Chapter 555 Survivor

Cultivation Realm, Tianyuan City.

At this moment, they have already been reduced to ruins under the attack of starry sky predators, and as predators that feed on any race in the starry sky, they are a group of locusts, hated by countless races.

After Martial Daozong knew that there were a large number of starry sky predators on Tianyuan Star, they naturally sent experts from the sect to strangle them, otherwise the starry sky predators would continue to cause greater damage in Martial Daozong.

Generally speaking, there are definitely a lot of starry sky predators, and in order to get it done once and for all, Martial Daozong naturally sent a large number of masters to attack.

Li Wei is still in Tianyuan City at the moment, but there are no starry sky predators in Tianyuan City, but the teleportation array was also destroyed by the starry sky predators.

"It seems that I have to go to other cities to see." Li Wei put away his consciousness, and then quickly flew in the direction of other cities.

The strength of the starry sky predator is terrifying, even Li Wei has to be afraid of three points, but after a turn in the world of the water margin, now Li Wei has the heaven and earth in his hands, which gives Li Wei a lot of confidence.

The power of astrology in the Tiangang Disha Formation is very weak, not as good as that of the cultivators of the golden core period, but the point is not that these powers of astrology, but that these powers of astrology can arouse the power of stars in the entire starry sky. Wei Wei's current strength, triggering the astrolabe to form a heavenly and earthly evil formation, then the power of the stars in the entire nearby galaxy will be activated, not to mention the Void Returning period above the God Transformation period, it is the Hedao above the Void Returning period I will drink hate all the time.

Along the way, Li Wei saw that many cities were in ruins, and the most important point was that there was not a single survivor in the cities.

This kind of situation makes Li Wei feel a little bit cold. Except for the main city of Tianyuan City, there are definitely a lot of people in other cities on this entire planet, and the major martial arts halls and mortals in the cities are definitely more than Tens of billions of people have become the rations of predators in the starry sky. This situation definitely makes countless human races angry.

"Hey, there are still people there?"

Li Wei has been flying for a while, and has passed countless cities. Unexpectedly, he found someone there. Originally, Li Wei had planned to seek revenge from the starry sky predators, not only to avenge the human race, but also to make these starry sky predators Eaters know what it takes to interrupt their plans.

That's right, it was Li Wei's plan. Originally, he wanted to put many avatars into the Martial Arts School, but he was about to achieve his goal. The sudden appearance of these starry sky predators made all his plans in vain.

"Go and have a look first." Li Wei immediately flew towards the area where people were found.

This group of survivors are all monks, and it is impossible for mortals to attack the starry sky predators, and they also rely on a formation to hide in the desolate area, thus avoiding the starry sky predators' discovery.

As long as they don't have very high attainments in the formation, it is basically impossible to find them, and they are not waiting for rescue, but are already saving themselves.

Cultivators never pin their hopes on others, as long as they have the ability, they will do everything possible to save themselves.

In this group of cultivators, there are quite a few Nascent Soul stage monks, and there are also many Golden Core stage monks, and there will be no more Divine Transformation stage cultivators. To be able to escape, there is a Nascent Soul stage cultivator in the team who has attainments in formations. That's why I can escape.

Now all the monks have taken out all the resources on their bodies, and asked the formation master to arrange a teleportation array to escape from Tianyuan Star. The teleportation array was destroyed, and there were basically not many people who escaped through the teleportation array.

"How long will it take?" A Nascent Soul cultivator asked.

Every time you stay on the Tianyuan star, there will be a fatal danger. Even the cultivators of the transformation stage are not enough to watch in front of the predators in the starry sky, and their group of monks of the Nascent Soul stage and the monks of the Jindan stage are even less enough to watch. up.

"It will take a while, please don't disturb me." Array Master said impatiently.

It is most necessary to be quiet when arranging formations, especially when arranging starry sky teleportation arrays. If it weren't for the formation mage who is a formation mage who maintains starry sky teleportation arrays in a nearby city, he is very skilled in formations, I am afraid They had no hope of even escaping.

The Nascent Soul cultivator who had been talked back opened his mouth and closed it immediately. Several other Nascent Soul cultivators stared at him. No one wanted to leave this planet immediately, but they could only bear the anxiety in their hearts. Keep it up, otherwise it will only drag on for longer.

"Someone is coming." The formation mage who arranged the formation immediately looked up and saw a figure flying towards him.

"It's a cultivator in the transformation stage!!"

The Nascent Soul cultivators were on alert immediately, and they were all relieved when they saw that it was a cultivator of the Transformation Stage. At such a time, all the monks of the human race would hug each other, and the other party was a cultivator of the Transformation Stage. I escaped, but at least it was much better than myself and others who were only Nascent Soul stage monks.

"Is he also a formation master?" Seeing that Li Wei was proficient in formations, and he didn't even withdraw from the formations, he actually came in like this.

The other Nascent Soul stage monks were also surprised. They didn't expect Li Wei to come in so easily, but they immediately thought that Li Wei would definitely know how to form formations, not those starry sky who are powerful but don't know how to form formations at all. Predator comparable.

"Are you arranging a star teleportation array here?" After entering the array, Li Wei could see at a glance what the array mage was arranging.

Li Wei doesn't know how to arrange the starry sky teleportation array, but knowing how to arrange it doesn't mean that Li Wei doesn't understand. After all, there are several starry sky teleportation arrays in Tianyuan City, and the prototype of this starry sky teleportation array has come out, so Li Wei naturally distinguishes Out.

"Yes, senior, I don't know if senior is also proficient in formations. If so, then please senior, let's arrange together, this way can speed up the time." The formation master nodded very politely to Li Wei Said.

"Although I am an array mage, I don't know how to arrange the star teleportation array." Li Wei shook his head.

Although the cultivation base and array attainments are higher than the array mage in front of him, this array mage obviously understands the map of the star teleportation array that can only be mastered in the hands of Martial Daozong and the City Lord's Mansion, which makes Li Wei a little moved.

"The previous cultivation base is advanced, and the attainment of the array is equally powerful. Seniors don't understand it, but it's just that I don't have a core array. Although I don't have an array in my hand, I have many years of experience in maintaining the starry sky teleportation array. Please take a look. . " The formation master readily took out his most precious jade slip.

(End of this chapter)

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