Chapter 548 Five Clawed Golden Dragon
"Inquire about the situation of the official's house?"

Chao Gai and the others were taken aback by Li Wei's words, and Li Wei's avatar, Gongsun Sheng, also said: "Since our goal is to overthrow the imperial court, we naturally need to learn more about the enemy, so I will go with Brother Li Bianliang inquires about the situation of the officials."

What Gongsun Sheng said stunned Chao Gai and the others, but they had never thought about it. Although Chao Gai was not opposed to the overthrow of the Song Dynasty, it was a bit far-fetched to think about it now, and all he thought was Let's start expanding from Liangshan first.

"Brother Li and Daoist Gongsun are right. Our understanding of the official family is just like ordinary people's understanding of the official family. We don't know the foundation at all, and we don't know how much power the official family holds in their hands. But the two brothers, If this matter expands as we expand in the future, it will naturally become clear, so there is no need to make such inquiries, right?" Wu Yong said to Li Wei and the two of them.

In the final analysis, Wu Yong was still worried that without Li Wei and Gongsun Sheng, they would not be able to deal with some amazing people with different skills, so he didn't plan to let Li Wei leave.

"Mr. Wu, the two of us are not only going to find out the background of the official family, but also to find out if there are people like Coach Lin, so that we can pull these people into Liangshan." Li Wei shook his head and said.

If he waited in Liangshan, Li Wei didn't know if he could collect more astrological signs of Tiangang and Disha, and many of them are not well mixed now, in case the plot he changed would not be able to collect them completely .

Wu Yong waved his feather fan, thinking that he didn't want Li Wei and Gongsun Sheng to leave, but Li Wei had already talked about this, and Wu Yong could already see that Li Wei and Gongsun Sheng were really going to leave. , although it is said that they have not left Liangshan, but who knows what Li Wei and Li Wei are thinking in their hearts, and Wu Yong doesn't know what to say for a while.

"Since the two brothers went to the capital for me to do business in Liangshan, then I will do it for the two brothers. Today I wait for the brothers to let go of eating and drinking." Chao Gai said boldly.

Chao Gai is not stupid, so he naturally thought of what Wu Yong thought of, but Chao Gai knew what Li Wei and Gongsun Sheng were capable of. If the two of them wanted to leave, then no one could stop Liangshan. Li Wei and Gongsun Sheng were not like Wang Lun. The wine bag and rice bag are comparable.

And Chao Gai believed that Li Wei and Gongsun Sheng would naturally not betray someone who was so loyal to him, so no matter whether Li Wei and Gongsun Sheng left, it would not have any impact on Chao Gai.

Under the auspices of Chao Gai, Liangshan was very lively. After a delicious meal, Li Wei and Gongsun Sheng were sent down Liangshan.

After Li Wei escaped some minions sent by Wu Yong to follow him, he put away the avatar of Gongsun Sheng and flew directly to the direction of Dulonggang.

Lijiazhuang and Hujiazhuang have the evil astrology of Tiangang and Earth, so Li Wei naturally couldn't let it go. Before Liangshan hit the three villages of Dulonggang, Li Wei first collected their astrology.

Li Wei acted at night. Although he collected the desired astrology, it also attracted the attention of the three masters, and made some noises, but finally nothing happened.

Li Wei came to the capital all the way, collected the scattered astrology along the way, and finally came to the capital.

"The astrology of Zhang Qingsun and Erniang has all been obtained, but there is a lack of astrology of Tiangang. I don't know if Lu Zhishen is in the capital. It would be great if he is. I collected Lu Zhishen's astrology, and then went to collect Wu Song's astrology. If there is Lu Junyi's horoscope, then it's almost the same." Li Wei thought in his heart.

Having collected all the astrology, Li Wei is also ready to speed up and continue to collect. In this world, except for the power of astrology, there is nothing that can make Li Wei's heart flutter, and it is a waste to hang out with Chao Tianwang and others A lot of time made Li Wei feel that his time was wasted. As a cultivator, what he should do is to fully upgrade his strength is the key.

When Li Wei came to the capital, his spiritual consciousness was fully released at once, and the whole capital immediately vibrated, making Li Wei stunned all of a sudden.

"What the hell? Didn't I just release my consciousness to find someone? Why did this happen?" Li Wei was shocked by the situation at this time.

The power of the real dragon was suppressed, and the turmoil in the entire capital also frightened countless people to run towards their homes, as if they knew something big was about to happen.

"What happened? How did the real dragon formation in the capital get activated?" Song Weizong was also alarmed at this moment.

The real dragon formation in the capital is the most powerful formation in the entire Northern Song Dynasty city. The real dragon formation is one with the emperor. If something happens to the real dragon formation, then even the emperor will suffer backlash.

Song Taizu at the beginning was very powerful, and even the emperor of Daliao did not dare to go further to mobilize the real dragon formation. The formation inspirations in the Dragon Formation will only activate themselves when they feel a crisis.

Ow! ! !
A dragon chant sounded throughout the capital, and at this moment Li Wei saw a gleaming five-clawed golden dragon locking on to him, and the majesty in the dragon's eyes made him feel the pressure.

"Damn it, is it that the spirits here are extremely sensitive to cultivators?" Li Wei was a little speechless at the moment. It is impossible to kill it in a short while, but if Li Wei knows that he wants to kill it, it seems not impossible.

Being targeted by the five-clawed golden dragon, Li Wei knew that things could not go well today, and what worried Li Wei most was Lu Zhishen's situation. If this guy was in the capital, the aftermath of the war would not be to let him be killed ?
"Forget it, I don't care about other things." Li Wei flew back hundreds of meters with a dodge, and at this moment, one claw of the five-clawed golden dragon grabbed the position where Li Wei was just now.

boom! !

A huge pothole was blown out of the ground at once. Li Wei could see the attack power. Chao Gai, Lin Chong and others who possessed astrology couldn't block this blow.

"Brother Long, is it really okay for you to do this? Do you really want to force me to do it?" Li Wei said to the five-clawed golden dragon.

The five-clawed golden dragon ignored Li Wei's intentions, and continued to attack Li Wei after a single blow, as if he was going to kill Li Wei.

"In that case, don't blame me." Li Wei turned into a sword and rushed towards the five-clawed golden dragon in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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