Zhu Gui is quite a bold person, and the first impression he gave was very good.

"Okay, let's finish this cup." Chao Gai picked up the wine glass and drank it down, and the others also drank the wine in the glass.

With everyone joining the group, Zhu Gui was very happy. He ate and drank with everyone until late at night, and then arranged for everyone to stay in Nanshan Hotel, and immediately took everyone to Liangshan the next day.

At the same time, Zhu Gui also asked people to go to Liangshan overnight to pass on the news that Chao Gai and others were going to join the group, so as to avoid any unnecessary troubles.

After a meal, everyone drank a lot of wine, even Zhu Gui was a little drunk, thinking that there would be so many heroes on Mount Liang tomorrow, Zhu Gui's heart was also very hot.

"It's all right now. With the addition of Chao Tianwang and other heroes, I, Liangshan, are going to grow stronger." Zhu Gui took off his fur coat with a happy face and prepared to go to bed. At this moment, a black shadow floated outside.

Zhu Gui was puzzled at once, he called out and no one answered, he went out to look around, but he didn't see anyone outside, he thought it was because he was dazzled, so he went back to bed to rest.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the drunk Zhu Gui fell into a deep sleep, and Li Wei also walked out from the dark corner of the room, looking at Zhu Gui who had completely fallen asleep.

"Almost discovered." Li Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now lurking close to him from the outside, he didn't expect that the light almost revealed his whereabouts, and now Zhu Gui fell asleep, Li Wei was also worried, after all, as a cultivator, even if Zhu Gui's strength is not very strong among the 108 heroes Powerful, but definitely not comparable to a rascal like Bai Sheng.

Li Weiyi pointed out that Lingyuan hit Zhu Gui's acupuncture points, causing Zhu Gui to fall into a complete coma. Even if he was slaughtered, he would not show any signs of waking up, which made Li Wei really feel relieved.

Li Wei took out the astrolabe and put it on Zhu Gui's body. A giant crocodile astrology appeared and was sucked into a formation eye by the astrolabe. After getting Zhu Gui's astrology, Li Wei immediately walked out. Although the entire Nanshan Hotel was plunged into the silence of the night, as Liangshan's eyeliner, there were definitely people staying in the Nanshan Hotel. If there was any disturbance, they would definitely respond as soon as possible.

Just as Li Wei came out of the Nanshan Hotel, a figure flew over from one side, and Li Wei immediately recognized that this person was Gongsun Sheng.

Gongsun Sheng has always been concerned about Li Wei. Although Gongsun Sheng can't feel what Li Wei's intentions are, Li Wei's actions make Gongsun Sheng have to be on guard.

Li Wei stole the power of astrology from heroes from all walks of life, which made Gongsun Sheng wonder what Li Wei wanted to do, and Li Wei did not have any betrayal of everyone, which also made Gongsun Sheng not easy to act rashly.

At this moment, Li Wei stole Zhu Gui's astrological power and let Gongsun Sheng catch him. Naturally, he wanted to know what Li Wei's purpose was. There will definitely be bigger things coming.

"Gongsun Daoist, what's the matter with me?" Li Wei smiled at Gongsun Sheng.

Regarding the appearance of Gongsun Sheng, Li Wei did not panic at all. Gongsun Sheng has been paying attention to him. Didn't he just find out that he had stolen the power of astrology?And Gongsun Sheng's showdown at this moment did not make Li Wei have the slightest fear.

"I don't know what is the use of Brother Li Wei's collection of our brothers' astrological power?" Gongsun Sheng said very seriously.

Gongsun Sheng, a very kind Taoist, has become extremely serious at the moment. It can be seen that he has no intention of joking with Li Wei at all. Once Li Wei does not give him a good explanation, then Gongsun Sheng will definitely tell Li Wei about it. go out.

"Oh, Daoist, if you're like this, you won't survive the second episode." Li Wei shook his head slightly.

Gongsun Sheng suddenly felt a crisis in his heart. When Gongsun Sheng wanted to make a move, he suddenly found himself on a sea surface.

The endless sea made Gongsun Sheng startled. The person who sank under his feet had already sunk into the sea. Although Gongsun Sheng knew how to swim, it did not mean that he could still swim under the sudden strong wind and waves on the originally calm sea. The waves sank Gongsun Sheng into the bottom of the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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